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"Hey, Donnie. Is she doing any better?"

Raph asked peeking his head into his genius brother's room.

"What am I doing wrong?"

Donnie said with a sigh as he looked in the crib to see his daughter sleeping but she was burning up a fever. He already gave her everything he could think of. Raph gently placed a hand on Donnie's shoulder as he looked into the crib.

"She's going to be okay"

"How do you know that? How can you possibly know that?! She's sick and I don't know what's wrong with her, I'm not a doctor. Some genius I turn out to be"

He said in defeat.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Don. We all get sick, and maybe it will just take time for her to get better"

Raph said trying to bring comfort.

"It's been three days, Raph. I'm not seeing any progress"

"Have you asked Leatherhead for help?"

Donnie's eyes open wide in surprise.

"That's it! I haven't asked Leatherhead. Maybe he will know what to do. Thanks Raph"

"Okay, how about you bring her to the living room and I will bring the crib down, give Leatherhead a call"

"Thanks Raph"

"Anything for my niece"

He said. Donnie grabbed Kale bundle up in a blanket and carried her to the living room. After a few minutes, Raph alert Donnie that Leatherhead will be over in 5minutes.

*Five Minutes Later*

"I wasn't aware you had a child, Donatello"

Leatherhead said in surprise as he looked inside the crib. Donnie sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry for the late update"

He said.

"What seems to be the problem?"

"A few days ago, she puked. I didn't really think much of it and gave her electrolyte. Then she began coughing and is now running a high fever. I gave her everything I can think of"

He said sadly.

"Don't worry my friend, I will do everything that I can. I already know of your health history but what about her Mother?"

"Gina? I'm not exactly sure"

"Where is she by the way?"

Donnie sadly looked down.

"She no longer wants to be part of my life or Kale's life"

"Mother comes back, they always come back"

"You think so?"

"Of course. Now about Kale, I can give her a physical and then let's see from there"

"Thanks Leatherhead"

*A Few Minutes Later*

Kale began to stir awake as she felt claws and cold hands on her arms. She open up her eyes to see large teeth, big hands, and big eyes.

"Good afternoon, little one. Peek a boo!"

Leatherhead said with a smile. Kale's lips tremble as she let out a cry.

"Ah, it's okay!"

Leatherhead said trying to calm her down as he grab her but she continued to cry her heart out. Donnie, Leo, Raph, Mikey and Master Splinter entered the room to see what's going on.

"When she saw me, she started crying. I'm afraid I frighten her"

He said handing the baby to Donnie who easily calm her down.

"There, there it's okay. He's a friend of ours. You're okay."

Donnie said soothingly as he placed her over his shoulder and gently pat her shell. Once she calmed down, Donnie showed her to Leatherhead but she began to cry again.

"This isn't going to work, she's too scared"

Donnie said looking to his brothers for help.

"I got it, how about LH wears a costume"

Mikey suggested.


Raph said in surprise at Mikey having a good idea.

"Leatherhead how about it, can you do it?"

Leo asked. Leatherhead frown in thought and reluctantly agreed.

"What do you recommend I wear?"

He asked.

"I have just the thing my big fello friend"

Mikey said leading him to wear the custom was located.

*Moments Later*

"How are you doing in there, LH?"

Raph asked.

"I can't really breathe"

He said peeking through the hole.

"It will just take a few minutes"

Leo said. Donnie walked up to LH who was wearing a teddy bear costume.

"Look Kale, a teddy bear"

Donnie said turning Kale around so she can see. Kale soon looked to the teddy bear and happily smile.

"I will continue where I left off"

Leatherhead said as he grabbed Kale and placed her back on the crib. Everyone headed back to their room except for Mikey and Donnie. After a while of examination, LH finally came down to a conclusion.

"Is it something serious?"

Donnie immediately asked as he grab Kale.

"Nothing to worry about, my friend. She just had a flu and for babies they always get it worst, but she will be fine with Tylenol"

He answered as he took off the head of the bear costume.

"I may not be a doctor but she looks fine to me"

Mikey said scratching his chin with a raised eyebrow.

"She sort of does”

Donnie said looking at his daughter as she happily grab his face.

"Probably LH scared the sickness away"

Mikey said with a laugh. Leatherhead smirk at Mikey and looked to Kale and leaned closer to her causing her to tense up as her bottom stick out as she was about to cry, but he quickly showed her a lollipop.

"Do you want it?"

He asked kindly. Kale looked to her father and hid her face on his shoulder as she stretched out her hand for the lollipop. Donnie chuckles along with Mikey and Leatherhead as he gave her the lollipop.

"Thanks Leatherhead for your help"

Donnie said gratefully.

"Anytime my friend. I just wish she will get use to me. I know I may have a face of a monster but deep down I am a true friend"

He said to Kale as she licks her lollipop happily forgetting that he was there.

"Kale, what do you say when someone gives you something?"

Mikey asked. Kale looked to her Uncle and then back to Leatherhead. She pulled the lollipop out of her mouth and threw it at his snout as she quickly buried her face to Donnie's plastron.

"Kale, no. Bad girl."

Donnie scolded. Leatherhead simply chuckles.

"Its alright"

"How about you visit more often LH, that way she can get use to you and recognize you"

He suggested. Leatherhead smiles.

"I am honored"

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