Chapter 25

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Bella's pov

When the door opened I saw Emmett and Jasper walk into the house with Caleb walking behind and once Caleb saw me he ran to me and jumped on my knee and hugged me tight and I said hey hey it's ok what's wrong and Caleb said mommy the men made me eat animals blood I didn't like it but it made me better and I said well that's good right hopefully you won't have to do that again ok.

Then Caleb said ok mommy and then he said mommy can I go play and I said yes go play with Mason he was waiting for you and then Caleb jumped off of my knee and then him and Mason went over to another corner of the room and started playing and then me and the Cullen's along with Emmett and Jasper this time started talking again.

So after a while of talking Alice said Bella it's time we want you to tell them before your brother and sister comes how because we have something we want to tell and show the three of you and I said oh right ok then and I looked at all my kids and I said ok kids can you come over to me and sit down on the floor I have something I need to tell you all and then my kids all came over to me and sat down in front of me but I saw Renesmee and EJ didn't move so I looked at them.

Then I said that includes you both too and they both smiled and walked over to my other kids and sat down beside them and then I said ok so something happened to me and when I gave birth I gave birth to 6 babies not 4 but I had to give 2 up because the people who got me pregnant was after me and the babies and EJ said so what are you saying aunt Bella and I said well what I'm saying is that you and Renesmee are actually my kids and not Alice and Jasper's or Rosalie and Emmett's and then Caleb said mommy does that mean that Renesmee and EJ are really our brother and sister and I said yes sweetie they are and I am so sorry for giving you Renesmee and you EJ up but it was to keep you safe and then both Renesmee and EJ stood up and ran over to me and hugged me and said it doesn't matter mommy we understand and we love you and I said as I hugged them both I love you too.

So then the front door opened and I saw Camilla and Miller walk in and when they saw me they gasped and ran to me and hugged me and Camilla said Bella your back and I said yes I am and I'm not leaving again and then Miller said so does Caleb, Mason, Alexis and Daisy know about Renesmee and EJ yet and I said yes they know and they are happy about it and then Camilla said well that's good news and then I said yeah it is.

Then Esme said as she looked at the 6 of my kids ok it's late why don't you kids head upstairs and get some sleep Caleb, Mason, Alexis and Daisy you can all sleep in Renesmee and EJ's room because me and the family need to speak to Bella and your auntie Camilla and your uncle Miller and then all the kids said ok grandma and walked out of the living room and upstairs and I heard them all go into a room.

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