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"morning honey" my mom says and i enter the kitchen and grab a piece of toast taking a bite.
"morning, can i take your car today?" i ask, as she isn't working so probably won't need it. she nods and hands me the keys, i thank her and say a quick goodbye and leave the house.

i sit in the drivers seat and turn some music on before staring the engine and heading to school.

i sit in the drivers seat and turn some music on before staring the engine and heading to school

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Alissa's outfit^^

once i arrive, i pull up in the carpark next to taylor's car and sigh, taking the key out and throwing them into my bag. first period we have to go to some sort of welcome back assembly today and i really can't be bothered. i just want to sit in class, talk to nobody and go home. the assembly's are so boring, we literally just listen to random shitty music students sing and learn about everyones achievements last year. 

taylor comes over to me and grabs my hand tightly, which kinda hurts actually and drags me into the assembly hall my little legs trying to keep up with him and not fall over at the same time. me, him and the rest of the group all sit on a random row in the middle, slouching in our seats. i turn my phone on silent after checking my notifications and put it in my bag, sitting back in the seat. about 5 minutes later the principal heads on stage and starts giving a random speech about last year.

"so right now were going to have a student perform for us, so please welcome billie eilish and her brother and ex student finneas o'connell. i actually had no idea she could sing. a few people awkwardly clap as she walks on stage. she takes a seat on a stool, while her brother sits behind her with his piano. she adjusts the mic to her height and runs her hand through her hair, fixing it a little.

billie's outfit^^^

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billie's outfit^^^

"be prepared to loose your hearing" taylor says to all his mates who laugh loudly catching billie's attention. she lays her eyes on me and smiles a little, definitely getting taylor's attention. finneas begins playing the piano and the song starts. taylor starts making snoring noises, "stop being a child" i say, standing up and walking to find another seat at the front, he's getting on my fucking nerves. billie starts singing as she watches me move to my new seat.

"i've been watching you
for some time
cant stop staring at those ocean eyes
burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
those ocean eyes
no fair
you really know how to make my cry when you give me those ocean eyes
im scared
ive never fallen from quite this high
falling into your ocean eyes
those ocean eyes"

unexpectedly, Q comes in the assembly and sits at the front next to me, i look at him seeing his gaze on billie. i haven't actually spoken to him in a long time. when he was in my group me and him were pretty close, he would always be there for me when taylor was a dick. me and him used to hang out all the time, he was pretty much like my brother. but then they fell out and i didn't speak to him again. but i do miss having someone there that actually cared.

"hey" he whispers, nudging me in the arm. i turn my head to face him, examining the black eye and bruises all around his face. "hi" i say back. after the assembly, Q and i walk out together side by side for the first time in a while, we stop in the hallway waiting for billie to come out.

"so how've you been man, i've missed you" he asks softly a little smile on his face. i'm so surprised he doesn't hate me.

"i've been good, i bet you can't say the same, looking at your eye" i laugh and point to his face, running my finger across the bruise on his eyebrow. he laughs and shakes his head giving me an amused look. "i'm so sorry i haven't spoken to you in a while" i add.

"liss don't for a second think i blame you for that, i know it's your bitch ass boyfriend doing it to you. and that group. for your sake i really think you should leave while you can" he explains to me, rubbing his hand on my shoulder.

billie slowly walks over, seeing us talking to each other sending us both a smile. "hey amazing performance baby, has your brother left?" Q asks her, i'm guessing they have sorted their relationship out. i listen into their conversation, but am taken back slight as someone grabs hold of my hand and quickly pulls me away.

"the fuck" i say as i'm being pushed into my locker by none other than taylor. i look at him with disgust. "i told you don't talk to him or billie, they are fucking freaks" he says angrily, his grip on me starting to hurt.

"why? why taylor? just because you dont like them? he was the only person i could ever trust, he was like my brother and you fucked that up because your pride is too high" i say and he shakes his head, i instantly regret the words that came out of my mouth.

"dont talk to them alissa" he says and forcefully kisses my lips before walking away with his mates, leaving everyone in the hallway looking at me.

"is there a problem" billie says to all the people that are staring as her and Q walk towards me. they all shake their heads and carry on walking through the hallway.

"i'm sorry, i better go" i say and storm off alone, i can hear Q shouting my name in the distance.

I'll keep you safe: billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now