Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

Once I was on the reservation I started ripping the vampires heads off and when I was running I saw all the Ateara family dead and I saw all my pack dead on the ground I was the only one left my mommy and daddy was dead too because I saw them on the ground so I stopped running and I howled into the air so loud and then I got angry and I went mad and started ripping from vampire to vampire and then I went to my house.

Then I ran inside my house and I saw there was vampires in my house so I started ripping each one apart until I got to this one girl and when I did I heard her say pain and when she did I fell to the ground howling in pain and the pain was so much that I ended up phasing back into human and the girl said my my a she wolf how interesting and then a boy walked up to her and said we should kill her.

So the girl said no I'm sure Aro would like a prise from this killing spree and I said you fucking bitch you killed my whole family I'm going to kill you and the girl said no your not pain and then I screamed out in pain again and this time it was worse and I managed to say please don't I'm sorry I won't say it again and then the pain stopped.

Then the girl smiled and said good little wolf now your coming with us and I said not without my brother and sister and the girl said there's more how exciting and I said there not wolves as of yet but they will be and the boy said find them now and I said what no way you'll hurt them they are my only family thanks to you lot you fucking dicks.

So the girl smiled and said I'm going to love this pain and then like before I screamed in pain and I couldn't breathe at this point so I gasped out ok I'm sorry I'll find them please stop and the girl said good wolf and she stopped the pain and said off you go and so then I stood up and went upstairs and I said Cam, Miller you can come out I'm home I'm not going to let anything happen you us and then my bedroom door opened.

Then I saw little Camilla room out of the room and jump into my arms and I catch her and say I'm so sorry I left baby girl I promise I won't again and Cam said I scared Bella and I said I know but I'm hear now where's Miller and Cam said he's not coming out and I said ok let's go see if I can get him and so then we walked to my room door and I looked inside the bedroom.

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