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He walked into the arena, no helmet. On the other side, Miraz refuses to helmet as well, as to not to look weak against the younger King.

Peter charges at Miraz, who blocked the attack, the older King swings his sword, aiming for Peter' unprotected head, only for the High King to dodge the hit.

Y/N pulls out an arrow from her pack, pulling it into her bow, aiming it at the Telmarinan King, ready to shoot.

Trumpkin looks at the Agile Queen, "Your Highness, please put down the bow, your weapon is not needed." he tells her, Y/N looks down to the dwarf and slowly sets her bow down.

Peter had his shield down, his face now able for Miraz to hit him with his own shield. The teen lets out a shout of pain and swung his sword at Miraz' head.

The older King ducks, he spins around and swings his own sword at Peter, who held up his shield to block his, failed, attempt.

Miraz then uses his own shield to push Peter, the young man fell into the nearest wall, he fell to the ground only to hear the battle cry from the opponent.

Peter swung his legs, tripping Miraz for the second time during the battle, the Narnian King swings his sword at the older man, only for the attack to be blocked by his golden shield.

The two stand quickly, as Peter swung his sword again, only for Miraz to block with his own sword. Peter grabs Miraz' arm, dropping his shield on the floor.

The teen manages to grab Miraz' sword from his grasp, he then swung one of the swords at Miraz and drops it after he misses.

Miraz, now only with his shield, and Peter, with only a sword, Peter then attacks Miraz, several times, before the Telmarinan King was able to get rid of the sword.

The sword falls to the ground, as Miraz punches Peter in the face, with his armoured hand, then he hits Peter, in the face, with his shield.

Miraz takes his shield from his other, and pulls back for another hit on Peter. But this time, Peter was prepared and grabs the golden shield, before it could hit him.

Miraz tries to take the shield out of Peter' hands, but Peter' grip was to tight. Peter turns around, the shield still in his hands, making Miraz' arm change position, painfully.

Peter now hand Miraz' hand against his back, the older King elbows Peter in the face, with his free arm, throwing the boy against a fallen pillar.

The Telmarine picks up the sword off the floor and charges at the teen, who' back was facing the King, only to turn around from the sound of his battle cry.

Peter moves right, to avoid the attack, the metal sword hit the pillar being him, Miraz' swung his sword at Peter again, but the teen blocks it by his armoured forearms.

Peter then punches Miraz in the face, he then slams his fist into Miraz', already bandaged from the first half of the fight, knee.

The older King yells in pain, dropping his sword, he fell to the ground, while holding his arms up.

"Respite," Miraz orders, "Respite." he repeats, "Now is not the time for chivalry, Peter!" Edmund calls to his brother.

The Narnian crowd, watches in agony, scared for Peter' choice.

Peter drops his fist, back to his side and starts walking back to his side, sparing Miraz' life.

Miraz glares at his general before grabbing the sword, he dropped, and stands up, ready to stap Peter in the back.

Y/N' eyes widen, "Peter! Look out!" she shouts, her loud voice echoing through the field.

Peter barely had a chance to turn around before, a charging, Miraz came into his view. The teen jumps backwards, avoiding the surprise attack.

The Pevensie boy grabs the sword while spinning around and now facing Miraz, he slams the weapon into the older King' side.

Breathing heavily, Miraz falls to the ground, gasping, falling to his knees as Peter holds his sword ready to take the opponentz' life.

"I should end you, for what you have done against all of them, for what you have done against your own nephew." Peter hisses, his eyes dark.

"What the matter boy? Too cowardly to take a life?" Miraz speaks, taunting the boy, Peter looks down at the man, slowly lowering his sword.

Y/N looks down, sighing, Susan places her hand on the girl' shoulder, rubbing circles.

"It's not mine to take." Peter answers, he turns around handing the sword to Caspian.

Caspian swallows and took slowly steps towards his uncle, he takes the sword off Peter, before Peter walks to his brother.

Caspian raises the sword high, his hands trembling, ready to take his uncle' life, "Perhaps I was wrong, maybe you do have the makings of a Telmarine King after all." Miraz speaks to his nephew, before lowering his head.

The young Prince lets out a loud screams before slamming the sword down. Not hitting his uncle, instead hittung a patch of grass that was growing through the stone floor.

Miraz looks at his nephew in shock, "Not one like you." Caspian speaks, tears in his eyes, barely noticeable, his uncle looked at him, confused.

"Keep your life, but I'm giving the Narnians their Kingdom." and with that Caspian walks back to Peter and Edmund.

Narnian cheers filled the air, screaming victory, Edmund pats the Prince' shoulder, Peter gives him an exhausted smile, which he returned.

A loud 'thump' was heard as everyone turns their heads or looks up, suddenly gasps came from the Narnians.

Miraz falls to the ground, limply, a red arrow inside his stomach, Peter looks up to Y/N and Susan, they shake their heads. They didn't shoot him.

"Trecahery! They've shot him!" F/N shouts, Y/N looks at her father, he looks up to her, giving a wicked smile.

F/N then runs to his horse, jumping on the black stallion, "They murdered our King!" The general shouts, Peter turns to the Narnians, "Be ready!" he shouts.


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