Chapter V

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Many thoughts ran through my head as we went down the staircase. I followed Desponia into a library where everyone else was lounging around with glasses of blood. These people were so elegant with way they held themselves up. Despoina looked elegant as well. She had on a black gown with gloves on and victory rolls in her hair. Altair was laying down on one of the couches and Kalim wasn't in the room yet. I felt like I could relax just a bit. Three other vampires whom I did not know of were laying down talking about politics and such. I observed everyone. They seemed like regular people only for a second.

"I don't think we have met yet." My name is Cornelius Argyle. He picked up my hand and kissed it for a second too long. Once everyone realized that Conelious was in the room they stood up out of respect. "You may sit." His eyes were that emerald color but not as bright from the first time I saw them. Cornelius had a presence to him that brought you back in time I only read in history books. When he stood standing next to me I felt like I was in the fourteenth century back in the renaissance era. He spoke with an accent just as most of the people did here. 

"What are we going to do about the war and Kalim?" One vampire asked out of the blue.

"I've taken care of him already." Did that mean they killed one of their own? What did that entail? Altair sat up.

"These laws are put in place so that we may be able to live like we once did. It has been in the works many years but we did it. No need to hide any longer." Altair violet eyes looked straight into my eyes when he said that last bit. "..but if anyone does break the rules again and kills without self-defense action will be taken and that goes for the people knowing this." He turned to Despoina. She rolled her eyes.

"All I am going to say is these hunting licenses better be in the works. I mean if humans can hunt animals for sport and such why can't we hunt humans." Everyone in the room clapped.

"Because Desponia they will say it is an unfair advantage," Cornelius said.

"They have their weapons and we have ours." She hissed when she showed her fangs. 

" I side with Despoina. I mean humans act like they own the world when it is ours too. We share this land with animals but they inhabited this planet and made it their own." A woman dressed in a sleek black dress and short waves in her hair stated. 

"Zaheda does have a point." She looked Egyptian. Her eyes were the same shade of gold that Despoinas eyes were.

"Somebody has to put them in their place." The vampire with brushed back golden locks and bright blue eyes said. I learned his name was  Malcolm.

"As a human what do you think Lia?" Altair asked me with a sly grin on his face.

"She is a human of course she will side with them," Malcolm argued. I turned to Despoina learning that this house is filled for respect for your elders. I decided if I wanted to live I had to follow the mannerisms and guides that the vampires followed.

"Oh isn't she cute? She is looking up at me. Yes, go ahead and answer him."

"I think because vampires have been living in the shadows too long they forgot what it is like to be human. Yes we are selfish just as much as you are. So we aren't the only monsters but we have to try and work together instead of against one another."

"I don't buy it," Malcolm stated as he siped his glass of blood.

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion," Cornelious explained. "She does have a point. We have just taken over. We have to be more understanding."

"Oh like they were understanding when they decapitated Drake and pulled apart his body to keep him from regenerating," Malcolm said

"Drake was a murderous criminal like humans can be. He entered that bank with pre mediated thoughts along with Kalim." Zaheda said

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