chapter 7// nothing ever happened

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roman's p.o.v

A few months back, arriving at the arena would always make me feel a sense of excitement. Excitement for the matches tonight and the crowd. But now, I feel excited about her.

And that excitement makes me feel shitty. I'm married. A married man. I shouldn't be texting or calling someone else. I definitely shouldn't be telling her to touch herself for me. Even Steven.

I felt the shame of it subside a bit as I made my way to my locker room. I know I should stop. And deep down, I know I want to but I just can't seem to control myself around Nicole. It's almost like she's got a hold on me that I just don't understand.

My phone vibrated in my hand before I held it up. I didn't even have to look at the screen, I slid my finger across the screen, bringing it to my ear.

'Yes?' 'Are you here yet?' 'Yes, I'm on my way to my locker room now.' I heard her chuckle a bit. 'What?' 'Nothing. Just hurry up.'  I smirked before the shame snuck up on me again.

'We have to talk.'  'Sounds serious.' I nodded along. 'It is.' 'Okay, well hurry up then.' Before I could even say anything, she hung up. I groaned as I slipped my phone into my pocket, clutching my duffel bag.

I turned down a hallway and finally reached my room. I grabbed the knob, turning it and opening the door.  I walked in, seeing Nicole sitting comfortably on a chair. "Finally, you're here." She stood up, walking toward me.

I stiffened as she placed her hands on my waist. "Hi." I looked down at her, her eyes already locked on me. "Hi." "You wanted to talk?" I cleared my throat and stepped away from her.

I placed my bag on the floor and sat on the couch. "Listen, Nicole.. This thing that we're doing. It has to stop." I watched as she crossed her arms against her chest, her breast smushing against her chest as she watched me.

I shook the thought out of my head and kept talking. "I told you from the beginning that I was off limits. I'm married. I can't smile for my wife and take my clothes off for you. It's just not fair for any of us. So we need to stop."

I watched as her lips remained in a line, no emotion. Only to have her switch back to her playful demeanor. "What makes you think I can stop? I can't stop." "We have to. We can't do this. We-" She walked up to me, standing in front of me.

"I can't stop. I'm in too deep now. I knew from the first time we had sex in that hotel room. I can't stop wanting you. Can you?" I licked my lips as she slipped her shirt off, her hair falling flawlessly on her shoulders. I felt myself get hard, loving the sight in front of me.

She lifted my face, our eyes connecting. "Can you? Stop? Wanting me?" I placed my hands on her thighs, running them up to her waist. I pulled her closer to me, kissing her stomach.

I stood up, quickly removing my shirt. She chuckled before pushing me onto the couch. I watched in hunger as she climbed on top of my lap, straddling me. She moved her hair to one side before kissing me. I was completely lost.

My brain knew I should've stopped her but my body wanted the complete opposite. My brain and my body battling each other. I finally reached back into reality when I felt her moan against my lips.

"Stop." She chuckled onto our lips, wanting to entice me. I groaned as she ran her tongue across my bottom lip, ending it with a small nibble.

She pulled away, her hands on my face, our eyes locking. "Tell me. Tell me why?" I lost myself for a second before realizing what she asked.

"I'm married." The words spilled out of me. And for a second, they didn't feel like my words. They felt strange and uncomfortable. I watched as she looked at me, wondering more.

"I have a wife. I can't do this to her. Or to you. It's not fair. I have to devote myself to my marriage. What happened a couple days ago was a mistake-" She scoffed and hopped off my lap.

She bent down, grabbing her shirt. I watched as she slipped it on, not a word. I got up and grabbed her hand. "I shouldn't have let it get this far."

She chuckled and nodded, before turning back to me. "You're right. You're married, you have a wife." I felt her hand slip from mine. "Your wife deserves better, I would hate to see something get ruined over a mistake."

I watched as she walked to the door. "And don't worry, no one will ever know. It'll be like nothing ever happened." She opened the door and walked out, letting the door close behind her. It'll be like nothing ever happened.

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