Chapter 3

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Rowan always thought his father would be the one helping him into his tux on his wedding day. Unfortunately, his father, any day now, was about to get the news his son had died a few days ago. He figured he'd be more upset, but he found himself to somehow accept it. He felt it was because the only thing that mattered today was making this vow to God.

Carter did his best to be the father figure for Rowan. He straightened his tie for him and gave him marriage advice. Now, he was standing in the backyard, waiting for Morgan to walk down to him. A tent had been set up to keep them out of the sun. It was just the Allen family present. 

Carter knew a human minister, who knew vampires existed

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Carter knew a human minister, who knew vampires existed. Father Charlie was a minister who was okay with vampires as long as they were good. He also knew Carter for a while and was more than happy to perform a wedding in his family's name.

Rowan stood up there with the minister, Elijah by his side, acting as his best man.

"I wish my best friend was up here with me," Rowan told the minister. "But he believes I passed on. And I have to let him think that. I miss him so much..."

Father Charlie smiled. "You can still see him my son. He just will not be able to see you."

Rowan nodded. It didn't help a lot, but a little.

Father Charlie seemed to read his mind. "In your case, and Morgan's, you both did not asked to be turned. This lifestyle was given to both of you. God kept you both on this earth a while longer for a reason. Unfortunately, it means making sacrifices to your loved ones. But, in time, they will be at peace, and see the truth. It will all come to a point son."

Rowan actually felt a lot better hearing that. He needed to be told things like this over and over for a while for it to start sinking in.

Skylar began to play soft music on Rowan's record as Giovanni walked down the yard as the "Man of honor". He was the next closest to Morgan from Alyssa. Behind him, Carter was walking Morgan. Her wedding dress was beautiful. It was Skylar's, who passed it down to Morgan. The top part looked like a white lace turtleneck with the sleeves cut off, showing her bare arms. It also had beautiful sequence to it. Morgan wasn't one to show off her breasts anyways. Carter walked her up to Rowan, who beamed the whole time. He was full of joy when Carter placed her hand onto his.

They recited their vows to each other. It was very spiritual and beautiful. Rowan had no problem reciting as he slipped the ring onto Morgan's finger. When it was her turn, she did stumble a little bit which made everyone laugh. But she still made it through, and was able to slip his ring on without any flaws.

"I always knew there was something special about you from the moment you fell into my office," said Morgan, making everyone chuckle. "I love you Rowan. Forever."

"You may have been physically the most dangerous threat to me when we met," said Rowan, "But I've never felt safer with anyone else than I have with you. I love you Morgan. Forever."

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