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Kim's POV
I smile as I sit down at my desk. "It feels great to be back" I say as I lean back in my chair. Jay goes to say something as Voight comes out of his office. "Kim, you good to go?" He asks and I nod quickly. "Alright then you and Rojas have the crime scene." I nod as I stand up grabbing my jacket and my keys at the same time as Vanessa. I ignore Kevin, Adam, Hailey, and Jay as they exchange a look, while Voight just shakes his head and goes back into his office apparently not wanting to be apart of whatever's about to happen. Vanessa and I lock eyes, neither of us putting down our keys. "I'll drive." I say firmly. "Oh, I just-" She starts, but I cut her off. "I'm driving." I say starting to walk away, really not giving much of a choice. I unlock my car getting in the drivers seat as Vanessa gets in the passenger seat. "Did I do something..?" She asks after we drive in silence for a few minutes. "What're you talking about?" I ask, looking over at her as we come to a stop at a red light. "You just...don't seem to like me, that's all." She says and I raise an eyebrow. "I like you, I just don't know you yet. Don't stress too much." I say and she nods as we start moving again. Hopefully I can start to like her soon.
yo I know this is really short but I literally have ZERO ideas so if someone would like to give me some that'd be great thank you so much.

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