4. Maybe is a small word but means so much

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"He seriously did that?", i looked to Aliya's face who was lookingnat me with a look of surprise.

"Yea he seriously did that", i dropped the spoon into my yogurt container as i finished explaining everything to Aliya.

"I'm sorry hun", I frowned at her this was all I heard from the people around I'm sorry... Is sorry going to fix anything of course not.

"It's not your fault", I called this on my self I was ignorant of the fact I was letting my best friend go all because of an arrogant girl.

"Hey rhea", my eyes snapped to Luis who was jogging towards me from the field. "Aren't you suppose to be training for the game?", every morning students that were in the soccer team had to be in school be 6:00 in the morning to train.

"Yea but can you hold on to these?", my eyes travelled to his uniform and bag pack. "Sure", I smiled at him as I collected his uniform laying it neatly across the table space in front of me.

"Thank you", i nodded in acknowledgement as he jogged back to the field joining the others.

"Ohhhhh", I glared at Aliya who was nudging my sides with her elbows smirking at me.

"Shut up", i smiled brightly at her as the school's bell rang.

"We have agricultural science together", my smile drops and I groaned in annoyance not wanting to see that woman's face.

"I did it didn't I?", I gave Aliya a look at says 'fuck yes, you did'. She was referring to her lacking of memory not to ever mention that teacher before the class starts.

"Sorry", brushing her off we made our way slowly to the lines with me carrying Luis's stuff in my arms. Earning weird stares from the students around me glaring at them with a look that says 'say something'

Joining the line peaceful putting a small smile on my lips as a few students greet me. I wasn't a antisocial person I had a lot of friends but my circle was really small. It was just me, aliya and Alex. The rest are just acquaintances if I may put it that way.

"What are you doing with Luis's stuff?", my stare harden as i turned to the noisy bitch beside me.

"I beg your pardon?", I smirked at her as she scowls at me with her dried pale lips. "Whatever", my attention now focus on the head master as he carried on the assembly with ease.

Dragging my feet slowly up the stairs with Luis's stuff hanging from my arms. " Mrs. Anderson", I glared at the fifth boy that called me Mrs. Anderson as in Luis Anderson and boy was it annoying but a tad bit inside felt giddy.

My breathings stared to come out in pants. My lungs tighten as my trachea felt dry all of a sudden, gripping the rail of the stair tightly in the midst of my crisis I didn't miss my knuckles going white from my grip.

My eyes hurriedly searched tbe corridor for anyone but it was all to empty. "Rhea!", my gazed turned to a smiling Luis but that smile soon dropped as he realised my state.

"Shit!", he jogged towards me in his white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, snooping to my level. By now I was practically sitting on the stairs as he salvaged my bag pack for my inhaler.

Yes I was asthmatic and it usually attack when I fatigue myself to much.
Grabbing the inhaler from him I took huge wisp of the drug to recuperate my breathing.

I was finally normal as i gasped air in to make sure I was all good. "Thanks", resting my head on his shoulder as he lazily draped his arm around my shoulder in acknowledgement.

"You okay?", his eyes meet mine and for a minute I thought i was having another asthma attack. But i mustered up a genuine smile as I hugged him with gratefulness bleeding from my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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