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Kim's POV
I smile as I follow Hailey into the station and up the stairs to intelligence. We each sit down at our respective desks, and Adam gives me a questioning look, considering the fact that I'm almost 7 minutes late and I've never been late a day in my life, I just wave him off. I stare down at the paperwork in front of me, my mind wandering off to this mornings events. I'm snapped out of my thoughts  by Voight coming out of his office. "We've got a body, lets go." And with that we're off. I end up riding with Adam, even though I tried to go with Kevin.  "You were late this morning." He says and I nod. "You're never late, and when you called me back this morning it was barely after 7." He adds and I look over at him. "And? I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear. There was traffic." I say and he makes his 'I don't believe you' face. "It's really not a big deal" I say getting, a little annoyed. "Not a big deal? How many times have you left me behind so you wouldn't be late?" He asks and i roll my eyes. "First of all, you take way longer to get ready than any full grown man should and second of all, I was late because- not that it's any of your business- I had to pick Hailey up, she drank a lot at Molly's last night and her head was killing her." I say, hoping that that'll satisfy him. "So what you're saying is you'll be late for Upton but not for me?" He asks and I pretend to think about it. "Pretty much yeah."
Hailey's POV
"So where'd you go last night?" Jay asks, not taking his eyes off the road. "Kim dropped me off last night, she had A LOT less to drink than I did." I say, because technically it's not a lie. I did get a ride from Kim, I just didn't end up going to my apartment. "Oh. So I'm guessing she gave you ride this morning too?" He asks and I let out a quiet chuckle, "Wow you're a lot smarter than you led onto be." I say which in return makes him roll his eyes. "You should feel special. I've known Kim for a very long time and she's never been late, not even for Adam." He says and I feel my heart warm at this information. "Good to know." I say quietly, starting to stare out the window.
they're gay.

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