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Kim's POV
I look away from my computer when Voight sets an envelope on my desk. "Here you go..Detective." He says, cracking a small smile. "Are you serious?!" I exclaim as I stand up, he nods hugging me. "You did it!" Hailey says as she takes Voight's place. "I'm so proud of you babe" She whispers and I smile as I hug her a little tighter. I get hugs/congratulations from everyone else, this being such a huge moment for me. "Molly's after work to celebrate, all of you are to be there."  I say, giving Jay a "no you can't skip out" look, he groans but nods. "Hey now you can boss Adam around. With authority." Hailey says and I giggle as Adam groans. "Does that mean i have to listen to her??" He asks, looking around. "Well. Technically? Yes." Hank says and Adam grumbles something. "Awe you poor thing. Quit acting like it changes anything." Jay says rolling his eyes playfully, or at least i think it's playfully. I can never really tell with him. "Okay everyone let's save the chatter that doesn't have to do with work for Molly's. Get back to work." Voight says before heading back into his office. I check the time seeing it's lunchtime, I decide to take this time to talk to Jay and figure out the hell is wrong with him. "Cmon Jay, let's go get lunch for everyone." I say giving him a look. He doesn't say anything, just grabs his keys and jacket and stands up. "Hey V, what do you want?" I ask looking at Vanessa, not really knowing her orders yet. "I'm probably the least picky eater, so surprise me." She says and I nod. "Alright. We'll be back." I say smiling at Hailey as I walk by her. Now to figure out what's up with Jay.
Me? Update? Never heard of it. Actually this was in my drafts half done and I decided to finish it. Sorry to leave ya hanging at the end but idk when the next part will be up 😬😬

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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