Mail Call [49]

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Lucius returned to Hogwarts, pleased to find that no suits of armours where laying in wait for him. Walking down the hall, he was tempted to head down into the dungeons for a littel more quality time with Severus. Only the knowledge that the man was teaching, and wouldn't havetimefor him enabled the blond aristocrat to pass the entrence to the lower regions and move up towards his own rooms.

Walking past the portrait of Salazar Slytherin, Lucius was surprised to have the Founder hailing him. Stepping closer to the painting, the blond raised an eyebrow.

Salazar chuckled. "In all my time, I have neve encountered a Malfoy who could not speak volumes with a mere tilt of their eyebrows. I'm glad to see that your family hasn't lost that skill."

"I thank you," Lucius said regally, performing a small bow.

"I thought you would like to know that the boys are inside," Salazar said, making a small jerk with his head, indicating the rooms behind his portrait.

"Did something happen?" Lucius asked, getting concerned.

"Nothing serious. I understand there was an alternation between your son and the girl who behaved so rudely towards me the other day. Obviously, she hasn't learned her lesson since she was behaving in a most shocking way."

Lucius groaned. "Granger! What did she do this time?"

Slazar got a wicked look on his face. "I understand she took umbrage when young Draco sent one of the chits panting for his mate into the lake. Did her no good though. Ended up being turned into a donkey. Of course, Hogwarts decided to give the lad a helping hand, so the end result might have been somewhat different to what he had planned. Everything worked out fine though, and she is now residing in the stabels until the spell has worn off."

Torn between the urge to laugh and groan in despair, Lucius settled for hanging his head, shaking it wearily. And to think that he had hoped that once Draco found his mate, his more... childish tendensies would taper off. Seemed he instead had found a perfect match in Harry. Lucius shuddered to think what trouble the two would havock on unsuspecting people - not to mention on him and Severus! - once they had gotten comfortable together.

"Dragons and Parselmoth," Lucius sighed. "I might as well go and check on them."

Salazar nodded in understanding and swung open, allowing the blond to enter.

Manouvering around the stacks of books, Lucius made his way to Draco's bedroom after a quick peek had informed that Harry's room was empty. Climbing the few steps, he couldn't help but wonder what Hermione Granger's problem was. From what Draco had told him, the girl had always been levelheaded. A know-it-all who thought she knew best just because she had read half, if not more, of the Hogwart's library, but still, she had always been levelheaded. Or had that just been a front?

If she had done any research at all, then she should know what a Veela bonding was, and that it was almost futile to come between a Veela and his or her willing mate. True, the boys hadn't bonded yet, but they were comitted to each other, any fool could see that, even a blind one.

No, the girl must have an agenda of her own, one that did not include Draco Malfoy. But what could it be? Listing in his mind the things he knew of the witch, Lucius was scrunching up his face in thought as he tried to recall what that spew thing Draco had mentioned in third year was. Or had that been during their second year? It had something to do with the house-elves that much he remembered. Was the girl aspiring for a position in the Ministry? Was she hoping to use Harry as a mean to climb the social ladder? Then why did she object to Draco so much?

Not your usual Veela mate [Chapters 39-69]Where stories live. Discover now