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Caspian turns around to see a Telmarine rushing towards the two Pevensie brothers, "Peter!" Caspian warns the older boy, Y/N looks down at the commotion, pulling back an arrow, hitting the Telmarine.

Peter looks up at the girl, giving her a grateful nod and smile, Y/N smiles back, focusing back on he original job.

The Telmarines cheer and load their catapults with huge rocks, sender them across the field crashing near the Narnian building.

"Cavalry!" They hear the general shout on the side, he held his sword high and looked at his enemies.

"Attack!" he shouts, pointing his sword forward, the Telmarines, who were sitting on a horse, lets out a loud battle cry rushing forward, while the rest of the army waited for the signal.

"Archers at the ready!" Y/N and Susan shout, Caspian jumps back onto his horse turning to the Narnians, "Narnians!" he shouts, "Now!" he adds, rushing to the How' big tunnel, the Narnians following him, one of the centaurs blow the horn, giving the signal.

"Take your aim!" Susan orders the archers, "Get ready!" Peter shouts.

After a few seconds, the ground beneath the Telmarines begin to crumble and fall, create a huge pit that trapped them.

"Now!" Y/N shouts at the archers, their how firing at the Telmarines, a few men fall to the ground, dead.

Edmund runs back, grasping onto a horse and a crossbow. "Charge!" Peter shouts.

The Narnians follow the orders of the High King and charged at the Telmarinan army. Peter used his sword battling Telmarines, while his younger brother shot the men with his crossbow.

Caspian raised his sword, as the Gryphons raised a few archers, they flew closer to the enemies shooting them down with their arrows.

"Back to the How!" Caspian shouts, the Narnians begin to retreat to the cave, as the Telmarines began to load boulders into their catapults, throwing them across the meadow into the How.

Making the entrance crumble and fall apart. As the cliff that Susan and Y/N stood on breaks apart, the two girls falls, Y/N was quick to grasp onto Susan' hand and the cliff, jumping up and helping the older girl up.

The Narnians now were face to face with the Telmarinan army, battling them, Susan and Y/N jump down, meeting up with Edmund, Peter and Caspian.

The decided to fight along side their people, Y/N used her sword, slashing men, only for someone to pull her back, her father.

"Do you really think you'll win?" he smirks, he starts chocking his daughter, "Yes," she gasps, "Please stop. Dad." she says.

"Do you think I'll stop? I have to make sure each and everyone of you things are dead! And that includes your little friends." He laughs, Y/N looks at the man in fear.

"I will make sure that you don't win. First Peter dies, then Susan, then Edmund, then Lucy and then you. Then all of your people." He chuckles.

"Just stop." Edmund says, F/N looks back, seeing the young boy, "Ah yes. The boy, coming to save the day." he smirks again.

Y/N took the time and reached for an arrow, her pack of them had fallen when she landed on the ground, she picked one out, and raises it.

Stabbing her father in the chest, he falls to the ground, holding his chest. Edmund quickly rushes to Y/N' side helping her up.

"You ok?" He asks, Y/N nods, "Thank you." she smiles, tear sprung her eyes, "Anytime." he nods, kissing her head.

The ground crumbles again, Edmund and Y/N look across seeing the trees coming alive, the trees were but with a few boulders, from the catapults.

But the trees hit them with their roots, the Narnians cheer as their enemies get hit down. "For Aslan!" Peter shouts and the Narnians run forward.

The Narnians chase after the Telmarines who were retreating to river Beruna. The Narnians chase after them through the forest until they reach the bridge above the river.

The Telmarines had stopped, Y/N looks up, seeing Lucy walking in, the youngest Pevensie takes out her small dagger, giving the Telmarines a glare.

The general looked back at the Narnians sheepishly, when he looked back to Lucy, Aslan stood beside her.

The Telmarinan man raises his sword and yells as the rest of the Telmarinan army follow him, chasing the two on the other side.

Aslan roars, powerfully, and ever Telmarine freezes, a huge wave begins to approach them.

Y/N looks at it, the water made a figure of an ancient god, the Telmarines jump off the bridge as the god begins to pick it up.

The general still sat on the bridge, the river God raised the bridge up high, the Telmarine man screams as the river God drenches him.


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