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Hailey's POV
I look up at Kim as I finish securing her wire. "Please be careful." I say and she gives me a soft smile. "I'll be good. I'll be with Jay and I'll have you and Kevin for backup." She says and I nod a little before it's time to go. I gently squeeze her arm before we leave the locker room. "Remember the safe word is Hailey." I say which makes Kim smile and roll her eyes playfully before she gets out with Jay. I somewhat relax, not too worried because Jay and Kim are like siblings and Jay won't let anything that's not out of his control happen to her. They say that in the heat of the moment you'll what to do, but that's not necessarily true. The first shot is fired and then not even two seconds later there's a second shot fired, and between Jay telling Kim that she's gonna be alright and Kevin and I running in while Kevin calls for a bus, I hear Kim whisper one word, "Hailey."
Kim's POV
"Kim, Kim. You're gonna be alright, okay? Just stay with me. This is gonna hurt, but I gotta stop the bleeding. Use your other arm to hold onto me." Jay says and I nod and grab ahold of his arm before he starts to push down on my shoulder to stop the bleeding, I tighten my grip and let out scream of agony because it hurt, a lot. Before I know what's happening Hailey and Kevin are also by my side. "An ambulance is on its way, the rest of the teams gonna meet us at the hospital." Kevin says as Hailey takes my hand so Jay can put more pressure on the wound, which makes me scream again as I squeeze Hailey's hand as tightly as I can. Not much later Emily and Sylvie come in with a stretcher, shooing Jay and Hailey away. I black out on the way to med, the pain being unbearable.
I had a dream last night so that's where this is going. She's fine.

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