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The voice made him freeze, only one person uses that name but the voice that said it did not sound like the person who it belonged to.
Bakugo was on guard and looked around, there was a figure facing away from him just sitting on the swings, slightly rocking.
Bakugo recognized the hair even though the colors felt...darker, wrong.
"Deku? What happened? Where is the rest of our class?"
Bakugo had a bad feeling and slowly made his way around the swings to see the face of Deku.
"What's wrong? I don't know what you mean by class, if you mean our old one you already know what happened, after all, you shared the same fate as them."
Deku's voice was oddly melancholy, it held a sharp deadliness that Deku did not possess.
The swings squeaked as he rocked.
What does Deku mean by he shared the same fate as his class?
"Deku what's going on? Where is our class?"
He was in front of Deku now, the figure in front of him was looking down at his lap.
He was wearing a long sleeved white dress shirt that was rolled up to his elbows paired with a black vest and black leather gloves, his pants were black dress pants but he was wearing combat boots.
"You died, and so did everyone else"
That made Bakugo tense, he clearly wasn't dead, but what about his classmates?
"I'm not dead Deku"
Bakugo tried to not let his impatience sleep into his voice.
"You always say that, everytime I see you.
My mind just loves to play tricks on me you know, well of course you do, your just a figment of my imagination."
Okay, so Deku thinks he's dead and hallucinates him?
He could work with that.
"How did w-we die?"
"I killed you, and them. You know this, stop making me say it again!"
His tone was impatient and cold.
Why the fuck does Deku think he murdered their entire class?
Nothing about his situation was good.
"Why did you kill them?"
He needed information, lots of it.
And if Deku thinks this is just his mind he'll be more inclined to answer if he continues to think so.
"Oh come on, you already know!"
He said with a laugh, when Bakugo stayed silent he huffed.
"Alright Alright, fine, I guess I'll tell you again"
He said with a shiver inducing laugh
"Well I didn't become the number one hero, you did. I became the villain, a damn good one to"
That made Bakugo's eyes widen, he was the number one her and Deku became a villain!?
What the hell was going on?
No way, even if he did manage to become the number one hero there is no way Deku would become a villain.
"Why did you become a villain instead of the number two hero?"
He had to know, fuck is this had any chance of this being real or even if this was real then it was bad.
"Why because you of course!"
He said cheerily, he caused this?
"After middle school our relationship really didn't get better after entering U.A. and then you went and got stronger and I couldn't keep up. All the while you put me down and I really couldn't take the abuse anymore. I was in love with you, you know."
Deku...loves him?
"Somehow you found out about my feelings and brutally beat them as harshly as you could.
I tried to kill myself after our last year at U.A.
I went to our old middle school where you had told me to take a swan dive off of the roof and followed your instructions."
No, he tried to kill himself...
"The league of villains found me and took me in as one of their own. Eventually I became partners with Shigaraki, he mysteriously died and I became the head of the league, I guess should really thank you. Well...you guys found out I was alive and tried to rescue me, Uravity was the first to die followed by Ingenium and Froppy."
He laughed
"Then one by one I killed out classmates, I killed Todoroki right before I killed you."
Fuck he manages to kill half-n-half!?
Even Bakugo had to admit the bastard was strong.
"How did you kill him?"
"No need to get angry Kacchan, this isn't the first time we've had this conversation after all."
Fuck, how many times had Deku hallucinated him to make him believe he was just a figment of his imagination?
"Well I of course knew how Todoroki thinks, I know exactly what made him wrap around my finger.
Once he got close enough I stabbed him in the heart. He didn't have enough time to react.
I tried the same with you, but of course you were smarter than to fall for my tricks.
You tried to convince me to come back to the side of light, you apologized for all you had done and had realized you loved me, but you were to late.
I overpowered you, then I broke your arms, your legs, then as you watched me helplessly, I snapped your neck."
Bakugo had to resist the urge to take a step back, this wasn't his Deku but he still needed to figure out why he was with this fake.
"I did my fair share of convincing as well, I almost got you to join me and abandon the heroes...almost"
Deku sounded sad as he admitted his failure, Bakugo was glad that this him didn't turn to the side of evil.
"But you didn't and I killed you instead. Your body is buried along with our classmates, you guys are behind the walls of U.A."
He seemed to laugh
"Those fools, you know that the hero's last stronghold is that school?
They have barricaded themselves inside and removed my identification so I can't get in.
Fuck I can't wait to kill the rest of them"
"Deku, how old are you?"
That was an odd enough question that it gave Deku a pause, did he just give himself away?
He needed to know how many years it's been since U.A.
"Hmm...I am 28 this year, your birthday is in two months."
Deku looked up and Bakugo had to physically stop himself from flinching.
Deku's eyes were red, not like his own, Deku's green orbs were now a dark shade of blood red.
He could tell Deku was older.
So it's been 12 years since their second year of U.A?
"That's odd"
Deku commented, shit.
"What is?"
"You're in your hero suit from when we were in high school, I know you changed your gauntlets to be able to release a bigger blast while reducing the recoil you have to deal with before you graduated, but this is your first one from U.A. When you come to me your generally covered in your own blood...your also shorter"
He has to reveal himself, if he tries to lie Deku will know it.
"Deku, I'm not apart of your imagination, I'm alive.
I don't know how I got here, but a few minutes ago we were at the gym in U.A. and we training to become heroes."
A calculating look passed over Deku's face
"Don't try to lie to me Kacchan, it won't work"
"Deku, I was hit by a quirk and I ended up here, I'm not lying."
Deku stood up shocked, it put Bakugo on his guard.
"Take off your mask"
"What's that going to prove"
"Take it off!"
He said impatiently before he sighed
"Look, if your...real, I won't hurt you for the next hour"
Bakugo raised an eyebrow
"Just an hour?"
"I won't promise anything longer than that, it gives us just enough time to have a conversation."
It took a moment before he finally relented, when Deku made a promise he meant it, even if this wasn't exactly his Deku.
He reached up and removed his mask with his left hand, leaving his right free in case anything does happen.
Deku approached slowly, as if he was unsure of his decision.
It only took a few movements before they were standing face to face.
Deku was taller than he was by a few inches so he had to slightly look up.
He did not dare to move as Deku reached his face and cupped it with his right hand.
His hands were cold.
"How long have you been sitting outside?"
"A few hours"
He responded breathlessly
Hands wandered down to his chest and the man leaned down to press his ear against it to listen to his heartbeat.
He smells like cinnamon with hints of vanilla.
"Your cold, you should go inside and warm up before you catch something"
Bakugo couldn't help but say softly, the older tensed against him.
"Why? You don't care about me"
"Yes I do"
"You don't!"
He said sharply but didn't make a move to leave his chest.
Bakugo moved his hands slowly as to not startle the villain in his arms, and held him in a light hug.
"I don't know how I treated you in the past or future or whatever but-"
"What's the last thing you remember that happened between us?"
Bakugo would normally be pissed he was being interrupted, but he couldn't be angry at the broken voice. Bakugo had to keep in mind that a murderer was in his arms, this wasn't his innocent Deku.
"It is our second year at U.A. I remember us getting along, after what happened at ground beta I understood you better and all of the feelings I had, all of the guilt I carried went away after we duked it out and talked. Almight explaining everything also helped."
Deku seemed confused as his head tilted and was more snug against his chest.
"W-what? The last thing I remember that happened at ground beta was us training. Nothing happened at ground beta besides us fighting, we would be teamed up sometimes but you hated it each time."
Shit, the one thing that repaired their relationship didn't happen?
"Right after the dorms were built we went to ground beta and fought, we talked and then Almight came and explained how you got your quirk.
It's been a few weeks since then and...and I haven't been intentionally trying to break you down."
"I don't remember anything like that"
Fuck, what now.
"So you were in love with this world's me?"
Deku straightened which made Bakugo tense, did he hit a nerve by accident?
He was ready to put some distance between them when he was wrapped up in a hug and pressed into the older males chest.
"Fuck, our fight never happened to you.
You don't know that I'm in love with you"
He was being clutched tightly, but it didn't bother him.
"I didn't know until you told me. There's no way I would have reacted like you say I did-"
"But it happened! You did! You completely rejected me and I-"
His voice broke which made Bakugo tighten his grip about the older males waist, it was odd being the shorter one.
"I'm sorry. It wasn't me. Your Bakugo is an asshole and I would blast his ass to America if I had the chance."
That seemed to make the older tense
"I-I killed you...I-no...I killed you Kacchan"
Deku tried to pull away but Bakugo held him by the waist.
"I'm alive Deku and I'm not going to let you run away. I'm here"
He could feel a head shake in his shoulder
"No-no...you...I killed him"
"You did, but I'm here now, and I won't hurt you like he did, I promise"
With an unexpected burst of strength, Deku ripped himself out of his grip and backed off just out of his reach.
Tears were gathered in his eyes.
"I'm sorry-I can't"
Deku turned around, green electricity surrounded him as he ran.
"Wait Deku!"
He found he couldn't move his foot when he tried to follow Deku.
Something was sticking his boot to the ground, Bakugo blasted it and found his explosion was weaker than it usually was.
It freed his boot, but it took more of a conscious effort to put power even into a small explosion like that.
Was it because this wasn't his world?
"What now, fuck"
Everything around them seemed to be abandoned so it was unlikely he could just knock on someone's door and ask what the hell was going on.
Bakugo looked around and caught a glimpse of a windowed building in the distance.

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