Chapter 11

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Bella's pov

When the door opened I saw the girl and the boy from my house walk in plus 2 others and I said where the hell is my brother and sister and then girl just said pain and I fell to the ground in pain screaming so loud and the girl said If we talk you do not speak got it and I said ok ok I'm sorry I'll listen and the girl said good and then the pain stopped and I relaxed and then the boy said ok first of all our names are Jane and Alec and then 2 boys behind us is Felix and Demetri and I said hi now what do you want.

Then Jane said well my dear it's simple all we ask of you is that if we ask you do and if so then we won't cause you pain but first my master wants to see you so let's go and then Felix and Demetri walked over to me and grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the room and kept walking until we got to a room and Alec opened the door and then brought me into the room and into the middle of the floor and released me and stood behind me and then I looked up and saw 3 men sitting on thrown's in the middle of the floor and the one in the middle stood up and walked over to me.

So when he got to my side he grabbed my hand and he closed his eyes as if he was reading it and he said interesting nothing I can't see and then he let go of my hand and he said hello Bella my name is Aro and on the 2 thrown's up there are my brothers Caius and Marcus and we are kings and so we have the right to claim you and I said what no no way now where the fuck is my brother and sister and Marcus said Jane dear show Bella what happens when you define the Volturi.

Then Jane said yes master and I knew what she was going to do so I said no please don't I promise I won't do it again I just want my family back and Aro said oh Bella I feel for you I do but you must understand that now that your ours we have to punish you if your bad so Jane dear please continue and Jane said yes master and said pain and then I screamed and fell to the ground and I started crying once the pain went away.

So I said I'm sorry I'm so sorry and Aro bent down to me and stroked my face and said oh I know dear one I know now stand up and let's get back to business and so then I stood up and so did Aro and Marcus said you are now the Volturi's property and if we want something you will do it or we will give you great pain have you got that and I said I've got it fucker but please where are my brother and sister.

Then Caius said oh they are dead wolf Alec killed them when he took you from your house and I said you fucking fuckers I will kill you all you have ruined my fucking life my whole family is dead because of you assholes and then I phased into my wolf and I was about to rip Aro's head off but Jane said pain and I fell to the ground whimpering in pain and the pain got so much yet again that I phased back into human again.

So I lied on the ground crying and Aro said you will not do that again while you are under our command Felix the device please and Felix said yes master and walked over to me and stuck something onto my ankle and I gasped and tried getting it off and I couldn't so I said what is that and Aro said that Bella my dear is to stop you from phasing and I said what no but that means I can't heal.

Then Marcus said yes that's the point oh and anytime you try and phase Bella the bracelet will shock you so hard it will be worse than Jane's pain oh and don't even try to guess the code or get it off of you because only one person knows how to get it off and I said as I stood up please just let me go I promise I won't say anything to anyone.

So Caius said I don't think so your torture while your here will be worse than death now Jane, Demetri please escort Bella back to her room and then both Jane and Demetri grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the room and I started screaming but they just ignored me and then once we got to the room Alec opened the door and Jane and Demetri through me into the room and locked the door.

Then I fell to the ground crying because I knew I was going to be in so much trouble and pain and I didn't know how I was going to phase again with this thing on my ankle I was doomed so I just lied on the ground and screamed myself to sleep because all night I tried phasing and all I got was pain from the bracelet on my ankle.

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