The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja joins the Fight!

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Sorry for not updating guys! I'm gonna be honest I have been on my butt all day watching anime and YouTube. I apologize. I won't be updating that often until I get my summer home work done. Yes summer homework. I feel bad for myself too. I hope you guys are doing well. Anyways onto the chapter.

"Now that I'm here everything will be alright!"

"Naruto!" Sakura exclaims happily.

"The hero of the story usually appears in a situation like this and takes out the enemy in no time!" Naruto grins.

"That brat." Zabuza grunts in annoyance.

'That show off.' Sasuke thought while laying on the ground.
'That idiot making such an entrance was unnecessary. There is no point in doing that if you don't catch the enemy off guard.' Kakashi sighs.

Haku gets up and looks at naruto.
'That boy..'

"What are you doing in a place like this?" Haku asks.

"I'm training!" Naruto reply's.

"Why do you train?"

"So I can get stronger!"
Flashback end

"Alright here I go shadow clone Jutsu!" Naruto said but before he can summon his clones Zabuza throws Shurikens at him.

Everyone gasps and before y/n could stop the shurikens Haku cancels out the attack with his needles.

"He's saved!" Sakura cries out in relief.

"To think the enemies weapons would cancel each other out! That was super lucky!" Tazuna exclaims.

"What do you think your doing Naruto?!" Sakura yells at the blonde.

"What kind of idiot would attempt to cast a jutsu directly in front an opponent?!" Kakashi scolds.

"That was really dumb! You just made yourself a target because of the big entrance you made?!" Y/n said realizing how much of an idiot he is.

"What noooo ,but i went into the trouble to coming to the rescue!" Naruto screams.
'I made myself look like a fool now y/n thinks I'm an idiot!'

Kakashi sighs. 'What concerns me more than Naruto is that boy..' Kakashi glances at Haku.

Zabuza turns at Haku slightly glaring at him. "Haku whats the big idea?"

"Zabuza leave the boy to me. I want to fight these two my way."

"Very well...your naive as usual."

"I'm sorry."

"Hmph if that's what you want then I'll take you out first!" Naruto said pointing at him.

'Naruto he's too strong. Should I help them ,but then Zabuza might take the chance to kill the old man and Sakura. I-I should help- No this is their fight I'll jump in if things get bad. Hopefully sasuke has a plan.' Y/n pets p/n to calm her nerves.

"This should be interesting I wonder how long those brats will last against Haku."

"You! You were that mask boy that took Zabuza body away! You work with him don't you! How dare you deceive us!" Naruto said as realization hit him.

'You just notice that.'


"Huh?" Naruto looked confused

"Your sensei did say deceiving to catch one off guard is part of a shinobi's duty. Please don't take this personally."

While Haku was speaking to naruto. Sasuke took the chance to throw a kunai at him. Haku swiftly dodged shocking him. Naruto looked surprise as well and turns to face sasuke. Who is trapped behind the mirrors.

"Don't think I forgot about you. I wanted you to go down quietly,but I guess that won't work. I'll just have to put an end to you first." Haku walks up to the mirrors leaving naruto.

"Hey wait!"

Haku stops not turning to face him.
"Naruto I'll get to you later." Haku said as he once again forms himself within the mirrors.

'He even leaves me to fight sasuke. Dang it!'

Sasuke looks around at Haku trying to figure out where he's at. 'So that's where the he's hiding.' His thoughts get interrupted by Haku's voice.

"I'm over here." Haku's said from behind him.

'He moved!? When and how!?'
Haku starts appearing in all the mirrors catching sasuke off guard. He takes this chance to throw needles everywhere many which hit sasuke.

Sasuke screams in pain.
"Sasuke!" Naruto and Sakura scream in worry for their teammate.

'I didn't think he'd go so easy on sasuke...Well sasuke hasn't fought anybody on his level before ,but I got to hand to him he's good for lasting this long.'

'How did he do that?! Sasuke just got battered up in an instant!'

Sasuke holds his shoulder in pain. He thought about how Haku is attack coming with the conclusion on how to counter it.
'The next time he attacks that's when I'll stri-.'

"Hey sasuke!" Naruto voice snaps him out of his thoughts as he turns to see naruto inside with him.

"You idiot! If your a shinobi you'll be more cautious!"

"Hey I came here to help!" Naruto and Sasuke argue.

Y/n sighs 'On second thought I should help them

"Hey, kakashi sensei would it be alright if I back them up? I'll jump in when things start looking bad for them. I'll leave p/n here with Sakura and Tazuna she's just as capable as me."
Kakashi takes a moment to think about it but agrees nonetheless.

"Alright but be careful."

Y/n turns to leave when she almost comes in contact with Zabuza sword in which she dodges quickly.
"You haven't forgotten me have you. We still have a fight to settle. I'll let you through if you beat me."
Y/n takes out her sword from her scroll.

'Tch just what I need right now if I even make it out this fight naruto and Sasuke probably won't make it out of theirs. I guess I'll have to fight then I'll see where the rest goes.'

"Very well sensei..."

Dun Dun Dun!!! This the end of the chapter thanks for reading stay safe and I'll see you in the next update!❤️ One piece is awesome~ sorry that just crossed my mind since I started watching it last week!😋

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