chapter 8

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i'm back with an update!!! hope you're enjoying the story :)
I'm woken up by the sound of keys being sat down and shoes hitting the wooden floor, i find myself cuddling up closer to the source of warmth next to me, the smell of fresh laundry, cinnamon, and vanilla fills my nose as i deeply inhale, welcoming more of the relaxing and comforting aroma into my lungs. As i become more aware of my surroundings I hear hushed whispers disrupting the silence that was once present in the dark room as i slowly open my eyes, i look up at the tv which now has the ' are you still watching " young & hungry"'?'written in bold bright white letters which was the main source of light in the room.

I quickly find myself sitting up from my position on the couch as i see the light of the kitchen turned on meaning only one thing. Mr and mrs Finley had finally arrived home. I find myself blushing thinking about the fact they had walked in to their home to see me laying with their son on their couch. They've only ever seen us be borderline nice to each other...and that's on a good day or when we're around older people. I finally grow the strength to get up from the couch and walk into the lit up kitchen.

I quietly walk into the kitchen seeing angie leaning against the white marble counter, a warm smile on her red lips as she watches her husband laugh. she finally directs her attention to my figure and is the first one to speak up from the two of us.

" Oh you're up, we didn't want to wake y'all." She says as i playful smirks forms on her smooth face. "Thank you so much again for coming tonight everly, especially on such sort notice and on a school night. And you really didn't have to clean up honey, i could've done it!" She says in a clam tone sounding very thankful as she walks over to me and embraces me in her arms, the smell of her perfume quickly surrounding me. Her hugs remind me so much of my mother's.

" It really wasn't a problem, ben went to sleep earlier than expected so i figured i might as well be useful" I mention as i let out a small laugh and pull on my green hoodie to straighten it down.

I quickly say my goodbyes to Mr. finley as he makes his way up the staircase after thanking me and wishing me a good night.

I make my way into the living room again making sure to turn off the TV before leaving. I grab my camera from the small coffee table, i finally guide my attention to the couch's direction to see asher laying in the same position from before i left to the kitchen,  the only difference now was his head was more tilted to the right because i wasn't there to lean on.

He looked peaceful while sleeping, his face almost angelic. He still had a small sunburn on his cheeks and nose from the weekend before, making him appear younger and innocent, the small amount of freckles that's usually present year round now almost doubled by the hot sun of the summer season. His slightly grown out wavy golden brown hair was messy pointing in every direction and his full pink lips were slightly opened. His features were so soft yet sharp, there was contrast in them. His sharp jawline made him seem dangerous yet his freckled cheeks and soft clear blue eyes said otherwise. Even in his sleep he messes with my head, it's so annoying how even in his most venerable state i can't seem to figure him out.

I feel myself quickly turning away from him as i realized i had been staring for longer than i'd ever admit to. I turn my head to the side to see angie smiling at me with curious eyes. I clear my throat in attempt to get rid of the thick awkward feeling surrounding me.

" Well i better get going, seeing as it is a school night. i'm so glad i could be of service and i hope you had fun on your date night!" I warmly smile making my way to the door and opening it. The chilly air of the outside immediately hits my warm face, making me feel less flushed.

" Again thank YOU for coming!" Angie says once again. I just offer her another smile and a small wave as i start making my way out the door before feeling her warm hand against my wrist. I turn around, the feeling of confusion fills my body and almost a sense of worry, wondering if i had said or done something wrong.

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