Standing On Opposite Sides Of The Gorge [59]

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Wednesday, Sep. 18

Ah, Harry my boy, it is good to see you up and about. How do you feel?" Albus asked, watching the brunet closely as he walked into the Headmaster's office. "I must say you had us worried there for a moment, but I take it that everything is fine?" he added, almost giddy with glee to finally have Harry to himself, with no meddling Malfoys around.
Harry watched Dumbledore coolly, trying almost desperately to understand how a man who acted as if he cared about his students in reality could be so callous. "I am fine, sir. Professor Snape's potions are truly remarkable," Harry said calmly, keeping his inner turmoil well hidden.
Next to him, hidden by his Veela powers, was Draco, who had no problems allowing his growing hatred for the old man to show on his face. Harry could only hope that the Headmaster wouldn't say or do something that would set the blond off. Especially since Draco was Harry's secret weapon. He still hadn't managed to learn Occlumency - not that he'd really had time to learn it, but he had begun to meditate every night so it was a lot easier these days to clear his mind. Draco didn't know the art either; however he did have the ability to shield his mate from intrusive scans. But only if he knew it was coming, and if he was able to properly focus his energies on his mate, which was why he was standing next to Harry, invisible, while his mate went toe to toe with the manipulative, old wizard.
"Yes, they are. That boy is a true genius when it comes to his beloved Potions," Albus said, a fond smile on his face. "So, what matters did you wish to discuss? I must say I find it a bit surprising that you have come here to see me, considering that you have all but avoided me the entire semester." Dumbledore gave his most troublesome student a reproachful look.
Harry managed with some difficulty not to roll his eyes. "Sir, Professor Snape told me that no actions are going to be made against Parkinson. I would like to know why not. She did, after all, cast the Cruciatus Curse on me. You witnessed it yourself. Hell, the entire school witnessed it!" Harry snapped, giving the Headmaster a hard look, challenging him to try and weasel out of that statement.
"Harry..." Albus sighed and removed his glasses. Conjuring a rag he began to studiously polish the glasses, giving the youth what looked like a brief glance. In reality he was trying to see the boy's memories in an attempt to discern where Harry was standing theses days, and how much he had been swayed by the Malfoys.
To his utter shock he couldn't get in. Considering how many times he had used Legilimens on the boy in the past, he had practically created his own link into Potter's mind. Today, however, his brief probe was met by a slippery wall that did not let him inside.
Harry had no idea what was going on until Draco pinched him in the arm. Harry stifled the automatic jerk with some difficulty, but he wasn't entirely successful in covering up the grimace of pain, and Dumbledore thought it was as a result of his actions.
"Harry? Are you feeling alright, child?" Albus asked, acting solicitously and caring, pulling out one of his many boxes of sweets. "Would you like a lemon drop?
Harry made a face, but he did step forward and accept one of the hard, round sweets, pretending to plop it into his mouth. What he really did was pop a Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean into his mouth, while allowing the lemon drop to slid into a pocket. He was going to have Severus to examine it later, hopefully ending for once and for all the debate whether the Headmaster laced those things or not.
"Headmaster, what are you going to do about Pansy Parkinson?" Harry insisted, speaking with some difficulty. "This isn't the first time she has attacked me, as you are well aware. Why in blazes are you so set on protecting her! It doesn't make sense!" Harry exploded, waving his arms about.
"Now, Harry, that isn't exactly true," Albus said, admonishing the youth lightly, causing both Harry's and Draco's hackles to rise.
"Not exactly true? Excuse me, sir, but in what world are you living!" Harry demanded, wondering if the Headmaster truly had gone dotty with old age.
"I take it that you are referring to the 'pink teddy bear' incident, Harry. You have to understand, Pansy has been under the misconception that she was going to marry Draco once they have graduated. You have to give her time to come to term that her dream is forever shattered," Albus said, putting his glasses back on, unaware of the way Draco was bristling at his words.
The only one who has been encouraging that girl was Narcissa, the one person with the least understanding of the Veela mindset, in spite of being married to one for sixteen years, Draco thought darkly. I sure as hell never agreed to those plans! Not to mention that I have done my level best to keep Pansy at arm's length. Unfortunately, the girl's half leech or something, considering the way she always managed to cling to me in one way or the other.
Draco frowned, thinking back on his interactions with Pansy. It was true that he had done nothing to encourage the chit. Then again, he didn't have to; his mother had done it for him.
Narcissa had sent at least one care package each month addressed directly to Pansy, and the Founders alone knew what encouragement that woman had given the girl in her letters. Pansy had never offered to share them with Draco, not even when the blond had outright asked her about the content of the letters.
It was true that Draco had never truly pushed her away, knowing instinctly that the one paying for such actions would be his father. So, while he had not put his foot down and completely cut ties with Pansy, she had clearly taken his disinterest as encouragement for the future she wanted. Not caring for his feelings at all. Then again, Narcissa's protégé would not be a warm-hearted person, now would she?
Added to that was the standing Pansy had managed to acquire in Slytherin just by always being seen by his side. Many, like Blaise, had just been waiting for her to fall from disgrace the moment Draco turned sixteen and found who his true mate was, but until that day arrived, most had just gritted their teeth and endured.
However, by the time Draco did turn sixteen, it was so firmly rooted in Pansy's mind that she was the one to be the next Mrs. Malfoy that any other outcome was unthinkable. No wonder she was flipping out so completely, unable to handle the truth. By her own wilful blindness she was woefully unprepared for the drastic change of plans she was now facing.
Draco's face scrunched up in a scowl. He would need to keep a closer eye on the girl; she would do everything within her powers to find a way to get rid of Harry. And considering that she would have the ear of those loyal to the Dark Lord...
Thank Merlin Father and I spent the summer touring the world!Draco thought in sudden chock. If we hadn't, would I have found myself trapped with Pansy the way Father was trapped with Narcissa? Mother should know what potions were used to get the desired result. Damn Abraxas to the deepest pit in hell for the misery he has caused us all!
An elbow in his side returned Draco from his dark thoughts, and he gave Harry a sheepish smile as he realised that his wings had appeared. Apparently, he'd been more upset than he'd realised.
"Furthermore, young Miss Parkinson was pranked earlier today, as I am sure you recall." Albus calmly continued to speak, unaware of the drama unfolding in his own office. "While the prank is harmless, it does play havoc with one's senses. It might not have been so bad if the one sharing the prank hadn't been Ronald Weasley. Young Mr. Weasley, however, is renowned for his hot temper, and I am certain that the added strain to hold on to his temper as well as her own is what caused Miss Parkinson to lose her composure.
"It is most unfortunate that she chose that curse to subject you to, but in all fairness, you cannot truly blame her, can you, Harry?" Dumbledore asked, looking at Harry over his glasses, searching for any signs of guilt. Albus was positive that Harry was the one who had pranked the two. Who else would pick that particular pair of students?
Harry bristled, feeling his temper starting to boil. "Are you implying that it is my fault that Pansy subjected me to Crucio?" he asked through gritted teeth.
"Are you saying that you are not the one who pranked them?" Albus countered mildly.
Harry shook his head, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose, suddenly understanding better why Severus used that gesture all the time. "I can't believe you, sir," Harry said once he was sure he had his temper somewhat back under control. The circles Draco were rubbing on his back was a great help to him, and Harry wished he could thank the Veela somehow. Unfortunately, he didn't dare to. It was a miracle the Headmaster hadn't sensed anything yet, and Harry was not about to draw attention to the fact that he was not alone.
"Next you will be saying that it is okay for Ron to cast Crucio on me. Or Sleep of the Dead? If you know that much about the potion used, then you know that it truly does not affect a person the way you are hinting. Pansy did not gain any of Ron's temper, and even if she did, casting Cruciatus is still a serious offence and you cannot allow her to just get away with it like this! What type of example would that set for the school?" Harry asked, planting his fists on his hips, silently demanding an answer.
"So it was you who pranked the children?" Albus asked, almost crowing in delight at being proven right.
Harry made an impatient sound at the back of his throat, and then he threw his hands up in the air. "Fine! I admit it! Yes, it was I who pranked Ron and Pansy. There! Happy now? Can we get off that issue and start talking punishment for Parkinson?" Harry asked with exasperation.
Sensing that his mate was about to blow his top, Draco swiftly stepped around Harry until he was pressed against the Elf's back. Not daring to give his love a hug, he settled for putting his hand's on Harry's shoulders and squeeze, digging his thumbs into the brunet's back.
Harry hung his head and breathed deeply, lending strength from the invisible Veela.
"Harry, you really need to do something about that temper of yours," Albus scolded, taking delight in using this opportunity to get a few things off his chest.
"If you bothered to get your head out of your arse and did what was right then I wouldn't have to lose my temper, now would I? Harry asked, keeping his eyes closed and focusing on his breathing.
"Mr. Potter! I have allowed you quite a bit of leeway, but that was uncalled for. You will apologise to me this instance!" Albus snapped, coming out of his chair, slapping his hand down onto his desk. "Furthermore, you will apologise to both Ronald Weasley and Pansy Parkinson, and you will reverse the enchantment on Hermione Granger, restoring her to her human form."
Harry's head shot up. "But I didn't have anything to do with her being turned into an ass," Harry protested, a bewildered look on his face. It disappeared quickly, however, and he continued in a more heated manner, "And there will be a cold day in hell before I apologise to Ron and Pansy, or to you for that matter. What you are doing is wrong, and you know it! But for some insane reason you are determined to tear this school apart. Why? The Sorting Hat has been warning us about uniting, and yet you have done nothing to promote a lessening of the House rivalry. Why? What are you hoping to gain by having everyone at each others' throats?" Harry asked, almost pleading with the Headmaster at the end.
Dumbledore just looked at Harry for several long moments, and then he sighed heavily, sadly shaking his head. "I don't know you anymore, Harry. When did you go from an eager, bright child to become this cynical young adult? And I do not approve of the accusations you are throwing in my face, Harry. You will apologise to those you have wronged, and then I will look into the possibility of you breaking the bond with Draco Malfoy," Albus said, looking foreboding.
"What!" Harry cried out in shock, thankfully drowning out the squawk Draco emitted, but he could not hide the wince as Draco dug his talons' into Harry's shoulders.
Dumbledore ignored the outburst. "I had hoped that you could bring the two Malfoys over to our side, but so far I have seen no signs of you doing your duty. Lucius Malfoy has not approached me about becoming a spy for the Light, and the behaviour of Draco Malfoy is atrocious. You were supposed to keep them in line, Harry. You were not supposed to encourage them to think they have the freedom to do as they wish."
"I can't believe you!" Harry whispered, his knees buckling at the enormity of Dumbledore's words. "You truly did expect me to whore myself for the cause, didn't you?" he added, sounding young and almost broken.
"I have never asked you to whore for me, Harry," Albus said, giving the teen a disapproving look. "All I asked of you was to bond with Draco Malfoy, and bring him to the side of the Light. You have failed me, and as such, you have failed the Light. Do you truly wish for Tom Riddle to win?"
Harry's head shot up, and suddenly he was seeing red. "It haven't been three weeks since you dumped the Malfoys in my lap," Harry snapped. "What did you expect me to do? Invite Draco to my bedroom that first night and say, 'Hello darling, want to fuck?'" he asked incredulous
"There is no reason to be crude, Harry. But the fact remains, you have done nothing to encourage the Malfoys to come over to my side. On the contrary, you have done everything you could to diminish my authority over them. I cannot allow that. I will not allow that. I am Albus Dumbledore, the one hope the Light has to win this war, and I refuse to allow insubordination among my people!" Albus stated smartly, towering threateningly over Harry.
Harry for his part could only stare dumbly at Dumbledore. He had suspected for a while that the Headmaster wasn't seeing a person when he looked at him, but a weapon. But to have it stated this bluntly to his face!
Draco was seething as well, and it took every ounce of willpower he possessed not to tear the Headmaster to pieces. Insubordination! Who the hell did he think he was? For that matter, who did he think Harry was? A soldier? They were sixteen for Salazar's sake! Still students attending school. Neither of them had signed on to fight in this war!
Still seething, the Veela moved around his mate and enveloped him in a fierce hug. Dumbledore be damned. Harry needed him, and that was all that mattered.
Harry desperately tried to will the gathering tears away, longing with every fibre in his body to wrap himself around Draco. Staring unblinkingly at the Headmaster, everything suddenly fell into place, and with blinding clarity Harry finally understood what game the old man was playing.
"This is all about me, isn't it? Me and the crimes you think I have committed. You forgot that I am human, a sixteen year old boy, and you are treating me like a weapon. And when I refuse to blindly do as I am told, you punish me. You couldn't put that Unforgivable on me yourself, so when Pansy did it, you secretly applauded her, and as a reward you are allowing her to get away scot-free, not caring that it might end up tearing the school apart," Harry whispered, feeling horrified.
"And what is this shit about you being the only hope the wizarding world has? What of the prophecy? Is that something that you dreamed up so that you could keep me in the centre of this war? Is that what you are telling me?" Harry demanded angrily. Shaking his head, Harry could only stare at the man he thought he knew, realising fully for the first time that behind the mask of a benevolent grandfather was a ruthless master manipulator. A manipulator who had been forced to stand back and see his number one weapon refuse orders, and not being able to do anything about it.
Harry smirked, and it sent shivers down Dumbledore's spine. Suddenly, the Headmaster didn't feel quite as confident as he had moments before.
"If what you claim is true, that you are the only hope the Light side has, then I see no reason for me to be a part of this war anymore. And since my presence here upsets you so much, I will speak with Lucius, my guardian, and have him arrange for me to receive my schooling elsewhere. I am so sorry for having troubled you, Headmaster. Good day," Harry said, bowing his head slightly in farewell.
"Harry, you know very well that you are the only one who can vanquish the Dark Lord," Albus said sternly, not at all faced with this little power play from Harry; because that was all it was, a play for more power. "However, you can not deny that you know nothing about how to fight a war, and you lack the resources you need to become an effective opponent to Tom. I had hoped that Draco would be able to help you focus on your studies, but so far he has only assisted you in wreaking havoc on the school. Unless you start toeing the line, following my directives to the letter, then I will be forced to ban young Malfoy from Hogwarts, and only allow him a few hours of supervised visits every weekend. Think carefully, Harry, and approach me once you have made your decision.
"Oh, and to make sure that you can't go and whine to the Malfoys, Securitas!" the Headmaster shouted and a beam of light shot out from his wand that had suddenly appeared in his hand. The beam shot straight at Harry, who was completely taken by surprise and did not have time to either dodge or put up a shield.
Fortunately, the spell never hit the Elf. It hit Draco, who had tightened his grip on his mate, trying desperately to save them both by using his wings as protection.
"Think carefully, my boy, or you will have yet another life on your conscience. You would not want that, would you? Hmm?"
Not saying a word, Harry turned on his heel and fled the office, followed by Albus Dumbledore's merry chuckle.

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