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alissa's pov

with my head in the palms of my hands, i sit on my bed contemplating everything that's happened today, still completely speechless and confused. i know i need to breakup with taylor, but i'm scared because i know they could all make my life hell in seconds and i don't want that. i've been trying to avoid the for a while, making stupid excuses, oh yeah i need to go and walk my fish or something dumb.

i sigh and head downstairs for dinner hearing my mom call me for the 12th time, i don't think she realises i'm going through a crisis. one i get into the kitchen i unexpectedly see Q stood there. i completely forgot that his mom and mine have been good friends for a while and went to school together.

he smiles at me as i walk over, a glimpse of worry on his face. "i didn't know you were coming" i say to him as he gives me a small side hug. "i thought you would of wanted to leave if i came" he says truthfully. i straighten out my shirt pulling it a little lower over my shorts.

"take a seat everyone" my dads says, bringing the food to the table. i walk over and sit down next to my little sister lizzie, Q sits opposite me with his mom.
i play with my food for a little while not really feeling hungry one bit.

after dinner i excuse myself and sit upstairs in my room, Q eventually deciding to join me. i really hope he doesn't try and give me a lecture, my brains gone through too much for one day.

"dude can you hear me out for a second" he asks and i sigh already knowing what he is going to say.
"i want you to be happy and i know he's not doing it for you, i know more than anyone how much of a shit controlling person he is. please alissa just break up with him i can't see you going through this, i love you and i have your back always and you know that. even billie is really concerned and she doesn't even know you. you don't have to be alone, you can hang out with us and just live, instead of being trapped all the time" he rants to me, and i know he is completely right, he always has been.

"i will, i want to do it, i'm just anxious to do it in person because i know what he's like and i know how the group make people miserable" i say, running my hand through my hair.

"well i suggest calling him up right now and doing it, he's a dickhead and deserves it" Q smiles, handing me the phone. i hesitate staring down at the iphone in my hand. "if you don't do it now then when?" he adds.

i nod and nervously unlock my phone, pressing his number on my recently called. nervously i wait as it rings, he picks up after what feels like a year of waiting. i instantly put him on loud speaker for Q to hear.

"sup babe" he says, clearly not interested.
"i need to talk to you, i think we need to breakup" i say expecting him to snap.
"whatever alissa, your a whore anyway just watch your back" he says before ending the call.
that was actually easier than i expected i wont lie but it may be a completely different story tomorrow. Q smiles at me like a proud father and sticks his thumbs up. i finally fucking did it.

the next day, billie and Q offered to pick me up to bring me to school with them. i sit in the back of the familiar matte black dodge challenger and put my seatbelt on. i won't lie i'm so fucking nervous.

"hey liss, well done on breaking up with him girl he was controlling you so badly it hurt to watch"  billie says, looking through her mirror at me. i give her a little smile, watching as her eyes go back on the road.

"i actually feel so much better but i don't even know what todays going to be like, i don't want to be here honestly" i admit to them who both give sympathetic looks.

billie parks her car in the parking lot and takes her key out before we all slowly get out of the car. i look around the car park seeing familiar faces. you got this" Q tells me, as we spot my old group of friends standing by the school entrance. i take a deep breath and begin walking between him and billie. "why do they have to be stood right there?" i say with a sigh.

I'll keep you safe: billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now