First Steps

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"I'm just going to lay you down, until I fix up the DVD player that Casey broke....again"

Donnie said as he placed Kale on the blanket floor on top of the carpet. It's been a few months and Kale grew, she has gotten comfortable to be around with her Grandfather and her uncles, she was now crawling around and Donnie was proud of his daughter growing up.

"Don't go anywhere, stay on the blanket"

He said even though he knows she will be crawling everywhere. He placed some toys for to keep her entertain and distracted while he get the work done. Kale was happily banging her plastic tool toy on her register machine. A sound of a meow caught Kale's attention out of Donnie's lab. She happily grabbed her plush unicorn and crawled her way to the door.

"How the heck did Casey put a cookie inside?"

He said to himself, unaware he was by himself. Kale happily crawled and came to a stop to look around and saw no one. She curiously began to explore and came around the couch to find Klunk licking his paw. Kale reached for the cat's tail and began to pull it. Klunk just simply moved away from baby turtle. Kale slightly frown and decided to take a stand. She grabbed the edge of the couch, holding on to the cushion and began to try to stand.

*With Donatello*

"Okay, at least the crumbs are gone. So, Kale how about we start making lunch?"

He asked as he turn around and groan as he saw Kale was gone.


He said sarcastically as he stood up and stepped out of his lab and turn the corner to head to the living room and stop in surprise to see Kale standing beside the couch. He made his way close to the couch and bend down and stretch his arms out to her.

"Come on, baby, you can do it"

He said encouraging. Kale happily looked to her father as she stood standing on shaking legs and slowly took small baby steps towards him as she let go of the couch and wobble her way to her father.

"Oh sweetheart, you did it. Hey guys come look!!"

He said excitedly in joy as he lift her up in his arms high causing her to laugh. Leo, Mikey, Master Splinter and Raph arrived to the living room to see what the commotion was about.

"What's going on?"

Leo asked.

"She took her first steps. I found her standing by the couch and I was a few inches away from her and she wobble her way towards me. Here look."

Donnie said excitedly as he placed her back on the floor next to the couch, and again she stood up shakingly. Donnie bend down and stretch his arm out to her again. Kale happily wobble her way to her father a little faster.

"Congrats Kale"

The brothers proudly congratulated as they clap along with Master Splinter.

"I think little Ms. Ninja deserves a reward"

Mikey said as he grabbed Kale from Donnie as he took her to the kitchen to get a cookie.

"Make sure it's nothing sweet!"

Donnie yelled. Pretty soon Mikey return with Kale nibbling on a oatmeal cookie as he sat her down on the floor. Master Splinter retrieve back to the dojo as for the brothers they began to talk amongst themselves in the living room. Kale happily crawled with the cookie in her mouth as she made her way to the TV and saw the DVD player. She smiled as she grab the cookie placing it inside the DVD player and sat back down and clap happily to hear it making noises. Raph heard the noise and looked to where Kale was sitting and saw the DVD player pouring out smoke.

"Um Donnie, is that normal from the DVD player?"

He asked. Donnie frown and looked to what Raph was looking at and gasp as he quickly unplug the DVD player and grabbed Kale away from it.

"What a relief, I was a bit nervous there for a second"

He said.

"Wait, did she finish her cookie already?"

Mikey asked. Donnie frown and handed Leo his daughter, as he went to investigate the DVD player as to why it was smoking. He open the slot to find the cookie that she had earlier.

"Awww Kale, it was you"

He said as he turn around to look at her as she happily clap.

"Hahaha she was playing, hide the cookie"

Mikey said with a laugh.

"That explains the cookie from the other DVD player, but I don't know what caused the dent"

Donnie said with a frown.

"Okay, the dent part was Casey's fault because it wasn't working..."

Raph said.

"Because the cookie"

Leo said with a smile as he looked to Kale.

"You are starting to become a troublemaker"

Donnie shook his head as he looked to Leo.

"Can you watch her for me?"


"And Mikey don't give her anymore cookies"

Donnie said making his way to his lab.

"Hey but she likes cookies!"

He argued.

"She likes hiding them Mikey"

Raph said as he went to the training room to lift weights. Mikey decided to watch his favorite movies with snacks of course. Leo headed to the dojo where Master Splinter was meditating. He closed the door and set Kale down for she can crawl or walk around without getting out of the room as he meditate beside his Master. Kale happily explored the room even though she been there so many times.

"Leonardo, did you bring Kale in here?"

Master Splinter asked with his eyes close.

"Yes Master"

Leo answered with his eyes close.

"Did you forget we have candles that are lit?"

He asked calmly. Leo's eyes shot open as he quickly stood up and looked for Kale. He hurriedly grabbed her before she had a chance to knock over the candle stick.

"Kale no. I'll meditate later, excuse me Sensei"

Leo said with a sigh as he stepped out of the dojo with Kale in his arms as he headed to the living room to watch a movie with Mikey.

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