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Kim's POV
It's been about a month and a half since I was shot and I finally get to go back to work tomorrow, a lot has happened with me being in recovery. Hailey and I's relationship has gotten very serious, and she spends almost all of her free time at my apartment, she also stays overnight a lot. Everyone, but Adam knows that we're dating. I have completely ended things with him since the incident at the hospital. There's also I knew member of intelligence, Vanessa Rojas. I haven't met her yet, which is surprising considering the amount of times the teams come to over to hang out on the weekends, or when they don't have a case. I look away from the show I'm watching when I hear the front door open. "I have friends and food!" Hailey says, walking into the living room, takeout bags in her hands, Kevin, Jay, and someone I don't know following behind her. "Kev! Jay!" I exclaim as I get up to go hug them. "Hey Kim! How're you doing?" Jay asks and I smile. "Great! Look at this!" I say as I lift my arms above my head. "That's great! Didn't you cry-" I cut Jay off by punching him in the shoulder as hard as I can. "Ow! Hailey she hit me!" He whines and I roll my eyes as I follow Hailey into the kitchen. "You probably deserved it." She says as she sets the bags down on the counter. "He did." I say as I get five plates out of the cupboard. "As much as I love making fun of Jay, Kim hasn't been introduced to Rojas yet." Kevin says as I hand a plate to her. "It's nice to finally meet you Vanessa." I say and she smiles. "You too. I've heard a lot about you, especially from these three." She says and I look around at them. "You know id never let them say anything bad about you." Hailey says as she puts some food on her plate and I nod. "So, I've been in the 21st for a couple weeks now and I know that everyone has their own..family role and I'm just hoping that with you back, I'll be able to find my place." Vanessa says after we start eating, and I smile softly. "This team..we're a family and we have been for as long as I can remember, but we're all really excited to have you be apart of this family. Oh my gosh- it's like finally getting a sister after having brothers your entire life!" I say, getting excited as the last part hits me. "What about Hailey?" She asks confused, and I look at Hailey, Kevin, and Jay. "You guys didn't tell her?" I ask and they shrug. "It never came up until now.." Jay whispers and I roll my eyes. "Uh, guys?" Vanessa asks, a confused look on her face. "Right, sorry. Hailey and I, we're dating." I say and she looks between us a couple times as she processes this new information. "Really? That's great, I'm happy for you two" She says, smiling softly which makes us smile. I intertwine my fingers with Haileys, letting out a quiet sigh of contentment as I look at the people around me, having never felt so happy and relaxed in my life.
1. I've never been shot and I'm definitely not a doctor and this is a story so a month and a half it is.
2. This is the longest chapter I've written for this story. With the notes it's over 600 words lmao.

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