Pt. 38 "Were In This Together"

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Jugheads POV:
      I looked down at my daughter and my heart filled with happiness. "Hey, Olivia May Jones" I said quietly to her as I held her in my arms. I felt a tear slip from my eye, and then another. I was in the room alone with her. She was born a few hours ago, but something happened with Betty when she gave birth to Olivia. I was terrified that something was going to happen to her but I knew I had to be here for Olivia. As much as I wanted to run down the hallway to where they had her, I knew Betty would want me to stay here with our daughter.

     Many, many hours of not sleeping, and holding Olivia past by. The doctors gave me a bottle with warm milk in it every couple of hours so I could feed her. I changed her diaper a few times and she slept most of the time. I stayed awake the whole entire time waiting on news. More and more time went by and I lost more and more hope, until finally the door opened and a doctor walked in. "Oh my goodness whats happening? Is she ok?" I asked frantically. My voice filled with worry. "Please say she's ok". I said to myself quietly.  "She's is ok now, we're exactly sure what happened, she had some internal bleeding" the doctor told me. "Come on, I'll bring you to her"

     I walked down the hallway with Olivia in my arms. She wiggled a little bit and let out a few coos. The doctor opened the door for me and I walked in he closed it behind me. "Juggie!" betty exclaimed and sat up quickly with a look of relief on her face. "Hey Betts," I said. I handed Olivia down to her. "Oh my...she's got your hair Jug" she said looking up at me. "And your eyes" I told her. Betty scooted over a bit and patted the bed beside her telling me to lay there. I laid beside her, her in my arms and Olivia in hers. "Are you ok Betts?" I asked her. "Yes, I'm perfect now!" She exclaimed and pecked my lips.

Time Pass
Bettys POV:
    "Welcome home Olivia" I said as I carried her car seat through the front door of mine and Jugs home. I sat her down and Jug kneeled down to unbuckle her. Once he did she woke up from her car nap and giggled a bit. "Hello Liv" he said picking her up. I yawned a bit, I was exhausted. "Go get in the bed Betts, I'll watch her for a while" Jughead said to me. "Ok, thanks Juggie" I said pecking his lips before walking up to our bedroom to get some rest.

    I woke up to some soft cries. I laughed to myself and walked down the stairs to find Jughead struggling to make the baby stop crying. "Here" I said and reached my hands out to him.  He handed her to me and I began to feed her. "She's just hungry" I smiled at Jughead as I fed her. "I'm gonna go pick up Pops, what do you want?" He said as he stood up. "My usual please" I told him. "Ok, I love you" he said pecking my lips and then planting a kiss on Olivias forehead "love you too" I said back before he walked out of the door.

     Soon Olivia was finished eating. She was very tired, which was normal since she is a newborn baby. She slowly went to sleep on my shoulder after I patted her back for a while. She snored quietly while I played with her her black hair. It was curly like Jugheads. I walked up the stairs to the nursery and placed Liv in her crib carefully, trying my best not to wake her. I covered her up after putting her head on her pillow gently. I tiptoed out of the room but left the door open in case she were to cry.

      About 20 minutes later Jughead opened the door cautiously and poked his head inside. "Is she sleeping?" He whisper yelled. I laughed at him "yea but she's up in her room, you don't have to try and be quite" I told him. He walked inside carrying the bags of food and placed them on the counter. I sat by the bar and unwrapped my burger and fries. "Oh, i got you a milkshake to!" He exclaimed and handed a vanilla milkshake to me "thanks jug" I said taking a sip from it "your welcome"

    Time pass

       I woke up, again! For the 7th time tonight. I groaned as I climbed out of bed. My legs were tired and my eyes barely holding open. Jughead came with me some times but I tried my best not to wake him up. This time I was lucky and didn't wake him. I walked into Olivia room and picked her up from crib and sat down with her in the rocking chair. "I just fed you 20 minutes ago, you can't be hungry again" I whisper shouted. Turns out I was right. She only cried harder when I tried to feed her. I went to change her diaper, but her diaper was dry. I just bounced her around in my arms for a while until she quit the crying. She made baby noises and cooed at me.  Apparently she just wanted to play. 

     I tried to set her back down in the crib but she just began crying again. "Olivia, it's not time for play" I groaned as I picked her up and bounced her around again. "Shh please Liv go to sleep". She bagan playing with my hair. I jumped when I heard 3 knocks on the door. Jughead walked in and took her from my arms. "Betts, why didn't you wake me?" He asked as he pat her back. "I didn't want to wake you again" I said truthfully. "Betty, were in this together, if you wake up I want to come with you" he said as he sat down on the couch. I sat down beside him. "Ok" I mumbled. We both sat there while Olivia messed around in our laps until finally she went back to sleep.


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