Chapter 6

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Evelyn's p.o.v.

" WAKE UUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!" That, dear readers, was the first thing I heard in the morning.

" Mione! What's wrong?!!!! Is the tower on fire?!!!!!!! " I panicked, rolling out of my bed, while Parv and Lav sat up immediately at the word 'fire'.

And there was Mione giggling like a mad man at our faces.

" Wake up! Get ready we're going for breakfast soon. " She laughed, pulling me off the floor.

" What's the time now? The sun haven't even rise yet! " I complained, looking out of the window, and at the dark sky.

" Uhhhh, 7:45? " She giggled nervously. " Anyways, another 15 minutes for the cafeteria to open. "

" Mione!!!!! " I yelled, all three of us started chasing Mione around the room, then out of the room and to the Gryffindor's common room, then back to our rooms again.

" Why did you all chase me? " Mione pants, plopping down on her bed, while we did the same to our own beds.

" You woke us up from our beauty sleep at 7:45! Plus, classes doesn't even start until 9! " Parv complained, sitting up on her bed. " Now I have to cover my dark circles with makeups. "

And both she and Lav started busying themselves with makeup concealers to cover their dark circles, while Hermione and I glanced at them tiredly. Day until night, putting makeup. I'm seriously tired for them.

I grabbed my clothes, which includes a black spiky neck choker, ( they never said we couldn't wear necklace, did they? ) and headed to the bathroom to complete my morning routines.


" Lavender Brown!!! Are you done with your doing your makeup?!!!!! " I screamed on the top of my lungs. " I'm very, I repeat, VERY hungry, and hungry women is angry women. "

" You all go on without me, I still haven't put my blush, my lipstick and lipgloss. " Lavender pulled out a pink lipstick, and started her lipstick section.

" OMG!!! " Parv shrieked, looking at herself in the mirror. " My dark circles are still visible!! " And started her makeup all over again.

Hermione and I shrugged, collected our books and bags for the class, and went out of the room.


I sat down opposite to Hermione and started gobbling up the breakfast.

" Where's Harry and Ron? " Hermione asked, worriedly.

I shrugged carelessly. " No idea. Why? Worry about your boyfriend? " She slapped me on my head, while I snickered evilly.

I must admit, Mione and I are quite the opposite. She eats like a royal lady, while I eat like a prisoner from Azkaban that hasn't eaten for years. She is an insufferable know-it-all, while I am the bad girl. ( Not that I don't get good grades. ) She doesn't really involves in sports, while I love sports with all my heart. But still, there are similarities between us. She loves reading and learning things above her grade, and challenge herself to learn more things, so do I. And many more I'm too lazy to say.

Evelyn Potter and the Sorcerer's stone ( Draco Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now