Chapter 17

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Evelyn's p.o.v.

I was about to bite on my 21st chicken burger, when McGonagall knocked her glass cup to get our attention, like she always did when Dumbledore wants to say something.

" Oh come on! I was about to eat my 21st burger, man! " I screamed unhappily at her, holding out my burger for her to see.

She looked at me for a moment with an annoyed look on her face, and decided to ignore me, before Dumbledore rised from his seat, starting his speech, " Another year gone. And now I understand it, the house cup needs awarding. In fourth place, Gryffindor with 242 points. " My smirk immediately dropped at the speech, and my eyes found itself staring into the silver eyes of Mouthfoul, who's smirk widened, looking smugly at me.

All Gryffindors immediately groaned slightly, looking totally bordered, especially me.

" Third place, Hufflepuff with 352 points. "

I folded my arms angrily, while the rest the Gryffindors clapped grouchily, looking unexceptionally angry.

" In second place, Ravenclaw with 436. "

We Gryffindors once again clapped grouchily, same with the Hufflepuffs. But the Ravenclaws seem happy, even if they were second place, and Slytherin, of course, was unimaginably glad, because they were getting first place. Quite obvious they were going to win, though. The flags of the champion house above us, has green painted on it, along with a Slytherin sign on each of it.

" And first place with 472 points, Slytherin house. " The Slytherins immediately jumped up from their seats happily.

But one thing that was I must tell you, my eye contact with Mouthfoul never broke away, he kept smiling smugly at me again and again, while I glare at him with passion, until Dumbledore suddenly made another announcement, causing me to tear my eyes away from his and looked grouchily at Dumbledore.

" Yes, well done, Slytherin, well done. However, recent events must take into account. And I have a few last minute to award. " Dumbledore announced, causing the Slytherins to stop cheering, and the Gryffindors to sit up higher, hope filling our eyes. " To Miss Hermione Granger, for cool use of intellect while others are in grave peril, 50 points. "

Hermione blushed deeply at the compliment and all those stares people were giving her. And I must tell you this, my dear readers, it's just between you and me. I, the greatest detective on the entire earth, didn't miss the smile Ron gave Hermione, when he thought no one was looking.

And I too never miss the dirty look Mouthfoul gave us Gryffindors, and immediately smirked, satisfied at his bothered looking face.

" Good one, Mione. " I whispered to her encouragingly, while she gave me a smile in return.

" Second to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years, 50 points. "

Ron looked ever so surprise, and looked to us, mouthing, ' me? '

And almost immediately, I mouthed back to him, ' you. '

" And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure nerve and unending loyalty, I award Gryffindor 55 points. " All the clapping starts again, with the Slytherins getting more grouchy, and the Gryffindors getting more excited.

" And fourth, to Miss Evelyn Potter, for outstanding survival skills when things are in trouble and unimaginable courage to stand up to your rival, another 55 points. " A lot of thumping were made on my back, making me wanna vomit out my entire course of 21 burgers in my stomach right out on the table.

" We're tied with Slytherin. " Hermione hissed to the rest of us, and everyone immediately started whispering, wondering who would win the house cup, but Dumbledore wasn't finished with his speech just yet.

" Finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom. " Neville suddenly seem so stunned, that he looked at us in disbelief, while everyone in Gryffindor started clapping their arms off.

You should see the look on Mouthfoul and his goons when Dumbledore announced that. Damn hilarious.

" Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order. " Dumbledore claps his hands and the green and silver flag above us changed into red and gold, with Gryffindor's sign on it. " Gryffindor wins the house cup! "

I immediately jumped on top of the table in joy, cheering my ass off, along with the rest of the Gryffindors, though they didn't stand on the table. And everyone began throwing their hats in the air, including me. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Mouthfoul and his goons throw their hats angrily on the table, causing me to smirk once more in satisfactory.


Tommorow is June 1, which means we're going back to the stupid Dursleys, but I'm telling you this, today's literally the best day ever. I managed to eat 37 burgers all together, after Dumbledore interrupted on my 21st burger, to announce the winner of the house cup.

And now, I'm currently waiting for the time to turn 12 o'clock, midnight, so I can go to the Astronomy Tower to spend my last day on the tower tonight.

And...... Dong, dong, dong. The gigantic tower clock on top of the school tower finally rings, causing me to immediately jump out of the bed, slipping into a casual black t-shirt, pants, rushing off to the Astronomy Tower once again.


Mouthfoul wasn't there early this time, so I get to take the balcony first.

The wind was especially cool tonight, and the moonless, black night was amazingly beautiful, and indescribably breathtaking.

It was so comfy, that I almost fell asleep right there and then.

I sat on the floor, my back leaning on the railing, my eyes almost drooping.

My hair started messing up, because of the damn wind.

The coldness of the wind was pressing against my cold skin, causing my to shiver in delight. Did I mention that I love things that are cold? I must admit, I have more Slytherin instincts that Gryffindor instincts. The thinking hat must have been terribly scared of dirty toilet water, and quickly placed me in Gryffindor house.

My vision started to blur slightly, and I remembered hearing some footsteps, and a flash of blonde hair, before everything turned black.


OH MY GOOOOOOOOODDD!!!! THIS IS THE LAST FREAKING CHAPTER!!!! Okay, calm down, Isabel. Calm down.


Anyways, I was trying to say is, Thanks for reading this book, and please don't forget the Epilogue at the next part.





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