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Billie's PoV

"he's got her trapped inside his little world" i tell Q as we both watch alissa walk away from us.

"she's never enjoyed being with him or being in that group, she used to complain to me all the time about how much she hated it. it seems like taylor has gotten a lot worse since then" he says shaking his head. i sigh and lean against the lockers, knowing how much he's worrying about her.

Q and i have actually broke up, but it's fine. we decided that we are better off as friends than in a relationship, kinda like him and Alissa. he came over yesterday and started telling me about her and her group, because i never understood why taylor hated him so much. is it weird to say that i want to know so much about her?

i head into my english classroom, sitting down in my seat i already know i'm going to hate this class today considering the people who are in it. i pull my hood up over my hair and lean my head on the wall sighing as i wait for the teacher.

i mess with my rings on my hands, trying to entertain myself and pass a little bit of time. i lift my head up seeing alissa entering hand in hand with taylor, her little girl gang following behind her, all of them surprisingly early for a change. the teacher walks in behind them just as the second bell goes.

"ok guys were watching romeo and juliet today so write notes on stuff they say and what you think the quotes suggest" mr walker says, setting up his computer and pulling up the film, he clearly couldn't be bothered planning a proper lesson today. i roll my eyes and mess with my rings once again as the movie starts.

just as i'm about to get into the movie someone behind me throws a piece of paper at my head before it lands on my desk in front of me. i turn around sighing loudly and stick my middle finger up at taylor, and then giving alissa a small smile who looks at me awkwardly.

i turn back around and open the piece of paper which reads. 'your a whore'. 

smirking to myself i grab my pen and write
'and your a controlling dick of a boyfriend but who's judging', i crumble up the paper and then around throwing it at his head getting it right between his eyes. i watch as he opens it gives me an angry look, i smirk and continue watching the film. i can already tell alissa enjoyed that a bit even if she was pretending not too.

straight after class I find Q standing outside waiting for me as it's our free period so we have quite a lot of time to do whatever. just as we begin heading down the hallway taylor comes running out and pushes him against the wall strongly, holding him by the collar of his t shirt.

"you better a tay the fuck away from my girlfriend" he shouts angrily, pushing him even more. alissa comes running over, pushing herself between them both as taylor tries to throw punches at Q's face. without hesitation i help her, pushing her boyfriend hard so he is knocked away slightly, not wanting to see her get hurt.

he looks at me, his eyes filled with anger as he tries grab me but once again alissa places herself in front of me, trapping her in the middle of me and him, her back pressed against my front as taylor inches closer and closer staring her in the eyes.

"get the fuck out of the way babe, i'm going to fuck that bitch up" he says, grabbing her wrist tightly, i can feel her tensing up as his nails slightly dig into her arm, i want to help but i can't. just as he pushes her out of the way taylor's friend josh speeds over to us and pulls him away quickly.

"dude it's not worth it man, walk away" josh says, pushing his friend back down the corridor away from us, gripping hold of his arms. alissa steps away from me and sighs loudly, rubbing her thumb over her red wrists. Q instantly wraps his arms around her shoulders and pulls her into a tight hug. i notice her hesitation as she doesn't now what to do, but eventually she puts her own arms around him, sinking into his body.

i notice her friends amy and lucy walking over to us in the corridor. "alissa come on were getting food" one of them says, grabbing hold of her hand. she lets go of Q and nods, not even having the energy to protest. i wish she would just stay with us.

"you good dude?" i ask Q and he shrugs his shoulders. "help me get her to leave them all for good" he says to me and i nod.

this day probably couldn't of gone worse.

I'll keep you safe: billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now