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'I love you Kacchan'
'Goodbye, Bakugo'

Bakugo sat straight up in bed breathing hard as he looked around frantically.
"Kacchan? What's wrong?"
Green eyes blinked tiredly, turning around to face him as he began to wake.
Bakugo heard the shower running and breathed deeply to calm himself before rubbing his eyes, thank god they were dry.
Deku stared worriedly at him and sat up.
"It's nothing, sorry"
Deku slid his hand into Bakugo's and realized they were trembling
"Kacchan, I'm here"
Deku looked at the time before he hugged Bakugo
"How about we lay down until Todoroki comes out of the shower? It's Saturday so we can sleep in for awhile"
Bakugo murmured and let Deku lead him back down into the bed. He laid on Deku's chest and couldn't help but wrap his arms around his waist and hold tightly, Deku's fingers started running through his hair and he let himself relax.
"Have a bad dream?"
"I...I can't remember"
All Bakugo knew is that he heard Todoroki and Deku's voice in his dream, but the voices were deeper, more mature.
It wasn't from the Deku and Todoroki that was near him.
"That's okay, just try to go back to sleep."
Bakugo nodded even though he knew he wouldn't be able to.
He waited until Deku's hands stilled and his breathing evened out.
It wasn't long before Bakugo slowly untangled himself from Deku and silently snuck out of Todoroki's room.
He made it to his own room before he allowed himself to take a breath.
He changed his black hoodie and sweatpants for a grey set and grabbed his phone before attaching headphones.
He went downstairs and ran into a few people that were up early, well, early for a Saturday, it was 9 in the morning.
Kirishima was the only one who noticed him walk out the front door.
While he was surfing through his playlist to find a good song to start on, Kirishima stood next to him.
"What are you doing out here?"
"I'm going on a run"
"Are you sure that's a-"
Good idea
"Shut up, I'm going on a run"
"Then can I come with?"
Bakugo had often run with Kirishima because they trained together often
"Not this morning, I'm running by myself."
He needed some time to think.
"Oh, ok then, see ya when you get back. Running our usual?"
"No, just around the school, might go to the track for awhile"
Bakugo pressed play on his music before locking his phone and putting it in his pocket.
The music could be heard clearly from the headphones that weren't even in his ears yet.
"Be back in awhile"
He put his headphones in as Kirishima waved and began jogging.
He made his way to the path that led around the schools perimeter.
It had been three days since he had gotten back from the other reality, it has been...interesting to say the least.

Flashback: Wednesday morning.

Bakugo was the first to wake up that day, it was 6 in the morning and school started at 8, since they lived five minuets from the school no one really got up until 7-7:30, if they were early risers then they woke up at 7 for sure.
He didn't have to worry about people for another hour.
It was like a fucking game of operation for Bakugo that morning when he had to untangle himself from Todoroki and Deku without waking them up.
A pain in the ass for sure.
He made his way downstairs and began a pot of coffee.
It was just a regular pot of coffee but the 1-A dorms were the only ones allowed to have a coffee pot in their house.
For some reason it was prohibited to have their own coffee machines in the dorms, something about not letting the students replace sleep with coffee, but 1-A had been though enough shit to where they needed a god damned coffee in the morning.
He figured Aizawa had a hand in convincing Nezu after the students had gotten on his case about needing coffee for their class to function properly in the morning.
The had just poured himself a fresh mug when he heard a voice.
"Your up early"
It was Mr. Aizawa.
"Couldn't go back to sleep"
He got a cup of coffee for Aizawa and handed it to him before walking to the couch and pulling his legs up and drinking his coffee.
Aizawa followed him to the couch and sat.
He shrugged
"I can't remember. Why are you up?"
"I'm usually up at this time for work."
"Oh, Almight still sleeping?"
He said hiding his smirk in his coffee
"Is Todoroki and Midoriya still sleeping?"
"Yes, they were rather good pillows. How was Almight?"
Aizawa choked on his coffee, clearly expecting him to back down.
Bakugo got a glare
"I fucking hate teenagers"
"We're basically like your children, you let us get away with to much to hate us."
"I don't let you get away with things, you guys just do things even when I tell you not to, especially when I tell you not to, damn problem children."
"Whatever, you love us"
He snorted but didn't deny it.
It was quiet for a few moments when Aizawa spoke
"So what was that lecture you were gonna give me?"
"It's more of a talk"
"So why did you say lecture"
"It made you more inclined to listen"
Aizawa sipped his coffee
"I guess that's true"
"Yeah, I had a lot to say yesterday but I've been running on adrenaline recently and I'm coming down from my high, so I'm gonna boil it down for you"
"That's nice of you"
"Remember that the next time you give us lecture"
Aizawa shook his head smiling.
"Not a chance"
"Well, hurry up and get together with Almight, I'm not going to go the next two years watching you two tiptoe around each other like high schoolers"
"So like you and Midoriya?"
"Hey! I admitted my feelings for him and Todoroki at the same time and I did it in front of the entire class!"
"Fair enough"
"Then I was gonna come up with a new training regiment with you for the class, what they've been doing is good but I'd really like them to be able to practice what I told them during school, it will help them a lot and will save time in the future."
"How'd you know how to improve them anyway?"
"Learned lots of things while I was away, not all of them were bad"
"That didn't sound like the last thing you were going to lecture me on."
"It wasn't, I have one more thing to tell you but I don't know if I should push for now or leave it alone."
Shinso, should he push to have him moved to the hero course now or let him come to them naturally?
"Push for what?"
"A student that deserves to be in the hero course"
"That's high praise coming from you"
"They deserve it, but not quite yet"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing you should concern yourself with now."
His teacher took a moment to stare at him before taking a drink of his coffee
"Fine, who's this student?"
"It's Shinso Hitoshi"
"Shinso...the one who fought Midoriya at the sports festival?"
"Well I'll admit he caught my attention at the festival but what makes you think he should be in the hero course?"
"He's strong but he needs a little guidance to be the best he can be"
Bakugo remembered from the albums that Shinso had asked Aizawa to tutor him on how to use a capture weapon like his, so he figured he should let Shinso bring that up.
"And you want me to do that for him?"
"There's no one better than you for the job"
"I already have enough brats to deal with"
Mineta drops out so it's not like he'll have an extra person to look after, but he can't really say that.
"He will be worth it"
"Alright, he's in class-"
"You have to let him come to us by himself"
"It's incredibly hard to get moved into the hero course and-"
"And we can't move him until he's ready or this talk will have been pointless"
"So why did you bring it up to me now?"
"For when he does come to us, I'm sure he won't be the only one aiming to move into 1-A and I'm not asking you to show favoritism, but to watch him."
"Very well then, anything else you wanted to say to me?"
Maybe talk to him about the long hair?
It actual looked good...but that wasn't Aizawa.
"No, it's nothing"
"If your sure"
They sat in silence for a few moments before Aizawa spoke again
"Just so your not surprised, you have to sit out on training for the rest of the week."
Bakugo growled
"You've been though a lot and your clearly injured, I'm not going to have you moving carelessly during training. Oh, and you need to sent in your suit to tech so search for any faulty gear and to fix anything that got banged up."
"Is that all?"
"No, gotta check for bugs or anything that was not an original part of the suit. Anything out of the ordinary basically."
"Great, what am I supposed to do while your all training then?"
"Watch everyone and advise them as you see fit"
"So I'm basically doing your job for you?"
"Your good at it, the students were calling you Mr. Bakugo."
"I'm not going to be a damn teacher"
"I never thought I was going to be a teacher either and look where I am now."
"Shut up, I'm not like you"
No way he could be a teacher like Aizawa
"Your right, control your temper and you could probably become better than me."
It was Bakugo's turn to choke on his coffee
"What a load of bull"
He muttered out
"I'll never-"
"-Good morning Mr. Aizawa, Bakugo"
Momo said quietly
"Good morning Yayorozu"
Aizawa greeted
Bakugo mumbled.
Him, a teacher?
After that everyone slowly began to wake up, at 7 he went to his room to put on his uniform and gathered his suit. He pulled the picture from his gauntlet and looked at if for a moment before glancing around for a place to hide it.
He opened his desk drawer and placed it inside a notebook for math and tucked the notebook under all of the rest.
If anyone came snooping it wouldn't be in his math book.
He grabbed his bag and threw his things in before he heard a knock on the door.
When he opened it he wasn't surprised to find Deku.
"H-hey Kacchan"
He was wearing his uniform and was ready to go.
"So um...me and Todoroki usually walk to school with Uraraka, Iida, and Asui, so we were wondering if you wanted to join us this morning?"
He pecked an unsuspecting Deku on the lips
"Sure, lets go."
He left Deku blushing behind him and went to the elevator causing Deku to hurry and catch up.
"Are you okay Kacchan?"
Deku blurted out after he pressed the button it go to ground floor.
"It's just that...you were gone this morning and I didn't even feel you get up"
"It would take a freight train to wake you up before your ready"
Deku was a heavy sleeper, it generally took the smell of food, his alarm, or an air horn to wake him.
"While that's usually true, I would have noticed you shuffling around"
Bakugo shrugged
"I didn't want to wake you or Icyhot"
"How early did you get up?"
The elevator opened
"Doesn't matter"
He said and walked to the group that was waiting on them
"Me and Todoroki were worried when we woke up and didn't fine you next to us"
"I'm fine nerd, so stop worrying so much"
Bakugo ruffled Deku's hair
He said quickly trying to fix it, Bakugo almost had a smile on his face as he walked up to the group.
"Morning Bakugo!"
Uraraka greeted him first
"Round face"
He said acknowledging her
"Hey Bakugo"
Asui said shouldering her back
"Now that's everyone's here, shall we go?"
Iida questioned sending a nod in his direction
"Let's go"
Todoroki said standing next to Bakugo.
As everyone began walking towards the school, Bakugo was content to listening.
He usually walked with Kirishima if anyone, sometimes the 'bakusquad' -which Bakugo thought was a ridiculous name- would walk with him, they were usually late risers so it didn't happen regularly, but it happened regularly enough for him to not be surprised when it happened.
It was a little odd for him to be walking with the 'Deku squad' -again, why did they need group names?- but it meant he could watch over those three plus his boyfriends, he trusted Kirishima to get his squad to school safely if they weren't already their.
"Oh, Bakugo, I've been meaning to ask"
He looked at Uraraka to show he was listening
"How did you know how to make all of that food last night? I only know a few recipes but I gotta look back at a cookbook for reassurance that or else I think I'm doing it wrong."
"Found a good cook book and memorized it, did the same with any recipes I found that were good."
"You memorized a whole cookbook?!"
Uraraka gave him a look of disbelief
"That's amazing"
Asui said
"That's Kacchan for you"
Deku said smiling at him
"So how long ago did you memorize our favorite foods?"
Todoroki casted him a glance as he questioned
"I didn't go out of my way! I just happened to already know them yesterday!"
The girls laughed
"Whatever you say"
"I'll kill you frog girl!"
He threatened causing everyone else to laugh.
They finally made it into the school and began to go to their classes
"I was surprised to find out your favorite food is spaghetti, Tsu"
Deku commented
"You didn't tell Bakugo?"
She questioned, Bakugo looked away from the group.
"No, I had no idea"
Asui was about to ask him how he knew but he cut her off
"Oh look, our classroom"
He banged the door open and went to his desk, Kirishima, Mina, Denki, and Sero were already there.
"Hey Bakubro!"
Mina greeted him once she noticed he was in his seat, she came bounding over along with the rest of the group.
"Thanks for dinner last night, leftovers were great this morning!"
"Yeah man, those meat skewers were bomb!"
"I'm saving mine for lunch, thanks for making something healthy for me, unlike Denki."
Sero jabbed
"Hey! Hamburgers are amazing I'll have you know, and they can be healthy, I just like them greasy"
"Literally all Hamburgers ever hun"
Mina tossed over her shoulder
"There are vegan burgers!"
"Do you eat vegan burgers?"
Kirishima questioned
"Well no, but they are still out there!"
"That's what I thought"
Sero said, they laughed, in the next few minuets their classmates filed in the room and settled in their seats.
When the bell rang everyone was in their seats, out of the corner of his eye he saw a pink eraser floating on the corner of Uraraka's desk, he was glad she was taking his advice.
The rest of the day was uneventful, at least until training, it wasn't hero training, it was P.E., for heroes in training.
In other words, strength training.
"Alright, go get changed and meet me on the field."
"Hey, am I allowed to do this?"
Bakugo went to Aizawa
"Yeah, since you don't need you hero suit and we won't be doing anything to hard."
"Get changed and meet us on the field"
Aizawa turned and left class with everyone else to get to the field.
Bakugo sighed and made his way to the boys locker room, everyone was already changing.
He went to his locker and pulled out his gym clothes and went to a bathroom stall.
He normally wouldn't give a shit but he couldn't with his hickies.
When he stepped out of the bathroom everyone was already outside.
He was glad the uniforms had high collars.
Everyone was stretching out already and he did the same, he found Uraraka with Asui.
"Hey Round face, you're with me"
"No, tomorrow"
Bakugo rolled his eyes
"Good luck Ochaco"
Asui said. Uraraka followed Bakugo to the an unoccupied area of the field.
"Alright, attack me"
"What? Bakugo, were not in our hero suits and Aizawa said your not allowed to-"
Bakugo rolled his eyes
"Shut up, we're not using our quirks so we don't need our suits, and I'm not training, you are."
"I still don't think-"
"Shut up and try to hit me, don't you dare hold back"
Uraraka put her fists up, Bakugo could see she was still unsure.
"I still don't think this is a good idea, but if you say so."
Bakugo was slouching with his hands in his pocket, purposely of course, but she didn't know that.
"Hurry up and attack me"
"Are you going to fight back?"
She said looking at his stance, Bakugo rolled his eyes.
"I'm not gonna hurt you if that's what your worried about. So hurry up and swing."
Uraraka led with her right fist, following through with her body, Bakugo tilted his head a few inches left away from her fist and took a single step forward as her fist missed his head by centimeters, his right foot was planted firmly across her right foot as he pulled his right hand from his pocket and pushed her by the small of her back, leading her to stumble away from him and desperately trying to regain her footing as he turned leisurely around.
"How did you dodge that so easily?"
She said regaining her balance and putting herself on guard.
Bakugo took a moment to see what everyone else was doing, surprisingly, the class seemed to be following his advice on what he told them yesterday. At least the ones that didn't involve needing Uraraka.
"Like I said yesterday, your to predictable when your not using your quirk. It's good to try and take your opponent the quickest way you can, but smart villains with anticipate that and they'll want to do the same. If letting you hit them first leads to putting you out of commission, then they will.
That's not going to work with me."
"Fine, then how do I become more unpredictable?"
She wasn't snarking at him, she seemed genuine in her question, good.
"Two ways, don't take the obvious hit or let your opponent strike first. If you take the second option then you better move quick unless you want to be hit, follow the way of his body and move accordingly. I could've landed a solid gut punch instead of pushing you, and you could be gasping for air instead of simply regaining your balance."
She nodded
"If that's option number two, then how do I work around option number one?"
"First off, everyone starts a fight with a punch to the face, that's the most basic move anyone can make."
"You make that move"
"If my punch doesn't land them I can always blast them to hell or blast myself away from them, even if my dodging would be awkward."
"And I would be defenseless"
She murmured thinking
"You wouldn't be defenseless, your defense would just be weak."
He pointed out
"Your not going to get stronger if I baby you like Deku does. Anyway, most people expect the first punch to go to the face so it will probably will be the most guarded, but the body has plenty of other weak spots, find the weak spot and exploit it."
That got Uraraka to quickly look over him, he wasn't slouching anymore but he was still standing relaxed with his hands in his pockets.
She ran towards him and slid down, she kicked her foot out in a half circle in order to sweep his feet out from under him but he jumped and took a few steps away from her.
"Good, you noticed that my feet were to close together to stably avoid your move in any given direction."
He smirked
"Except for up of course."
Uraraka stood and out her hands back up
He smirked, actively seeking criticism to improve, progress.
"Attack me a few more times and maybe I'll tell you, good job on finding the weak point I left open for you, but now my feet are in a ready position.
So what now?"
Bakugo kept his hands in his pockets but his feet were firmly planted so he was ready to move if he needed to.
She ran at him again, but this time she went for his feet, the same as last time but she wasn't aiming to trip him, in her mind, he would probably try and dodge once she dropped down, same as last time, but she would be trying to grab his leg and unbalance him, not trip him.
Bakugo smirked as he followed her moves, but he wasn't feeling like getting tagged yet.
So he didn't dodge, instead he caught her right wrist and brought her back up before pinning it behind her back.
"Good, deception, less predictable already, but still not enough to land a hit on me."
Uraraka turned but as he expected a punch to be thrown with her left hand as her right was freed, she threw a kick behind her.
A determined look on her face.
Her calf made contact with his stomach.
He stumbled back and fell onto his ass as he held his stomach.
"Oh my god, are you okay Bakugo?!"
She rushed to his side
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt-"
Honestly, Bakugo was surprised and didn't react accordingly. If that was a real situation, he wouldn't of pinned her like that, but if he did and she made that move, he probably would have blasted her.
"Shut up, I'm fine. You didn't hurt me. I was surprised."
It took her a moment to process what that meant.
"I-I did it?"
"Don't get to excited, you only did it once"
She began jumping as he got up
"I did it! I did it! I surprised Ba-ku-go!"
"Alright, that's enough, you got me once, now do it again."
She put her fists up more determined and excited
Bakugo put his hands in his pockets but kept his legs ready to move, she would be quicker with confidence.
"You might want your hands out of your pockets"
"Don't get to cocky"
When Uraraka came at him next it was with a right hook
"I said-"
He followed her eyes and captured the left hand that was aiming for his gut
"Don't get-"
Her right fist aimed for his face since he only hand one hand to defend, she could easily follow him if he dodged left or right, but he couldn't go to far with her hand captured.
Bakugo dropped down with his back on the ground and planted his feet firmly on her stomach, her momentum helped him when he pulled her down and bend his knees before pushing his legs out, and flipping her over him and onto her back. He jumped back on his feet.
"To cocky"
"Aw man"
"You did good trying to fake me out, it probably would have worked in some battles"
"But not you"
She said disappointedly as she got back to her feet
"Only because I've noticed your weakness and am exploiting it to the fullest."
She looked confused and seemed to be trying to figure out what she did wrong.
"Weakness? But your not even attacking me"
"Wrong, every defense in an offense. After your opponent tries to strike you and your guarded, try to position them to a place where you will be able to counter attack."
"But that's not what's wrong here"
"Very good, no, it's not"
"You gonna share?"
"You follow your moves with your eyes.
In that last move I knew you were going to fake me out because only a few seconds before your right hook would have landed, you glanced at my torso, meaning my face was not your intended target, after you failed your fake out your gaze went back to my cheek, meaning you weren't done yet.
I only needed a few seconds to react accordingly."
She through about his words
"When you use your quirk, you're focused on what objects that are in air and how many more you can float up. Your so focused on keeping track of the objects your floating that you don't completely focus on how your body moves in a fight, it's more of intuition rather than strategic.
It's not always good but it is in your case. Trust your body to move and let your mind catch up, once you can do that it leaves your mind free, of course you still need to pay attention to the things going on around you and the fight, but if you trust your body you can let your mind think and strategize.
Take Deku for an example, when he first entered U.A. he relied on brute strength and had to strategize before he was in a fight or while he was getting his ass pummeled.
Once he gained control over his quirk, he learned how to move his body comfortably while he adjusted to moving with his quirk running through him.
Half of the time he moves and jumps into action before he thinks, he got to a point where he trusts his body to know what to do, so he can focus more on coming up with a plan or keeping track of things going on around him."
"You really paid that much attention to Deku? Who would've know"
Bakugo turned and looked at the field to see all of his classmates in a group next to his teachers- wait teachers?
When did Almight get here?
Almight was standing next to Aizawa who was watching him.
"What the hell are you all looking at?!
You have your own training to do don't you!"
He saw people's eyes move to behind him and heard the ground crunch behind him, he ducked before grabbing the outstretched hands and flipping Uraraka over his back.
She landed with an Oof.
"Nice try"
She smiled up at him as he released his arm
"Almost got you"
"Maybe next time"
"Bell rang"
Aizawa called.
Did it really?
"That sucks, I was getting so close to tagging you"
She dusted herself off
"You did good for today, keep practicing and maybe you'll get me next time."
He put his hands in his pockets and began walking towards the group with Uraraka trailing behind him.
"Young Bakugo, I did not know you were a such a good instructor"
"Someone has be be able to teach these extras a lesson."
He grumbled as Almight laughed
"I didn't know Bakugo could be calm enough to give instructions"
Sero laughed
"Well he does tutor me occasionally"
Kirishima said running a hand through his hair with a cheesy smile.
"Didn't you say he hit you a lot?"
Mina said cautiously
"Nothing goes through that thick skull unless you beat it into him"
Bakugo shook his head
"So he's violent when he's teaching school material, but doesn't make a mark when he's teaching combat?"
Tokoyami said almost as if he was thinking out loud.
"I figured if I shoved Round face in the dirt enough she wouldn't make the same mistake. No one likes to be shoved in the dirt and humility is a good motivator."
"Oh come on Bakugo, no need to be the tough guy. I know you didn't try to embarrass me when you threw me down or else I would have ate dirt the first time I came at you instead of stumbling."
Uraraka smiled at him
"Whatever, go get changed before school ends and I leave you all here."
Most of the time class 1-A walked back to the dorms together.
He met Aizawa's eyes as he walked past him.
"What did I say?"
Aizawa was clearly referring to the teacher thing.
"That's Mr. Bakugo for you!"
Hakagure said laughing
"Thank you for the lesson, Bakugo"
"Whatever, you better practice and be able to tag me at least once next time we spar."
"I will!"
He made his way into the locker room, the guys quickly followed.
"Wow Kacchan, I didn't know you paid that much attention to me!"
Bakugo unlaced his shoes and threw them in his locker
"How else was I supposed to beat your ass?"
He grabbed his clothes
"Now hurry up and change before school gets out."
He saw Todoroki leaning against a locker, looking at him.
"You to"
He took off his shirt, clearing intending for Bakugo to be looking over him.
Bakugo mumbled as he made his way to a bathroom stall and changed.
He heard a few showers going, they needed to hurry up before he started to walk without them.
Bakugo turned on his phone as he stepped out of the stall, school was over in few minuets so Aizawa didn't care.
He already had 10 messages from his mother.
He forgot he had to go home and spend time with his family before the dorms curfew had to go back.
"Ready to go?"
Todoroki came up to him followed by Deku.
"Fuck, I can't, I have to go home after school."
Todoroki questioned
"I was in another reality for four days, I couldn't escape the hag after I got kidnapped, I won't be able to now."
"The hag?"
He questioned
"He means Auntie Mitsuki, his mother."
Deku answered
"He calls his mother a hag?"
Todoroki raised an eyebrow
"You learn not to question it"
Deku shook his head
"Yeah, so I kinda have to go"
"Can we go?"
Deku asked
"As much as my mother loves you-"
Bakugo rolled his eyes
"-not this time."
"Alright, then I guess we'll see you later tonight?"
Todoroki ran a hand through his hair and looked away, he was embarrassed from saying that.
"Yeah, I should be back before curfew."
"We'll tell the rest of the class then"
Deku smiled
He walked out of the locker room and went to leave the school.
Fuck, it was going to be a pain in the ass to deal with his mother, especially if his father teamed up with her.

*Flashback end*

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