Lefty x Neko Bryan Smut

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Requested by XxNightmare_UwUxX
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No one's POV.

Bryan was sitting in his room when suddenly he felt his heat start. "Shit!" He though as he began to feel really hot. He had forgotten today was the start of heat season for Melos. Then Lefty came into the room. "Hey Bry-" He stopped then smelt the air. "Bryan... Are you in heat?" Lefty (because he can smell that now uwu)asked as he  looked away from Bryan with blush spread across his face while resisting the urge to fuck him right now. Lefty closed the door as to not let the scent out.(Bryan's balcony is closed, locked and covered with curtains) Bryan blushed from embarrassment. "Y-yeah" He replies while his ears folded back. Bryan looked at Lefty. "L-lefty can you help...? Considering you're not with Happy Frog anymore...?" Bryan asked as he looked down at his nest(basically a bunch of soft things like pillows and blankets uwu). Lefty stood there and processed what Bryan had said then he furiously blushed. "E-eh... If you want I d-don't mind..." Lefty stuttered. Bryan whined. "Please Lefty..." Lefty sighed and replied. "Alright..." Lefty locked the door and made sure no one could get in the room then went over to Bryan and began to passionately kiss him. Bryan kisses him back but with a passionate and much needy kiss. Lefty began to undress Bryan. After he undressed Bryan he undress himself and began to give Bryan hickeys. He kissed and nibbled looking for Bryan's sweet spot until he found it. Bryan moaned as Lefty began to suck and nibble on his sweet spot until he but it marking Bryan as his. "Ahh~ Nya~ Daddy!" Bryan moaned out which seemed to turn on Lefty(it seems some of the animatronics have a Daddy kink but ya know I made it that way uwu). Lefty began to prepare Bryan until he look at Bryan. "Do you have any 'toys' and such...?" He ask in which Bryan nodded and pointed where his 'toys' were. Lefty grabbed his toys and took out one of the vibrators. The vibrator had a little remove and two little squared parts. Lefty puts one squared part on the underpart of Bryan's member while he put the other on the top. He then grabbed lube and put it on three of his finger then began to prepare Bryan. "Ngh~ Nya~Lefty~ that feels weird..." Bryan panted out. After a few minutes of preparation Lefty thrusted his member into Bryan. As Bryan began to slightly tear up Lefty turned on the vibrator to medium. "A-AHH~ NYA~ DADDY~!" Bryan moaned as the vibrator was activated at medium. After a few more minutes Bryan motioned for Lefty to move. Lefty began to pound into Bryan as he groaned in pleasure. "D-damn night- Bryan! You're so tight!" Lefty groaned as he continued to pound into Bryan. "Nya~! Daddy! Faster~!!" Bryan moaned out as Lefty then proceeded to go faster. Bryan then felt Lefty hit his g-spot. "NYA~!!! DADDY! DADDY IT FEELS GOOD~!!!" Bryan moaned as Lefty continued to pound into his G-spot soon making Bryan cum. After a few more minutes Lefty came in Bryan filling him. "Thank you... Daddy..." Bryan said as he cuddled into Lefty. Lefty smiled at Bryan and closed him eyes. "Love you my kitten..." Lefty said and fell asleep while Bryan said "Love.. you too..."

I tried is all I can say right now
Anyways have a good morning/afternoon/night

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