Chapter 1

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Evelyn's p.o.v.

" Get up! Now! " A loud female voice I've been hearing for my entire life yelled, with some banging on our 'room' door, causing Harry and I to shoot up from our bed in fright.

" Good morning, Evvy. " He mumbled, slipping his glasses on, smiling gently at me.

I rolled my eyes, " Morning. " I yawned, rubbing my eyes sleepily, and complained. " What's so good about mornings anyway? " While dragging my tired body out of the cupboard under the stairs, which we call room, and to the kitchen, and it is combined to the living room.

" Wake up, cousin! " Dudley came storming down the stairs in such a careless way, that I almost thought he would slipped his foot, and roll down the stairs, causing an earthquake to happen in this house, which sadly, did not happen. The fatty boy stop at the mid stairway and started jumping at right above the cupboard harry in. And if he really grew any heavier than he is already, the stairs would surely break under his weight, and Harry would also be squashed under Dudley's butt. " We are going to the Zoo today! "

Dudley ran down the rest of the stairs, and slammed the the cupboard door just when Harry was about to walk out. Poor thing Harry is. Scrawny and skinny boy he is, with a raven hair, and green, striking eyes. Dudley is way too strong for him. While I on the other hand isn't as weak as Harry. I have a surprisingly toned, firm and slim figure, though I can't remember why do I have it, with a ebony black hair that is identical to Harry's and the exact same black coloured eyes, though I am taller than Harry only slightly.

Harry timidly scurried into the kitchen, and Aunt Petunia immediately began giving us orders to cook the breakfast. " Why don't you two cook the breakfast, and try not to burn anything. " She pass the frying pan for us to cook breakfast, and quickly ran beside her ugly face son, covering his eyes, while mumbling something about wanting this day perfect for her fatty son's birthday.

Once the Dursley family turned away from us, I immediately made a ugly face, and turned back to the pan, helping Harry to prepare the breakfast.

I skillfully poured the bacons on to a plate, and placed them on the table.

" Get me my coffee. " Uncle Vernon ordered, rudely. Seriously, where's the please? I rolled my eyes, while slamming a mug of coffee infront of him, causing him to glare hatefully.

I went leaned on the kitchen counter, while hearing what Dudley was asking about his heap of birthday presents.

" How many presents are there? " Dudley questioned his father, while staring greedily at the presents. " 36. " His father answers proudly, gesturing to the presents of all sizes, shapes and colours, while adding scoops of 'sugar' into his coffee. " Counted 'em myself. "

Dudley's head snapped towards his father, with an expression on his face which makes everyone think that the the world has come to an end.

" 36!!! " He screeched, " But last year I had 37!!! " See, fellow readers, this brat standing in front of me is a totally a barbaric, spoiled, ugly, fat, rude, etc. I could go on with all of the suitable names for him, but I'm currently too tired, because by just seeing this Dudley dude, gives me headache. Anyway, I was trying to tell you that he gets 36 presents, while Harry and I only got like zero presents, and he's still complaining about how less present he gets.

" Uh well, some of the presents are quite bigger than last year's. " Vernon reasons, nervous about his son's outburst.

Dudley's face began to grow red in anger. " I don't care how big they are!!! " He yelled, causing his parents to flinch slightly at his temper, while Petunia immediately came to his side calming him down. " Now, now, now, this is what we are going to do, is that when we go out, we are going to buy two new presents for you. How's that, pumpkin? " She asked, making Dudley's face lit up with satisfaction.

Evelyn Potter and the Sorcerer's stone ( Draco Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now