Twenty-One: Full of Love

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Song: Brianstorm // Arctic Monkeys

Designed a new cover :p

Thank you to sheilasakamaki for her wonderful message that made my day!

Uh a mildly steamy chapter ahead? Idk but this is a very Rose and Dylan chapter.



I'd like to believe that my life events have led up to me meeting Rose.

I didn't necessarily believe that everything happened for a reason, but I did believe that the choices you made can heavily affect you in the future. I'm not saying that I'm thanking fate for introducing me to Rose, but that I'm glad I decided to go into the grocery store with Amber the day she got her period for the first time.

I'm also glad that she gave Amber her phone number.

As I spent more time with my amazing girlfriend, I realized that there was a list of things I loved about her. I loved her compassion for others; she noticed two confused strangers standing in an aisle and she came up and offered her help. I loved her smile and kind-hearted personality; I've never met anyone whose face didn't light up at the sight of her grin, and I've never met anyone who didn't like Rose. And I absolutely loved how, despite not knowing us at all at first, she managed to worm her way into Amber's life and become a maternal figure my sister could look up to.

Suffice to say, I loved a lot of things about her, and the thought of having the fucking privilege to call her my girlfriend made me grin like the Cheshire cat. And on top of the list of things I loved about her, I absolutely adored the little things she did too.

I adored the way the corners of her eyes crinkled every time I surprised her with a bouquet of sunflowers (which I've learned were her favorite). I adored the way she'd randomly cup my face, squeeze my cheeks, and lean over to give me a kiss on my cheek. Not to mention, I adored how, after I'd introduced her to my favorite band, she went home, listened to their music, and played their songs while singing the lyrics as I drove us to one of our lunch dates.

Being around her just brought a sense of joy to my life that I'd been missing. I always looked forward to when I'd see her next just so I could see her smile, or feel her lips on mine, or have her snuggle into me as we sat and talked about our day.

Rose's more frequent visits to our household also made Amber's day as well. I think it was because she finally had another woman in the house, and I couldn't blame her. I always had dad to guide me through my adolescence, but Amber didn't have a mom. So, although I'd get irritated when she'd whisk Rose away, I understood why she felt the need to hang out with her.

Sometimes, Amber would intervene on our movie dates that we had in my living room, and sit between the both of us. Sometimes she'd cuddle Rose, and sometimes she'd snuggle up to me, but I didn't mind as long as the both of them were happy.

Because whenever I saw the sight of Amber fast asleep on Rose's lap, while the latter played with my sister's hair, I couldn't help but feel that things were finally falling in place for me.


Being CEO wasn't as tiring as it once was. After I'd gotten over my initial hatred for the position, and came to terms with the death of my father, the job became second nature to me. Sometimes, I missed playing my violin, and I'd occasionally catch myself thinking of what would have happened if dad never died. Rose, however, shone light on a new perspective and taught me that just because I couldn't be a violinist didn't mean I should hate being CEO.

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