Will Plans Ever Go As Planned? [67]

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Draco had been sitting next to Harry, having a great time snickering as the events unfolded before him. Whoever had dreamed up the potion that turned humans temporarily into dragons had been a genius! And Severus was one too, since he had managed to correctly brew the insanely difficult recipe.

t surprised him a little that Weasley and Parkinson made such cute dragons, considering that they had nothing speaking for them in their human form, but at least it was an improvement. Shrugging his shoulders, Draco lost interest in the passing thought. There were other, much more interesting things to think about, after all.
When the doors to the Great Hall was slammed open, the Veela tensed, prepared to defend his mate if the need should arise. Feeling the aura of one of the strangers, Draco found himself relaxing, and he couldn't understand why.
Then the stranger revealed themselves, and Draco felt his eyes widen in a mix of horror and gratitude. The Veela Queen was here? Now?!
Regaining his senses, Draco swiftly rose to his feet, stepping forward until he was at the correct distance from his queen. Immediately he dropped down on one knee, bowing his head submissively, silently cursing that he hadn't thought to teach Harry what to do when greeting the Queen of the Veela. But how was he supposed to have known that she would appear here?!
Then his father was at his side, and then the Queen was commanding them to rise, and Draco could only hope that Shayell would have mercy and not punish them for any slight caused by Draco's mate.
Then there was a roar; shouting, and pandemonium broke out, leaving Draco confused and on edge. This was not how they had envisioned how this day would go.


arry had also been sitting at the Gryffindor table, having a grand time watching as Ron and Pansy was turned into dragons. Things turned even more hilarious when the teacher joined in the fray, climbing themselves and poor Hagrid in their eagerness to get to the treat the half-giant was holding.
Unfortunately, most of Harry's amusement died when the doors to the Great Hall were slammed open and armed strangers marched into the room. Eying the group, Harry was fairly certain that they weren't Death Eaters. Voldemort seemed to favour black, and Harry didn't think he was about to change his minions' dress code from black to white. Then again, the monster was insane so you never could know for sure what he would do next.
Then one of the spokesmen for the group pulled back her hood and things got confusing fast. Draco paled and swiftly rose to his feet, moving towards the woman with alacrity. Harry felt even more confused when the blond teen kneeled before the female, bowing his head.
It wasn't until then that Harry realised that the woman had to be the Veela Queen. Not liking how vulnerable Draco was in that position, Harry swiftly rose to his feet as well, stepping forward until he was on Draco's left side and one step behind, keeping a watchful eye for any dangers, be it from the students, teachers, or from the group of strangers, only acknowledging the Queen with a swift yet respectful bow.
Then Lucius was kneeling next to his son, murmuring a greeting to his Queen, with Severus standing next to him, mirroring Harry's watchful stance.
Huh? What the... What is going on here? I'm guessing that I'm at least is doing something right if Severus is also standing guard over his Veela, Harry thought in confusion.
Smiling brightly, Shayell stepped forward, holding her hands out towards her subjects. Two of her favourite subjects at that. "Rise, my children. Grant me the pleasure to seeing your faces," Shayell said, pressing a kiss to first Lucius' brow and then Draco's.
Giving the two mates standing guard over her subjects a bright smile, Shayell placed a delicate hand over each Malfoy's heart, reciting to them the blessing of old, showing the world that the two blonds had her approval.
Suddenly, there was an angry roar, and the blessing was rudely interrupted when the two mates showed their Veela forward, into their Queen, and the group fell to the floor in a tangle of limbs. The situation was only further complicated when Severus ended up on top of them, and Shayell felt her temper rise.
Then the Elven guards shouted an incantation, and Shayell couldn't help but wonder who or what they were attempting to turn into a sculpture of ice, and why. By the moon, what was going on here?!
"Shayell, are you all right? The fire didn't touch you, did it?" Silverwind asked in concern, holding out a hand to help her back on her feet.
Accepting the hand held out to her, Shayell shakily rose to her feet, shaken by what had happened, but not actually hurt. Brushing her hair out of her eyes, Shayell looked around the room, trying to understand what had happened.

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