CH. 9

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Warning: Violence is mentioned again

[Almost two days later]

(Eun Kyung POV)

I don't think I've experienced more pain in my life than I did over the last two days. It really seemed that I was on the verge of death. I was punched, kicked, slapped, and spat on. I bet the next thing would be shot by a gun. *Sigh* This isn't how I wanted to die: in another world, at the hands of ugly, evil men. Two days was almost up, and Lee Lim would definitely kill me once he returned. If only there was a way to escape...but even then, I wouldn't get far due to my injuries.

Then, I was interrupted from my thoughts as my blindfold was lifted. 'Huh? I didn't realize someone was still in the warehouse.' I opened my eyes and saw a young boy around the age of 10. "Hey... kid, what are you...doing here? It's...dangerous," I barely managed to speak due to the excruciating pain and my parched voice.

"I'm here to restore balance. Too much has gone on. Here." The young boy handed me a phone. "I'm sorry, but I am only permitted to give you one call. By the way, you're in the Republic of Korea right now, so the Kingdom of Corea numbers won't work."

'Republic of Korea?!? Ah, what was his Majesty's phone number again... 82...XXXX...1234...

The phone rang for a few seconds. 'Please pick up, Yeong...' I inwardly pleaded.

"Hello? Who is this?" Yeong's voice answered the call to my immense relief.

"Yeong-ah....please," I looked around to see what was in the warehouse. There were boxes and steel beams labeled KH Dock. "KH Dock...steel... warehouse...water. I don't have much...time." I finally collapsed due to extreme exhaustion.

(Yeong POV)

"Eun-ah? EUN!" I yelled for her to answer, but the other end was silent. Worry and fear flooded my body. Why was Eun in the Republic of Korea? KH Dock, warehouse, water...In a panic, I looked up the location and found a warehouse shipping steel to KH Dock by the sea.

I borrowed Na Ri's car and sped to the warehouse. 'Please be OK, Eun,' I desperately prayed and prayed in my thoughts.

[At the warehouse]

(Eun Kyung POV)

I was abruptly shaken and slapped across the face. "You should be thankful that Lee Lim is held up with duties in Corea, or else he would have killed you today," one of the men sneered.

I could barely retaliate in some smart remark let alone hold my consciousness. I just chuckled, which subsequently made the other man kick me in my bloodied right shoulder.

'Ah, I might really die here. I don't think I can endure this much longer—' My thoughts were interrupted when gunshots rang outside. I heard cries of agony and pain from a few of Lee Lim's men who were supposedly guarding the warehouse outside.

I heard the door to the warehouse being opened and multiple footsteps scuffling in a fight. I could feel my consciousness slowly fading away, but I gathered all my energy to hold on just a bit longer. I couldn't get up from the concrete floor, but to my immense relief, I saw Yeong running towards me like a hero saving a captive princess. The man who was beside me grabbed my arm and pointed a knife at my neck, holding me hostage. "Take one step further and she dies!"

Yeong stopped and pointed the gun in my direction, trying to keep a straight face, but I could evidently see his eyes filled with horror, probably at the sight of my bloody face. "Now, put the gun down, and turn around," the man demandingly shouted.

Yeong didn't falter and ignored the man's orders. "You trust me, right Eun?"

I gave a slight nod, too weak to speak.

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