Operation Distracting Dumbledore [66]

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Friday, Sep. 20

lbus Dumbledore was in a foul mood when he entered the Great Hall the next morning. If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want to cause unnecessary worries among the students, then he would have holed himself up in his office until he had found a way to remove the blasted jinx, hex, curse, whateverthat he was currently under.
Glaring darkly at Harry, who was sitting at the Gryffindor table looking innocent while eating his breakfast and chatting away with Neville Longbottom, Albus swore to get even with the brat. Harry Potter might be the hero of the wizarding world, but that did not mean that he was allowed to play pranks on innocent people. And being the only one capable of defeating Tom Riddle did not give him leave to prank the Headmaster of Hogwarts!
No, the boy was dangerously out of control, and unless he agreed to remove the spell this very morning, then Draco Malfoy would be sent from the castle before the insolent brat could blink! And if Albus had his way, the Veela would spend his time locked up in the deepest dungeon possible until such a time that Harry came back to his senses.
To think that he had actually thought it a good thing that Harry was the mate of Draco Malfoy. For years, Albus had tried to get people to see that the Purebloods were more trouble than they were worth. The Muggleborns were much more manageable, not to mention that they listened to him when he offered advice, something none of the old families wanted to do. This would serve them all as a lesson; you did not snub your nose at Albus Dumbledore, Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock, no sir, you most certainly did not! He was going to show that young upstart who was the master of the castle.
"Albus, are you feeling all right?"
Albus started at the unexpected question that interrupted his internal plotting of revenge. Turning to his right he looked into Minerva's concerned eyes. "I'm fine my dear," Albus said, dredging up a smile from somewhere.
"You haven't heard a word I've said, have you?" Minerva asked, eyeing the Headmaster with a worried frown. "For that matter, what possessed you to dress like that? I must say that your normal, more… flamboyant style of dress actually is to prefer to that… I actually lack words," Minerva said, eyeing Dumbledore's black robes with a disapproving eye. "Or did you lose a bet with Severus?" she added, her eyes lightening up in merriment at the thought. "But don't you think colouring your hair and beard black as well was going a bit too far?"
"I most certainly did not," Albus said with a sneer, feeling highly insulted. "No, I'm under some sort of curse. Or possible a hex or a jinx," he reluctantly added.
"Oh? Who would dare cursing you? It isn't anything harmful is it?" Minerva asked, growing concerned again.
"No, at least, we don't think it is. Poppy is researching possible cures as we speak. I was cursed late last night, but we have been unable to determine just what spell was used," Albus was forced to reveal, not liking to admit that he didn't know something. He had a reputation for being omnipotent, and he enjoyed that reputation far too much to deliberately do something that would damage it. At least the school nurse had been able to remove the muting hex. Albus shuddered to think what would happen if he had to endure that humiliation on top of everything else going on.
"If Poppy can't identify the spell then it is serious," Minerva commented, having full confidence for the school nurse's abilities. "Have you thought of consulting St Mungo's? For that matter, do you know who it was that cursed you?" Minerva asked, before gasping, clutching at her throat. "You don't think it was the Mysterious Pranker, do you?"
"It was Harry Potter," Albus said through grinded teeth. Then he blinked. "Mysterious Pranker? What new nonsense is this?"
McGonagall shrugged her shoulders uncomfortably. "It is what some have nicknamed our mysterious Monday prankster. The name is somewhat fitting, wouldn't you say? And what makes you think that Harry is the one pranking you? Did the two of you have another argument? But why would he attack you? Harry is a nice boy; he is nothing like his father. To tell you the truth, I've always imagined that Harry would follow in James' footsteps, although Merlin knows that we didn't need another mischief maker during the Weasley twins' school years. I doubt the castle would have remained standing if the three of them had gotten into a prank war," McGonagall added, shuddering at the horrors that sprang into her mind at the mere thought.
"Trust me, Harry might look meek, but he is just as headstrong as his parents were," Dumbledore said darkly, giving Harry another glowering look.
McGonagall turned her full attention towards the Headmaster. Leaning in closer, making sure that no one could listen in on their conversation, she said, "Albus, this is a serious accusation. If you have proof that Harry pranked you, then we need to take disciplinary actions. We do not need another source for unrest, and you decked out in black like that willunsettle most of the students, though I suppose we should be grateful that he didn't settle for anything more… violent," Minerva said, taking in the Headmaster's black robes, hair, and beard. "At the very least we need to force him to remove whatever spells he used on you," she added, shaking off the oddness not to see the old wizard dressed in some outrageous colour combinations.
"Believe me, Minerva, I will be taking the boy to task as soon as breakfast is over. I would have cornered him earlier, but I didn't want to risk the little menace to barricade himself in his rooms. We still haven't found a way to get inside the boy's private rooms. I'm starting to think that it is a mistake to give Veelas separate quarters," Dumbledore said, conveniently forgetting that it was the door guard that was denying him entrance, and that, technically, Draco had done nothing wrong.
"Why didn't you detain Harry last night when he originally cursed you?" McGonagall asked with a frown, suddenly realising by the oddness of the entire situation.
Albus fought down a blush with some difficulty. "Mr Potter acted through an agent," he said somewhat stiffly. "There is no doubt of his guilt, however, and as I said, I will corner him the moment breakfast is over."
"Who would agree to curse you on someone else's orders? Albus, are you sure it is Harry who is behind your transformation? I don't mean to doubt you, but it just doesn't sound like the Harry Potter I've come to known for the past five years," McGonagall said, feeling and sounding extremely confused.
"It wasn't Harry who pointed his wand at me, no. It is worse, Minerva, the boy sent his pet portrait to curse me," Albus said gravely, sending another disapproving glare at the black haired teen who acted as if he was unaware of the Headmaster's dark mood.
"His pet portrait…? Oh, you mean that it was Salazar Slytherin who cursed you? Then there is little hope for us breaking the curse I fear," Minerva said with a sigh. Hermione Granger was still living in the stables as a donkey, and there were no signs of the spell wearing off anytime soon.
"I had hoped that Harry would come to his senses, but it is becoming quite clear to me that Harry has turned into a lose cannon, and I simply cannot allow that. Don't worry, my dear, I will make our Mr Potter see reason, and everything should be back to normal before the day is out," Albus said confidentially.
"Are you sure of that, Albus? Harry is becoming a fine young man, and I really don't think he will stand for you – or anyone else for that matter – meddling with his life. He is sixteen years old now, no matter how we sometimes don't want to see our charges grow up, and in the eyes of the wizarding world, Harry is an adult," McGonagall said carefully, a sense of foreboding washing over her. She had a feeling that this would not end well. "Not to mention that he is the mate of a very protective Veela and I really can't see Draco Malfoy allowing you or anyone else to interfere with Harry's life."
"Minerva, don't be ridiculous. Harry isn't an ordinary teenager. You know very well that he is the only hope we have, and as such, he is in need of a firm hand and kind guidance if he is to fulfil his destiny. I will not allow him to throw away years of hard work and sacrifices simply because he feels rebellious. No, Harry will come to heel, or he will severely regret opposing me, his guardian. As for that little devil Draco Malfoy, he too will learn to heel to my boot or he will find that his position here at Hogwarts is not as assured as he thinks. Mate or not, Harry hasn't agreed to bond yet, and until that time I am Harry's magical guardian, and no one else!" Dumbledore snapped angrily, momentarily losing control of his magic, something that hadn't happened in years if not decades.
"Albus?!" McGonagall gasped with alarm, pushing her chair back as the Headmaster's aura pulsated. The things the Headmaster had said shocked her, and Minerva found herself floundering badly, not at all sure how to respond to Dumbledore's outlandish claims. Harry had acknowledged that he was Draco's mate. That was all that was needed in the eyes of the law. No matter what Albus was telling himself, there was no way in hell that Lucius Malfoy would bow down and relinquish his guardianship of Harry back to the Headmaster.
Not that he should do that, McGonagall thought to herself. Lucius is practically Harry's father-in-law, and no matter what Harry thinks, he desperately needs a father. Something that Albus can never be for him, no matter how much they wish things were differently. She was completely unaware of just how badly things had deteriorated between the two wizards, or that Harry had never considered Dumbledore as a father figure. A kind, somewhat mad grandfather perhaps – not that Harry had much experience with them since aunt Petunia's parents were dead and Harry had no idea whether his uncle Vernon's were alive or not – but never as a father. Not that Dumbledore had ever truly encouraged such closeness between them, no matte what the wizarding world thought.
Dumbledore quickly got his temper under control, and was about to say something reassuring to his second in command when the doors to the Great Hall opened with a bang, startling everyone in the hall into silence.
"Albus Dumbledore, it has been decided that for the safety of the school a group of Aurors will be posted here at the castle. They will be staying around the clock; hopefully, this will help stave off any unruly children who are plotting to prank their peers and teachers. And should the pranks be of a more sinister nature, then they will be on sight and in position to help tracking the culprits down."
Dumbledore could only stare dumbly at speaker, wondering just when that decision had been made and why in the name of Merlin he hadn't been informed of it in private. Better yet, why hadn't he been called to the meeting so that he could give his input on the matter? The last thing they needed right now was a bunch of Aurors poking their noses where they did not belong.
"Just on whose authority are you acting, Auror Dawlish?" Dumbledore eventually asked, pulling himself up to his full height, doing his best to ignore the sea of black he was currently decked out in.
"On the Minister of Magic's, Headmaster," Dawlish replied, standing just as tall and proud.
"Oh? I was unaware that Cornelius had been released from St Mungo's? I thought he was still being monitored for poisons and other sinister Potions?" Dumbledore said, adopting a concerned air with some difficulty. For some reason he was having trouble controlling his emotions this morning.
"He is," Dawlish said shortly. "But that doesn't mean that the Minister is unable to make decisions. It is suspicious that the Minister collapsed only minutes after he arrived at this school. Can we really take the chance that something ominous is not out to harm the children?" he asked, knowing fully well that he had backed Dumbledore into a corner.
"I doubt the Minister's collapse had anything to do with Hogwarts," Dumbledore replied, not about to allow panic to breakout among the children. "But it is better to be safe then sorry, I am sure. Very well, I will have the house-elves prepare quarters for you and your men. And you are of course welcome to join us at the Head Table for a spot of breakfast. Come, there are plenty enough for us all," Albus said with a cheerful smile, gesturing grandly for the Aurors to approach the front of the Great Hall.
Sitting back down, the Headmaster was grateful for the distraction caused by the owls arriving just then to deliver mail and the Daily Prophet. Accepting his own copy of the newspaper, Albus scanned the Headline while sipping on his tea, ending up spraying the content of his drink all over the front page.

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