Pt. 41 "y-yes"

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  A/U I have to go eat dinner so this isn't proof read sorry if there is mistakes I was in a hurry!

Bettys POV:
       Jughead was very nervous from the note that Penny sent. I was trying to not let it bother me but If I'm honest, I'm terrified to. Last time they hurt me badly, that one guy almost raped me. It even drove Jughead away from me. I was determined to leave Olivia out of this so tonight she was going to stay with Toni and Cheryl. I can't have the ghoulies finding out about her, they might hurt her if they do.

     Me and Jughead just got home from the bar. We walked in and watched a movie. Jughead was in full alert. "Juggie, please relax, you're making me more nervous" I said to him. "I'm sorry Betts, I just can't lose you!" He exclaimed and pulled me closer to him. We stayed quit for a moment and soon enough I fell asleep. I think Jughead stayed awake watching out for me. I wasn't asleep long before I woke back up to a loud bang and glass shattering. I let out a loud gasp and jolted up in jugs arms. "J-jug" I whispered. My voice was breaking because I was nervous. "Come with me" he demanded and stood up. I followed him down into our basement and Into a small closet with a wardrobe.

     Jughead had tears falling from his face. "Betts, please don't come out of here unless I say to. I don't know how long i will be, but promise me you won't leave u-until I come get y-you, no matter w-what happens" he said. His words slipping at the end because of the tears. "I promise" I said letting a few tears slip as well. He pulled me into a big hug and kissed my head. "I love you" he whispered before shutting me into the small wardrobe. I hid myself into some clothes and listened closely to see if I could hear anything. "Jonesy!" Is all I heard. Everything else was to quite and sounded like muffled voices. I waited and all of a sudden I heard another loud bang and painful yelling from what sounded like Jughead.

    I was startled by it and I could feel my heart shatter. I pulled my phone up and the tears began flowing so hard. What if they really shot him? How could I live without him. "911 what's your emergency?" The call operator asked me. "I think s-someone just shot m-my husband, please h-hurry" I cried into the phone. I was trying to be as quite as possible. After I told the operator my address she sent somebody. Once the call ended I realized it was completely silent. I wanted to run out and make sure Jughead was ok but I promised him, I'd stay.

    I waited a moment before I heard footsteps getting closer to me. "Check over there" a voice said. "You, go that way" it demanded again. I held my hand over my mouth to cover up my breathing. I heard the closet door open and the light turn on. Soon wardrobe began moving a bit and soon the doors were slung open and a teenage guy wi he blonde hair and a black leather ghoulie jacket was staring at me with a devilish grin. "Boss, I found her" he said. A blonde women walked over to me "hello Mrs, Jonesy, Jughead didn't" she was cut off by the sounds of police sirens and an ambulance. "You bitch" she whispered.

    I was Yankees away from the wardrobe. "No stop!" I screamed at her but soon all I felt was my head sting and everything went black.

    I woke up shivering and my head pounding and stinging so badly. I opened my eyes slowly and seen I was in a room. It was freezing cold and dark. I had been laying on the ground, my ankle tied up and the other end of the big rope connected to a metal piece in the wall.  The rope was tied around my ankle very tightly, but the only thing I was worried about was Jughead. I had to know if he was ok. I searched my back pockets for my phone. I don't links how long I e been in this place but I didn't care, I had to try.  I felt my phone and felt a bit relieved that they hadn't taken it. I called Jughead and prayed he would answer.

   The phone rang for a minute before I heard his voice. "Betts! Where are you at?" He said frantically.
"Jughead! Are you ok? They s-shot you" I asked him, I could feel the tears. I was happy he was ok but I was so upset, he had been shot and he is just worried about me. "Yes Betty, I'm ok but I need to know where you are! I have to get you" he exclaimed. I heard some keys dangling "how long has it been Jug?" I asked him. "Betty, it's been 2 days, I couldn't walk so I've had serpents out looking everywhere for you, where are you?" He talked so quickly and clearly he was in a panic. "I don't know Jug, I'm in a dark cold room." I told him "My ankle is tied up and connected to the wall and there is no windows and it's very dark."

    Suddenly I heard a door open and I seen some light enter the room. I hung up the phone quickly and hid it behind me. "Hey princess" I heard. The same guy I seen at my home walked over and flipped a light on. "Ooh, your face looks rough" he told me and smirked some. I lifted my hand up and touched my head where it had been stinging. When I pulled my hand away there was blood all over it. "We shot Jughead in the leg, he'll live, but he won't find you because you are hidden very well" he said. I stayed quite. I didn't want to speak to him so I looked down and didn't look up at him once.

     "Hey bitch! Look at me!" He screamed causing me to jump. I slowly looked up and he stared at me "good girl, now you are going to do as I say, or get punished, understand?" He asked me. I still stayed quite, I just stared back at him. Soon he lunged forward and slapped me hard on the face. "I said do you understand?" He yelled again "y-yes" I said quietly to him.

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