Pt. 17 "Betty..."

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Jugheads POV:
      I woke up to a cold breeze blow across my face. I opened my eyes expecting to see Betty sleeping in my arms peacefully but she wasn't there. I got up and seen her phone lying beside her bag so I assumed she was outside the tent. I pulled some pants and a shirt on and stepped out of the tent.
"Betty" I called I didn't see her by the fire pit so I walked to the swimming hole. Nothing. "Betts!" I called louder. I was getting kind of worried. "Where are you!"

      "What the fuck Jughead be quite" I heard from a tent. I turned my head to see Tonis head outside of her tent. "Betty is gone!" I said throwing my hands up in the air. "Maybe she went to pops, call her" she said adding a yawn at the end of it "her phone is in the tent She would of taken it if she went somewhere" i shot back. "She might of forgotten it just calm down" she said stepping out of the tent.

     "I don't know Toni, don't you think she would of told me first?" I asked with worry filling my body. "I don't know Jug, want me to ride to pops and see?" She ask "yes please, call me if you find her, and meet at the Wyrm after!" I demanded. "Ok" she said walking to her Motorcycle. She drove off and I woke everyone else up. "We need to pack everything up" I told them

     "I don't know where Betty is so if your a serpent meet me at the bar" I said. I hopped on my motorcycle and drove to the Wyrm. As I walked in I heard my phone ringing Toni. "Hey, did you find her?" I ask immediately "no, I didn't I'm on my way to the bar now". She said. "Shit" I said before hanging up. I got the serpents attention and I knew what we needed to do. "Alright Betty is missing, I don't know if this is the case but the Ghoulies might have her" I said. "So I would like to go to the ghoulies bar and look for her" I told them.

    Toni walked in with a worried expression. "We're going to the Ghoulies bar" I told her. "Don't we need some sort of plan?" She asked me "we don't have time I'm not risking her being there any longer" I said walking past her. "Serpents lets go!" I said before walking out of the bar. We got on our motorcycles and drove across town to the ghoulies bar. Once we got there I walked in without hesitation and all eyes turned to me. The serpents followed close behind me. It was quite for a second. Until Penny came down the stairs "hey Jonesy, what brings you here" Penny said as she walked towards me

       "Wheres Betty? Is she here?" I asked taking a few more steps into their bar. "No, so I suggest you leave right now!" Penny said it got quite again for a few minutes and the serpents and ghoulies just stared at each other. I heard a voice from under my feet and I recognized it. "You liar!" I yelled loudly in her face and punched her. The ghoulies and serpents started fighting while I looked for some stairs.

     I seen a guy run up from some stairs and then he ran into a room. Carefully I made my way down the stairs and tried not to be seen by any ghoulies. As I got further down the stairs I heard the sobs getting louder and louder. I found a big metal door that led to a dark room. I peeked through the window that was on the door to see if anyone was in there but it was completely dark. "Betts are you in there?" I yelled through the door. "J-jug" I heard her say, her voice breaking some. I opened the door quickly and ran inside. I went to Betty and she jumped into my arms. "Oh my gosh Betts are you ok? Did they hurt you?" I asked her frantically

     "I'm ok Jug c-can we please just g-get out of here" she cried into my neck. I wrapped her in my arms and hugged her tightly. She wrapped her legs around me and I carried her up the stairs. "Serpents!" I called out. They stopped fighting and looked at me "I got her, lets go!" I ordered. We all walked towards the door but I was stopped by a voice behind me. "Jughead Jones" it was some guy who's voice I hadn't heard before. Betty stared shaking. I turned around to see a boy around my age "I see your taking my princess!" He snarled and walked to me. "We had some fun downstairs didn't we Blondie" an evil smirk spread across his face.

     "Why did you fucking do to her?" I said as I set Betty down on the ground behind some serpents and she hid her face in her hands. I turned back around to face the guy who was talking. "Oh yes, we had so much fun. I got her pants off of her but right before I could" I cut him off with a punch but I left it at that because I needed to be here for Betty right now. I turned back around to pick Betty up and all the serpents walked outside to our motorcycles. I helped Betty on the back and we drove back to Riverdale.

     I carried her into my trailer and locked the door behind me. "Shit Betts I'm so s-sorry" I cried sitting down beside her in the couch "this is all m-my fault" I said and hung my head down. She was still crying a bit too but she spoke up "Jug, you saved me! This isn't your fault" she said as she straddled me and cupped my face. A thought went through my head. This thought sacred my but I knew it would be best for Betty.

     This happened to her because I'm with her. This happened to her because the ghoulies knew I was with her and that I loved her. Clearly the only way to keep her safe was for us to stay away from each other. "Betty..." I said as I looked down at her. "Yea Juggie" she answered with a small smile. I didn't know what to do at this point but I felt like this would be best for her. "I think it would be better if we stayed away from each other" I finally said.



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