A/N and Background

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Hi everyone! I'm kind of new to using Wattpad and this whole fanfic writing scene. I know that K-drama fanfics are not too popular out there, but I just wanted to try writing a fanfic for the fun of it (mostly out of boredom and way of procrastinating on my studies). FYI in the actual drama I still ship Yeong and Seung Ah, but I just wanted to write more of what Yeong's love life would be like and I didn't want to change the story too much with using Seung Ah as a character. Please bear with my noob-style writing of cringe and cheesiness.

Also, I'm definitely not a perfect writer so sorry
if the characters are slightly OOC, I'll try my best!

Choi Eun Kyung Background

-her dad is the Captain of the Royal Guard for the late king

-her mom died giving birth to her

-Eun and her dad are very close

-acquaintances with Lee Gon before the whole story (because their dads are friends)

-she can look like however you want her to look like :)

-I didn't realize that an actual actor has the name Choi Eun Kyung, but I liked the name so I was too lazy to change it

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