CH. 12

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(Eun Kyung POV)

I could finally take off my cast, but I still had to be careful. My shoulder still felt sore and I experienced occasional sharp pains. Today, Yeong and I were going to say our goodbyes to the Republic of Korea.

We stood in front of the taekwondo center owned by Tae Eul's dad to pick up Eun Seob's siblings, Eunbi and Kkabi. When I saw Yeong carrying both kindergarteners' backpacks I internally exploded due to the overload of cuteness. When the twins came out of the center, Eunbi glared at Yeong, as if she knew that he wasn't Eun Seob. What a close sibling bond.

[Eun Seob's house]

"Here, thanks for letting me borrow it," Eun Seob handed back one of Yeong's black suits. "I dry cleaned it and everything."

"I told you that you could've kept it," Yeong responded stoically.

"Waa are you sure you're not my twin?" I asked Sooji, fascinated. It was if I was looking into a mirror, or if I was secretly a ninja and could summon a shadow clone.

Sooji laughed, "Sadly, you're not, although I've always wanted to have a twin." She gazed back with a smile, amused at my excitement.

I was extremely happy to finally meet my doppelgänger. Unlike Eun Seob and Yeong who were basically polar opposites, Sooji and I were basically the same, only that she had a different hairstyle, and slightly more mature than I was.

"Eun!!" Eun Seob ran over and engulfed me in a hug. "Thank you for looking after me in Corea. I definitely wouldn't have survived without you."

I smiled and patted his shoulder. "I should be the one thanking you for everything."

"Well, if there's nothing else, we'll take our leave," Yeong stated. I could tell that his voice carried a hint of sadness that he had to leave the warmth of family and newfound friendship in Korea.

"Wait! You're leaving already??" Eun Seob was taken aback. "Oh wait, the plan was to act cool when you guys leave..."

Yeong sighed, "Make sure you get your drivers' license. If you do, what will your 65th dream be?"

"Dream? Well, I don't have those things anymore..."

Yeong raised his eyebrow, "I'm pretty sure you do. Well, alright then, we'll be going..."

"Wait wait WAIT!! I do have a dream! It's you and Eun again."

Yeong's eyes slightly widened in surprise, and he immediately dropped his coat on the floor, marched up to Eun Seob, and gave him a big hug.

I almost teared up at what I was seeing. "What a beautiful friendship..." I uttered to Sooji. I've never seen Yeong take the initiative to hug anyone...wait he did hug me that one time. I guess his time in Korea helped warm his heart.

Sooji in turn, also hugged me. "Although today was our first time officially meeting each other, I also will miss you." I returned the embrace and nodded.

"Hopefully, we'll all see each other again."

[An hour or so later, Royal Hotel]

Yeong and I sat next to each other on the couch in the hotel, looking out to the grand view of the city of Seoul, hand-in-hand, waiting for his Majesty to return from visiting Tae Eul. For some reason, I would quite miss this world, even though I haven't spent much time in it. I leaned my head against Yeong's shoulder and closed my eyes, "I hope that we'll be able to come back."

Before Yeong could respond, I heard the door to the hotel room open. "Wait...since when were you two an official thing? Not that I'm complaining, but it took you guys long enough," his Majesty questioned while pointing his finger at the sight of us sitting together half in disbelief and half in excitement.

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