Story Description

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I'm sure you've heard of Harry Potter and how he defeated the dark lord, Lord Voldemort.

But what if he has the sister, a twin sister to be exact, who also survived the curse from Voldemort, but sadly, her happiness was taken away from her and unintentionally replaced with power ever so great from Voldemort himself, who grew weak when the killing curse reversed to himself, causing his terror reign to stop immediately.

Evelyn Potter is the twin of Harry Potter, a young girl, who doesn't smile often and lives with her relatives, the Dursley family, and her brother Harry.

But one day, the Potter twin received a letter from a magical school called Hogwarts. Will they be able to make friends? Or maybe enemies? But most importantly, will she be able to finally feel happiness once again?




i whoever-it-is-that-is-reading-this-story, this is the first fanfic/story I have ever written, so I have to warn you that there maybe some- I mean, a lot of grammar mistakes, and this book, in my opinion, is totally crap. If you think there are something to improve,  ( which I'm sure there are tons) please comment or DM me. Thank you so much.


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