Chapter 15

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Bella's pov

The next few days after I was locked in my room for good was terrible all I could do was throw up and I was so hungry and when I would scream for someone to get me food no one would answer and it was really annoying because no matter what happens a wolf needs to eat and a wolf needs their phase or they aren't called a wolf anymore and I miss my lovely wolf so much I just want it back.

This morning when I woke up I said right I have had enough of this and I stood up and went to the door and I banged on it and I shouted right I'm fucking tired of this I want food and I want it now and then I heard my door open and I saw Alec standing their and he said enough wolf you aren't getting food if you get food you will be strong again and we can't let that happen because if it does you will fight back.

So I said well yeah of course I will I mean you have taken my hostage and you expect me not to fight back and Alec said well of course not but all the same we aren't giving you food and then I saw Alec's face get puzzled and he looked at my stomach and he gasped and he said what the how can this happen no this can't be your a wolf and I said what the hell you talk no about dick and Alec grabbed my arm and said lets go we need to see the Kings and dragged me out of the room and brought me to the thrown room and no matter how hard I tried to get loose he just tightened the grip he had on me.

Then we we got to the thrown room Alec opened the doors and walked straight into the room and into the middle of the floor and I looked around and saw the Kings, Jane, Felix and Demetri no one else was here and once Aro saw me and Alec stop in the middle of the floor he stood up and said Alec explain yourself right now and Alec said masters we have a problem a big one and Marcus said what are you talking about Alec and Alec said be quiet and listen and then the room shut up and after a couple of minutes I heard a lot of gasps.

So Caius said how can this happen Aro she's a wolf we can't mate with wolves and Aro said well their must be something in her body that made it happen because it did and then Jane said what are we going to do with her now and Marcus said well we can't keep on treating her the way we have that's for sure if we do the fetus will die and I gasped and said fuck no no please tell me I'm not pregnant and Alec said oh dear Bella but you are and its either mine, Aro's, Caius's or Marcus's and I said getting upset no fucking way I'd rather kill the thing than have one of your fucking babies.

Then Felix said there is no way we will let you kill that baby Bella and I said oh yeah and how you going to stop me because if I have to stay myself to kill it then I will because you have taken so much from me so why should I give to you and so I walked over to the pole beside the door and I broke it in half and I stuck it to my stomach and I said now either you let me go now or I'll stab myself and your precious child will be dead and then I saw Jane walk forward to stop me.

So Aro said no Jane we can't chance it we have to let her go it's the only way she'll keep the baby and then Marcus said fine and he stood up and walked over to me and I pulled the pole closer to my stomach and Marcus said relax I'm only coming to remove the bracelet from you ankle and I said God do it and then Marcus bent down to my ankle and he typed in a code and then the ankle bracelet removed it's self and I said oh thank god.

Then I looked to Aro and the Kings as Marcus sat back down on his chair and I said thank you oh and just remember if you come and look for me before or after the baby is born you will be sorry and then Caius said sure Bella but just remember we will find you and we will take our baby and you and I said yeah fine whatever now answer me this if I phase will it hurt the baby.

Then Marcus said no no it won't the baby is protected and I said ok god see you all later and then I threw the pole to the ground and I ran out of the room and I jumped and phased into my wolf and I started running out of the castle and when I got out of the castle I ran into the woods and towards my home forks because I have a feeling that the Volturi were lying about my brother and sister being dead I think the Volturi left the in our house tied up and took me.

So if that is true they would be freezing and hungry which means I have to get to the fast and being a wolf would help me get the faster which is why I phased into my wolf and didn't stay human to get home and To tell the truth I so loved being in my wolf form again.

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