CH. 11

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(Eun Kyung POV)

I saw a blur whiz past me as a woman with the same exact face as Tae Eul burst out of the hotel room in a rush. Yeong immediately went to check on his Majesty, who told him to get the whip in his coat pocket in the closet. He grabbed his phone and called Tae Eul to inform her of what had happened. His Majesty couldn't be admitted into a hospital since he didn't have an identity or a counterpart in Korea.

I knelt down to face his Majesty and saw that he was poisoned. "Your Majesty...please hold on for a bit longer. We're getting help."

"Eun-ah...please protect Jeong Tae Eul..." his Majesty uttered in response as his eyes slowly closed.

Eventually, Ms. Kim, an acquaintance of Tae Eul who was a doctor, came to help. She took us to one of her friend's clinics and immediately began to treat the poison in his Majesty's body.

[At the clinic]

I stood in the hallway with Yeong as we waited for Ms. Kim to finish treating his Majesty. It seemed as if the situation with Lee Lim would never end. First it was me, then it was his Majesty who got hospitalized. I hope that Yeong wouldn't be the next one to get hurt.

After an hour or so passed, Tae Eul joined us in the clinic. Ms. Kim informed us that his Majesty would be OK and that the poison no longer posed a threat to his life. Yeong was a bit skeptical of Tae Eul's true identity, having witnessed Luna impersonate her, but I could sense that Tae Eul's emotions were genuine.

I sat with Tae Eul in the clinic corridor floor for the remainder of her stay. "Tae Eul, I'm sorry that I can't take you in to see his Majesty. I'm sure that he will be fine," I assured Tae Eul.

"No problem, it's reasonable that you would be suspicious of me," Tae Eul responded, sitting with her arms wrapped around her knees.

Tae Eul lowered her head down into her arms and I patted her shoulder to give her more comfort. It was certainly sad: finding your true love, but being separated by a whole other world.

Eventually, Tae Eul left since she had other duties to attend to. I went into the hospital room where his Majesty was talking to Yeong.

"I was the one who saved myself on the night of treason 26 years ago ," his Majesty stated flatly. Then he noticed that I had entered, "Ah, Eun, I'm glad you're safe."

"Your Majesty, I'm relieved that you're awake. Just so you know, Tae Eul stopped by, but she had things to attend to."

"I know, Yeong told me. I'm sorry to have to cut our reunion short, but I must go. You heard me before right? I was the one who saved myself that night. His Majesty began putting back on his black jacket. "Please stay here in Korea for a bit longer and look after Tae Eul for me," his Majesty hurriedly ran out of the room without explaining much.

Yeong and I stood in the hospital room with slight disbelief and a massive amount of concern for his Majesty's well-being. "Sooo... would you do that for me too?" I asked jokingly, lightening up the silent mood.

Yeong raised his eyebrow and didn't say anything, only giving me a slight smirk.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" I lightly pushed his shoulder to tease him, and Yeong slightly winced in pain, which surprised me. "WHEN DID YOU GET HURT?"

Yeong sweatdropped taking a step back, "It's nothing, I'm alright."

"Nu-uh. Sit," I pointed to the hospital bed and demanded. "Let me see."

Yeong reluctantly took off his coat and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his abs-I mean-his bruised shoulder. I instantly recognized it as a bullet wound that was luckily protected by a bulletproof vest. My eyes widened in worry. "Why didn't you tell me!" I quickly rummaged through the clinic room drawers and found an ointment similar to the one I used for injuries in Corea.

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