Chapter 14

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Evelyn's p.o.v.

I layed down on my four-post bed, staring up at the ceiling, bored out of my mind.

Harry asked us to meet at the common room at the 11 o'clock. And now there are about 2 hours until 11. Mione, Lav and Parv are already asleep, or what Lav use to say, ' deep in their beauty sleep ', but I already told Mione that I won't be sleeping till we finish the mission, and she asked me to wake her up when the time comes for us to go to the trapdoor.

I rolled on the bed a few times, making the bed squeak, causing the half asleep Parvati, who has a moisturising mask on her face, throw a soft toy at my face, making me shut up, and immediately fell asleep again.

I jumped off the bed soundlessly, slipping into a black Nike jumper, along with a black sport pants, and, of course, a black sport shoes.


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Okay. Astronomy Tower time.

I rushed out of the Gryffindor tower, and started climbing the never ending staircases to the Astronomy Tower.

I finally reached the top, and basically crawled towards the railing, hooking on to the railing, once I reached it.

The view from the Astronomy Tower is the same as the first time I saw it, before Mouthfoul interrupted. Just as beautiful and breathtaking.

I stood there for what seems like ten minutes, but when I checked my pocket watch, it was already 10:55.

My eyes widened in surprise, and rushed down the long staircases, and entered my dorm, quickly shaking Hermione to wake up.

" Hermione Jean Granger! Wake up now. " I whispered-yelled-hissed at her, if there's such a word, bending over her body.

She sat up suddenly, her forehead coddling with mine. She squeaked in surprise and pain, while I groan, rubbing my forehead pitifully.

" What's wrong with you? " I hissed at her. She giggled nervously, and rushed off to change into a brown jumper and dark blue jeans.

I shook my head in disappointment, and the two of us walked out to the balcony, waiting for the two guys to come out of their dorm.

We waited for what seems like eternity in nervous silence, standing infront of their door, while I kept taping my foot, waiting for them to come out, they finally came out.

" You are late. " I growled, pulling out my pocket watch. " Now's 11:01. You're late for 1 minute. "

" Just one. " Ron whined.

" Still consider as late. " I held my head high, and the four of us skip down the stairs to the Gryffindor's common room.

And to all our surprise, on top of the couch sat Trevor, Neville's frog.

" Go, Trevor. You shouldn't be here. " Ron whispered- yelled at the frog.

" Neither should you. " A voice that seems very similar to Neville's voice stated, and Neville stood up from the coach that have been covering him. What was really funny is that he was wearing a teddy bear pajamas. He can compete with Percy in embarrassing pajamas contest, you know. " You're sneaking out again, aren't you? "

Evelyn Potter and the Sorcerer's stone ( Draco Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now