Don't Go

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"Okay you already ate, you already burp, you had a bath, and now you have pajamas"

Donnie said with a smile talking to his daughter after putting a diaper on her and now her night clothes. Even though Donnie knew she couldn't speak yet but he read on human baby books that baby actually listens when you talk, read and sing to them to help their brain grow.

"This is going to be my first night away from you. I have to go on patrol with your Uncles but don't worry your Grandpa Splinter is going to watch you"

He said as he zip up her in a light pink pajama.

"Donnie you ready to go?"

Mikey asked as he entered the room to see his niece on the bed sucking on a pacifier.

"Yeah in a minute, I just need to gather everything Father would need for Kale"

Donnie said fixing up some formulas on the baby bottle, making sure it was warm.

"Chill Don, Master Splinter knows what to do, he raised us, remember"

Donnie stop what he was doing and let out a sigh.

"I know, it's just my first night going to be separated from Kale and I'm just becoming a nervous wreck"

"Who knows maybe Leo will cut off Patrol early"

Mikey suggested trying to be helpful.

"Yeah, maybe"

He said uncertainly.

"Can you carry the stuff on the bed Mikey"

He said as he carried Kale in her bundle of blankets.


Together they both headed downstairs where Raph, Leo and Master Splinter were waiting.

"Sorry for the hold up. I just needed to make an extra bottle and grab some diapers"

Donnie said as Mikey placed the stuff down on the couch.

"It's okay. Are you ready now?"

Leo asked.

"Yeah I am"

He said.

"Good luck my sons, come back safe"

Master Splinter said as Donnie handed Kale to his Father. Kale stop sucking on her pacifier as she looked to Master Splinter and then to her father. Donnie smiled at her small confusion and kissed her on the forehead.

"Daddy will be back soon"

He said as he retreated with his brothers heading towards the exit of their home. Kale pushed the pacifier out of her mouth as she saw her father leaving. Kale bottom lip soon began to tremble and began to cry. Donnie immediately stop, knowing his fatherly instincts were kicking in as he heard his daughter cry. Master Splinter tried to hush her by giving her a unicorn plushie but she shook her head as she continued to cry.

"He will be back soon, little one"

Master Splinter said as he tried rocking her and gently patting her on the shell but she continued to cry.

"Donnie! What's the hold up?!"

Raph yelled back to see that Donnie was still far behind.

"Guys, I'm sorry but I think I might need to take a rain check on patrol tonight"


Mikey asked confused. Raph smacked Mikey behind the head.


He cried. Leo smiled as he made his way to Donnie and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Donnie, I understand. Sorry if it seems like I pressured you into heading out"

Donnie smiled.

"It's not your fault, I thought Kale was ready to be separated or at least I thought I was"

He said slightly.

"We got this bro, you go back with your little girl"

Raph said.

"Okay just beep me if you need back up"

Donnie said before retreating back to the lair.

"You got it"

Leo said. The sound of the infant crying broke Donnie's heart as he slightly smiled. Master Splinter looked towards the entrance of the home and was surprise to see Donatello.

"Donatello, why did you come back?"

He asked as he handed Kale back to Donnie and she soon immediately stopped crying. Donnie slightly smirk and handed her back to Master Splinter but then began crying again. Donnie smiled as he grabbed her and gently nuzzled her on the cheek causing her to calm down. Master Splinter smiled.

"I don't think she's ready to be apart from you, my son"

"Neither am I, but I told the others to beep me for back up just in case"

"Very smart thinking. I am going to prepare some tea"

He said leaving Donnie alone with Kale. Donnie made his way to sit on the couch.

"You see, there no reason to cry. It breaks my heart to see you cry"

He said as placed the pacifier back to her mouth. She happily suck on her pacifier as she remained looking up at her father.

"You stole my heart when I first laid my eyes on you"

He said quietly with a smile as he stroke the top of her head as he laid her on top of his plastron. Kale's eyes began to close slightly but tried to keep them open.

"No matter how big you get, you will always be my daughter"

He said lightly as he kissed her on top of her forehead as she finally closed her eyes to sleep. Master Splinter stood at the entrance of the living room and smiled at the scene before him.

"There is a saying my son, A daughter may outgrow your lap but she'll never outgrow your heart."

Donnie smiled at his Sensei as he let his daughter sleep on his chest.

*Few Hours Later*

The guys soon return and was immediately hushed by Master Splinter as he pointed to the couch. Mikey, Leo, and Raph made their way around the couch to see Donnie laying down on his shell as Kale was sleeping on top of his chest as he slightly snores. Mikey, Raph and Leo couldn't help but snicker as they saw Donnie drooling and Kale was drooling on his plastron. Mikey quickly ran off to get a camera and snap a photo.

"Aren't they just precious?"

Mikey said. At those words, Donnie immediately open his eyes and felt drool on his mouth and Kale drooling on him, he looked to see Mikey with a camera and glared at him.

"You didn't"

"I did"

Mikey said proudly.

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