CH. 6

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(Eun Kyung POV)

"This is the place," his Majesty stopped walking and looked happily at a restaurant. "I heard that this place serves excellent stew."

"Oh ho, look who we have here. I just finished a great lunch at an amazing restaurant and my enemy appears right in front of me, this must be my day," a lanky man who had the appearance of a gang boss exited the restaurant. "I have seven men today, and you have one, plus a pretty lady. Would you like to come hang out with us instead? I promise we wouldn't hurt you."

*Sigh* 'It would be really annoying if I had to fight. Yeong isn't with me, he replaced himself with Eun Seob because he was fed up with the king. I just wanted to eat a nice lunch,' I thought.

"I have Yeong and Eun with me today. They're my best fighters. Yeong, Eun, don't kill them, they're just ordinary citizens," his Majesty ordered with confidence.

I glanced at Eun Seob who just chuckled. "Ah, I didn't expect it would come to this. Yeong told me to just come eat quietly with you," his Busan accent apparent.

The king immediately pulled Eun Seob's disguise off. *Sigh* "Fine, I'll fight with Eun. Just stay behind me."

"Good luck!" Eun Seob ran off. I rolled my eyes.

"You're really going to have a lady fight for you? That's lame if you ask me. Get them," the boss ordered.

As the men began attacking, I fought back. I punched two guys in the face and kicked one in 'that spot' so hard that he probably wouldn't ever have kids. Then, I heard running footsteps. 'Bless, it'll be a 100 times easier with Yeong.' In the middle of the fight, two policemen shouted at us to stop fighting. Yeong and I immediately averted our faces.

"Hey! Who do you think you guys are fighting in broad daylight!" the first policeman yelled, flashing his ID card. The men began to run, but Yeong grabbed on to their boss.

"Yah, Jo Eun Seob, you looked cool. Did you do some secret training or something?" the second police officer asked.

Yeong's improvising instincts immediately kicked in. "Ah, I didn't want you guys to know. It's so embarrassing. Hehe." His Busan accent was definitely spot on, so much so that I had to hold in my laughter.

"Who're those other two people? That man keeps staring at Eun Seob and that girl looks like....Sooji?" the first police officer questioned.

I immediately brought my arm up to cover my face. Meanwhile his Majesty began to speak, "I guess I'll introduce myself, I am--"

"Be quiet while the elders are talking! Don't you dare cut in huh. They're my friends from Busan. They just got to Seoul today and they don't even know where to go to eat. I decided I would bring them out for lunch," Yeong improvised in the Busan dialect.

"Oh, you didn't eat yet? Go, go ahead, just remember to write the report later," the first policeman ushered Yeong.

"Yessir," Yeong quickly saluted and began to walk off. I got his cue and began to walk as well, but his Majesty stood still in pure shock.

Yeong had to go back to drag the king with him. "Come on dude. Watch where you're going. Your legs are long but useless you fool."

'Yeong is definitely going to get a lecture from his Majesty' I thought.

[Back at the hotel]

Yeong and I stood in front of his Majesty with our hands behind our backs. "Eun Seob-ah" the king began.

"I'm Yeong."

"No, you're Eun Seob. Yeong would never call me a foo-fool. He also knows what I use my long legs for. You really want to get beheaded huh?" the king rambled on. "Well since I am a merciful king, I'll let you get away under one condition. You have to take Eun on a date and kiss her when everything is sorted out, remember to send proof to me."

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