Epilogue Part 2

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(Author POV)

I joyfully sipped my tea in a local cafe as I typed away on my laptop. Imagine one of those aesthetic photos that capture college students working at a Starducks on their laptops in a seat near the window, that's me. It was still morning on a Saturday, so not many people were in the cafe. In fact, it was only me and the friendly manager.

Then I heard the door chime ring as two people walked in, one wearing casual shorts and a blue hoodie, while the other one wore black formal clothes. 'They do really look like the people in the story I'm writing, maybe I can use them as reference,' I thought as I continued to sip my tea.

"I heard this place sells bubble tea like Na Ri's cafe! It looks about the same too, I wonder if this is the same place, but just in Corea," the female exclaimed excitedly.

The male just gave a loving smile in response. 'Aw, they seem like a cute couple' I internally fangirled.

After scanning the menu, both ordered brown sugar milk teas, and sat beside me. "Are you a writer by any chance?" the girl caught me off guard.

"Huh? Ah! Not really, I'm just writing for fun at the moment. I've had ideas on a story and decided to write on a whim," I replied.

"Nice! What is your story about?" she asked me.

"It's based on a K-drama that I've watched and it's about love between a Captain and Vice Captain of the Royal Guards," I responded. "I'm currently in the final stages of my story, writing about those sweet epilogue moments, but I'm not exactly the best at writing them."

Both raised their eyebrows simultaneously, in slight surprise and confusion. "I see. Well, I can give you a few ideas. How about you write about the couple going to a cafe, like us right now! Or I've always wanted to go stargazing, although some people consider it cheesy," the girl recommended.

"Wow thanks! Your ideas seem good." I gave her a smile.

"No problem, Yeong-ah, we should get going, I told his Majesty that I would return you to him at 2." Then she turned to me, "I wish you the best with your story!"

The two of them then walked out of the cafe, hand-in-hand. 'Yup, they're definitely a cute couple' I thought.

(Eun Kyung POV)

"Well, that was certainly interesting, that author seemed to be writing about us!" Eun noted.

"It certainly is strange. She didn't seem to be from around here," Yeong agreed as we strolled down the street to visit my favorite bakery. Suddenly, I heard the squeals of fangirls. "Waaaa that's Captain Jo Yeong and former Vice Captain Choi Eun Kyung!!" one girl screamed. "They're sooo cute together!" another shouted.

I definitely felt awkward. Ever since word got around that we were dating, we never went unnoticed whenever we walked through the streets of Corea.

Yeong didn't seem fazed by it however, and he took my hand and led me into the bakery. I inhaled the smell of freshly baked bread and tasty pastries as I walked through the door, bringing a grin to my face. "Ah! My favorite customers, you came at the right time! Our new special pastry, the blueberry turnover, just came out freshly baked!" the owner of the store welcomed us. "Here, take two, on the house."

"Waa, thank you! I'll enjoy it as always!" I thanked the lovely owner. Yeong and I frequently visited this bakery when we were kids. Unfortunately, lately, since we were on duty almost all the time, we never had a chance to visit this place.

Yeong looked at his watch; it was currently 12:30 P.M. "Since I still have a bit of time, do you want to go to the park?" Yeong asked.

"Sure! That would be nice."

Yeong and I walked to the park and man, this day was definitely filled with nostalgia. I remember that his Majesty, Yeong, and I would frequently spend time at this specific park, ditching class a few times. Those were definitely fun times. Then, I saw a group of kids blowing bubbles and suddenly the inner 5-year-old within me awoke. "Yeong! Let's get bubbles!"

Yeong smiled at my childlike and shining eyes, "Sure Eun." After getting a bottle of the soapy solution, we sat on the edge of a bridge and I started blowing bubbles like a gleeful kid satisfied with life. I watched as the bubbles floated in the sky, traveling down the small flowing river. *Snap* I heard the sound of the phone camera and found Yeong taking pictures of me.

"Let's take a picture together since it's so rare we get to go out on a date during the day!" I suggested. I took the phone from Yeong and proceeded to take a plethora of pictures.

1:30 P.M. soon rolled around and it was time to head back to the palace. "Thanks for taking me out today despite your busy schedule Yeong! I really enjoyed it!" I said grinning ear to ear.

"No problem, anything for you," Yeong responded, ruffling my hair. "Shall we head back then?"

[At the palace, 8 P.M.]

I sat in my office looking at the splatter of pictures spread across my desk. 'I think I may have overdone it...' I sweatdropped. After we had arrived back at the palace, I asked one of my assistants to develop the pictures so I could have something physical to look at and forever remember the day at the park.

*Knock knock* I heard a knock at the door. "Come in, oh, done with your duties already? You're early," I noted, looking at the clock.

Yeong just stared at the mess on my desk. "Yes, his Majesty had other matters to attend to and he told me to leave early. How many pictures did you take?"

"Just enough. I'm going to compile them into an album. Do you want some?"

"I'll just take these two," Yeong pointed to the first picture he took of me blowing bubbles and another selca of us smiling together.

I circled around my desk and gave Yeong a big hug. "Thanks again for an amazing day."

Then he picked me up and hoisted me up onto my desk so that I was sitting eye-level to him. I gave him a close-eyed smiled as our foreheads met and we were about to have our lovey-dovey moment, until a brief knock was heard and the door burst open.

"Eun-ah! My neck hurts please help--OH whoops, sorry...I'll just leave you two alone...ehehe" his Majesty slowly retreated and closed my office door, but I was sure that he stayed behind the door eavesdropping.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, by the way, I'm moving my room tomorrow to down the hall, since it'll be easier for me to come to my office. I've put it off for too long."

"Wait, but that's close to the male guards' quarters," Yeong's defensive instincts kicked in.

"Well, I have you to make sure I'm safe so I'm not worried. Besides, I don't think anyone will dare bother me, I'm still the former Vice Captain," I proudly reminded him.

Yeong looked at me still with a hint of disapproval. "Fine, but if anything comes up, let me know."

"Yessir!" I saluted playfully while my legs dangled off the desk, a bit short of reaching the floor. Then, I leaned over and quickly kissed Yeong on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you too."

A/N: I thought it would be funny to put myself into the story, but I'm not sure if that exactly worked out...oh well. The next chapter is going to be the last one of this book ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I have a lot of random ideas that didn't quite make the cut for the after story epilogues (I already have an aesthetic ending in mind). If you guys still want extra scenes, I can make another book where I would just compile all my unused ideas, but ONLY IF you guys are interested (I don't want to force people to read my trashy writing), so let me know!

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