Chapter I

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like with a world without humans? Well, I beg you not to think that. Be careful what you wish for. The human race is dying off slowly. One by one human gets picked off like grapes from a vine. Currently, there are fewer humans living on the planet right than we thought. It's not from some kind of pandemic but from another type of phenomenon. This genocide is being done by something that was believed to be fiction. It can't be real. That's what I thought but the more of these things that came out from the dark corners of the earth the more I realized that people who wrote books such as "Van Helsing" and "Dracula" had to get their ideas from somewhere. 

My name is Lia and this is my story. Not long ago life was normal. I went to work at a bank as a teller and although I was single. I still managed to have a decent love life but that isn't the point. The point is that my life wasn't about survival. It was about living. I called my parents once a week from where I lived. New York City was where everyone or anyone wanted to be if they wanted to become something and well take a guess. I wanted to become a writer but it was easier said than done. New York City was also a place where you didn't want to be when everything literally went to hell.  People went crazy as the city began to lockdown. They hoarded food and necessities. Companies raised the prices of products in demand. People started to distance themselves from each other because they didn't know who was really a vampire and who wasn't. It was chaos at first.

I lived alone with no pets because my apartment didn't allow for them but at least I had my friends to rely on until we realized how serious the situation became. Vampires roamed the city as if they owned them and they did. For ages, they had hypnotized people with just a look to control the media and politics but one day they all gathered to rule all of the world. The vampires tried to make it seem as they were just like us but we, humans knew better. They were nothing like us. They sucked our blood dry whenever they got hungry and if anyone got on their bad side they would snap our neck. There was no way to work with these ....these creatures. Some vampires saw us, humans like we see dogs. They saw us as cute and kept us as pets. I would not allow myself to be treated like an animal. I tried to leave New York City to be with my parents in Florida but my state was on lockdown until they ...whoever they were figured out how to live among the vampire community. The states wanted people accounted for or so they told us but the real reason was so that we could not leave so the state could continue making money off of us. As a year passed by my friends died slowly or chose to become a vampire while it was still legal. Once they became a vampire there was no turning back. I understand they want to live forever but why? Vampires aged just slower than we humans did and I guess not being able to get sick is a plus. But why would someone want to leave behind their old life for a life of sucking blood? New York City truly became the city that never sleeps as vampires could only roam in the night without any "daygaurd" such as sunblock or extra clothing. Slowly the human race began to die off.

I refuse to be part of this "new normal" that most people seemed to be okay with but I knew deep inside they just wanted their life back or were waiting for the right time to revolt. I finally understood how birds and such felt when we humans were taking over their forests to make homes for ourselves. Maybe we deserved this. I had a duffle bag packed in my home ready for when the day came when I had to be on the run from these creatures and the day finally came when I went to work one day.

"Everyone when you're done with your last transactions. I need you all to come to my office." My boss Mr. Montoya said to us. Once we were done with the last client we locked up and went into the office that was a decent size but not big enough to fit seven grown adults. I sat in the two available chairs there were since my behind was used to sitting behind a desk all day.

"Now I don't want you all to freak out. We have some new changes coming to work." My boss was pretty young. He was close to my age. I would say late twenty, early thirties at most. When he spoke to all of us, he spoke to us as if we were all a family, and some days it felt that way until tragedy struck. I watched as he got out from behind his desk and ran his fingers nervously through his hair. "I really don't know how to tell you this."

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