Chapter IX

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 When I woke up I was in a different room. How did I get here I thought? Where was I? I was laying down on a hard surface. When I finally took a good look around me I noticed I was in a cave surrounded by rocks and painting and drawings. 

"She is up?" Cornelius pointed out to Altair. "You are the most foolish human I ever met. Why would you let him go!" I have never seen Corilous upset before as he was a calm man. He did not once lay his hands on me in any way. He always spoke to me like I was his daughter but his eyes were glowing that bright emerald color and filled with hatred for me. Altair held him back to keep him from doing anything foolish. "I may not be able to suck your blood but I can still kill you with one flick." Once he said this Altair pushed him back in shock.

"You aren't doing anything to her. Are you listening to yourself? We will think of what to do." I held my head in my hands as I was feeling dizzy. I took a leaf out of my hair and realized they must have used their quick running ability to get me here. 

"Why would you let Maddox go?" Cornelious asked me as he paced back and forth with his hand on his forehead.

"Why do you assume I let him go? He could have escaped." I said. Altair came up close to me and picked up my necklace showing how they knew it was me. I knocked my head back and mentally disciplined myself. Altair pulled my necklace off me and broke the chain. 

"No!" I yelled as I got up and ran to Altair fighting to open his hands. "Give it back!" I yelled as I tried to peel his fingered open. Altair laughed and opened his fingers just enough so that I can grab my necklace.

"You see we aren't possessive. We just cherish what is ours and you are mine."

"That isn't the same thing and you know it." I pushed Altair away from me. He playful stepped back but I knew my soft push was more of a nudge to him. 

"No more time for games Altair," Cornelious told him. 

"No, she needs to learn that we vampires are just like humans. We aren't bad people. We have needs, and feelings. So what if we live for a long time. I bet if we didn't have any abilities then humans would be okay with us living or maybe not. They would probably do experiments on us still. You see Lia we aren't the problem with the world. Your kind is." Altair tried to explain to me. 

"What does it matter how I feel about you guys? If you let me go I won't say anything."

"I'm pretty sure you told your friend about your blood and because you have, we have more of a reason to hold you. You see Lia, you are the only human in the world with this blood that can reverse us, and kill us and if you let your kind get knowledge of this they will take us all out somehow, someway. I am trying to show you that we are not the enemy."

"In what way? By taking me from my home?"

"You were already taken from your actual home when you woke up in a bunker or did you chose to go to that bunker? correct me if I am wrong now." My breathing quickened, my nostrils flared, and my muscles twitched. 

"What do we have to do to show you we are not the enemy huh?" He grabbed my arm forcefully bringing me up to the cave's wall. His hand came from underneath and cupped my cheeks, digging his fingers into my cheek. I fought him but he was stronger than me. "Look!" Cornelious held a stick with fire as Altair brought me close to the wall. "Look!" When I finally stopped fighting and focused on what Altair wanted me to look at. I saw hyroglifics on the cave's wall. It reminded me of the hyroglifics of Egypt that I studied back in one of my college classes. There was a story going on but it ended with bloodshed it seemed. Then I saw shape marking and chipps in the cave's walls that I couldn't read. It had to be a language of some sort. 

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