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alissa's pov

this sucks. its friday, last lesson of the day at school which is math. i fucking hate math. but i have isaac in here with me so i can speak to him. i'm also in the worst mood ever because billie has her first show on sunday night and i have barely seen her at all.

"i like your hoodie" isaac says pointing at the white blohsh hoodie billie gave me.

"thanks" i say, writing down some random numbers in my note book.

"you dont want her to go do you" he asks and i sigh.

"i do want her to go, it's a big opportunity for her and she is finally getting noticed and loved like she has always wanted, but i will miss her like crazy" i tell him and he nods in understanding.

"well why dont we all invite her round your house tonight and have a little sending off night, you said your parents are out so" isaac suggests and i raise my eyebrows.

"thats a good idea" i say and grab my phone. yeah my maths teacher doesnt really care.

to bil: be at my house later, me and the guys want to see you before you go tomorrow. ily.

after a short while she replies.

from bil: ill be there


finally its the fucking weekend. we meet eli, zoe and que outside and drive back to my place. billie will be there in about half an hour so we kinda need to hurry up.

i take the shortest route back home and arrive 20 minutes later. carefully pulling onto my drive way and switching off the engine.

everyone follows me inside as i unlock the door. que heads to my kitchen and grabs a load of snacks, putting them on the coffee table for everyone and isaac looks through netflix for movies.

billie arrives shortly looking stressed and exhausted. she sits on the sofa between me and elijah and sighs. i look at her as she stares at the tv and scoot myself into her. she adjusts her body a bit and puts her arm around me as i put my head in her chest. i hold onto her hand and rub the back of it with my thumb, trying to comfort her. she relaxes pretty quickly.

"ok what shall we watch" zoe asks, grabbing the tv remote off isaac. in the end they all decided on scream which is pretty much the least scary thriller ever.

i feel a phone vibrating next to me, i look at it and see finneas is calling billie.

"bil your phone" i say and hand it to her, she stands up and walks to the kitchen to answer it.

a few minutes later i decide to go and check on her. i sit on the counter and examine her confused face.

"why the fuck didnt he tell us that the flight is at 3am, i havent even packed yet because i thought it was at night time" she says annoyed.

"i'm at alissa's so you and claudia run over with all your stuff and put it all in my car and then we will drive back home, im gonna need your help packing tho" billie says again.

"ok ok bye".

she ends the call and lets out a huge groan and starts pacing around the room. i jump down off the counter and put my hands on her warm arms to stop her.

"billie stop, whats wrong?" i ask. she looks into my eyes before bringing sadness onto her face and shaking her head. i throw my arms over her shoulders, holding her into my body tightly.

"i have to do something that i dont want to do, and i thought i would have more time to think or figure out what to say but i dont, i have to leave in a second because my flight has changed" she says emotionally into my neck. i pull away from her and look at her confused but she avoids eye contact. nervousness begins overtaking my body and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"billie, your brother is waiting in your car they said their ready when you are" que says entering the kitchen, giving a sympathetic look and then leaving.

the silver haired girl brings her gaze up to me finally. her icy blue eyes filled with tears.

"billie whats going on" i ask, playing with my hands with anxiety. she takes a deep breath and nods.

"alissa, you know how much i love you and you have been one of the best things in my life recently. but i'm leaving, for 3 months to start a  different life for myself and experience something new. i dont want to do this but i cant go into tour in a relationship, it wont work for any of us and isn't good. liss im gonna have to break up with you. im sorry, but wait for me when i get back, please." billie says and my heart instantly breaks. tears begin streaming down my face and a rush of anger fills me body.

"dont do this to me, we can make it work" i say holding onto her hand. she shakes her head.

"im sorry". i watch as billie leaves the room and exits my house walking to her car. she isnt crying, she doesn't look upset. does she even care.

i run after her quickly, stopping at my front porch.

"billie, if you break up with me now because you dont think we can long distance for 3 months then were done completely. i wont wait for you until you get back, because you wont even try." i shout after her. she opens her car door and looks at me for a second. her hand runs through her hair as she shakes her head and climbs in the driving seat. a few seconds later they disappear down the road.

i slam my door shut and run upstairs, locking myself in my room and collapsing onto my bedroom floor in tears. she didn't even want to try and make it work. that hurts. that fucking hurts. my breathing gets increasingly heavy and i bury my head between my knees. fuck this girl. what the fuck has she done to me. she must of known this would of needed to happen for ages but never even thought to mention it earlier.

before i know it im asleep on the floor. exhausted.

a few hours later i feel myself being picked up and brought onto my bed. i shutter open my eyes taking a glance of the person. its my dad. my mom is stood near my door looking at me in sadness.

"dad" i whisper to him and he sends me a small smile.

"shh its okay, i know what happened you get back to sleep" he says stroking my hair. i slowly close my eyes again and let the tiredness take over.

I'll keep you safe: billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now