Chapter 12

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Evelyn's p.o.v.

" Hagrid always wanted a dragon. Told me so the first time Evvy and I met him. " Harry said, while we walked down the hall, towards our dorm.

" It's crazy, And worse, Malfoy knows. " Ron spat, angrily.

" I don't understand. " I shook my head, and Hermione and I look at the boys, questioningly, though they're not looking at us. " Is it that bad? "

" It is bad. " Ron said, looking unblinking, infront of him, and we quickly glanced towards where he's looking, only to see Professor McGonagall and Mouthfoul standing there.

" Good evening. " McGonagall greeted sternly, while a smirk played on Mouthfoul's lips, making me want to punch it out of his face right there and then.


" Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about at night. " McGonagall scolded from behind her table, while the five of us, including Mouthfoul, stood infront of the table. " Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken. "

" 50?!!! "

My besties immediately gasped in horror, and I held my emotionless face, while Mouthfoul smirked, nodding his head in satisfaction.

" Each. " McGonagall added, and my face was priceless. " To ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention. "

Mouthfoul's smirk suddenly went down, to my happiness. And he went up to the Professor, before asking uncomfortably polite, " Excuse me, Professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the five of us. "

" No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. Honourable as your intentions were, you too was out off bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention. "

He frowned looking over at us in distaste, while we smirked evilly at him.


On the night of detention, Filch led the five of us out of the castle and towards the Forbidden Forest, while rambling to us non stop. " A pity, they let the old punishment die. Was a time detention found you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming. "

The others immediately grimaced, while I snickered, finding what he said very amusing.

We stopped at Hagrid's shack, and saw Hagrid coming outside, holding a crossbow.

" You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do in the Dark forest. " Filch announced evilly.

" A sorry lot, this, Hagrid. " Filch says, and got no response from the... sad Hagrid? " Good God, you're not still about that bloody dragon, are you? "

" Norbert's gone. " Hagrid said sadly to us. " Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony. "

" That's good, isn't it? He's with his own kind. " Hermione assures, kindly, trying to cheer Hagrid.

" Wha' if he doesn' like Romania? Wha' if the other dragons are mean ter him? He's only a baby after all. " Hagrid sniffed, while Filch and I rolled our eyes.

" For god's sake, pull yourself together. You're going into the Forest. " Filch snorted, unpleasantly. " Got to have wits about you. "

" The Forest? I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there. " Mouthfoul gasped, fearfully. " Students can't go in there. And there are... * A wolf howl was sounded from the forest * Werewolves. "

" There's more than Werewolves in those trees. You can be sure of that. " Filch says, discouragingly. " Nighty- night. " And just like that, he went back to the castle leaving us with Hagrid.

Evelyn Potter and the Sorcerer's stone ( Draco Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now