The Light behind your Eyes

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So long to all of my friends
Every one of them met tragic ends
With every passing day
I'd be lying if I didn't say
That I miss them all tonight
And if they only knew what I would say
If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep

- The Light behind your Eyes by My Chemical Romance

Chapter 5 - The Light behind your Eyes

One Month Later

Mickey, Iggy, Collin and Terry sat in the TV room, Mandy had asked them here because she wanted to introduce someone.

While the other three men were left in the dark, Mickey already knew all about it. Mandy had a new boyfriend. She had told him all about him since she had a crush on him until they got together. Now she had the, rather difficult, task of gaining their father's approval for her boyfriend.

"Do you know what this shit is about, Mickey", Terry asked annoyed.
"I think Mandy wants to tell us herself, Dad."
"So, you do know something, tell me so I don't have to sit through your sister's dramatic entry."
"I had to promise her not to, dad, it seemed really important to her", Mickey mumbled, not daring to look at his father.

Luckily, Mandy finally entered the room.

"Good, you're all here.", she beamed, a bright grin was on her face, "I want you to meet my new boyfriend."
"Yeah, get the fuck on with it Mands, I don't get why we have to sit through this, too. You need dad's opinion, not ours.", Collin complained.
"You need to meet him, he is my boyfriend. So, now shut up.", she left the room quickly and came back with a tall, handsome man. He had dark hair and dark eyes, ripped body, his shirt stretched over his tight muscles.

"Babe, this are my brothers Mickey, Iggy and Collin and my dad, Terry Milkovich. Dad, this is my boyfriend, Tom Anderson.", she smiled and leaned against Tom.
Tom tried to look relaxed, but Mickey and his brothers could tell that he was scared shitless.


Mickey lay on his bed, leaned against the headboard in a bunch of pillows, he had collected from everywhere in his room.

He was looking at his door, thinking about Ian and Dimitri and Mandy... he wasn't sure if he wanted to see Ian tonight.

Someone knocked on his door.
The door opened slowly, and Ian appeared, "Hey, sorry, I just wanted to ask... if you're okay. You refused to go to dinner and everything..."

Mickey shrugged.
"Do you want me to go?"
Mickey paused and eventually shook his head, so Ian came in and came to the bed. He took his suit jacket off an sat on the bed next to Mickey.

"You okay?", Ian asked again.
"Yeah, I just wasn't hungry earlier."

"You seem sad"
Mickey shrugged, "I'm just sober.", he said, "Looks the same on me."
"Completely sober?"
"Yeah. Not even weed or a beer today. You've never seen me like this, trust me."

Ian looked at him mildly concerned, even though he was glad that Mickey was sober for a change.
"I heard Mandy's got a new boyfriend."

"Yeah... Tom.", Mickey said licked his lips, and chuckled, "They just... randomly fell in love. She told me how it happened, it was so random, you know? Did you ever do that? Randomly fall in love? Like you meet someone, and you like them, sure, but you never think there'd be feelings and you spent time together and stuff and just... fall in love? That's how Mandy told me, it's so random.", he sighed, "I think I want that. To randomly fall in love with someone. I'd like that... but I will never get that chance and that's fucking unfair."

"Why do you think you could never fall in love?"
Mickey shook his head, "Even if, I could never do something about it. I have to keep this a secret forever. And the last time I had a crush on someone he got killed.", he looked at Ian, "Did you ever randomly fall in love?"

Ian looked at him and bit his bottom lip, "Hm", he made and looked at his feet, "I think so, yeah. When I met him, I never thought I'd have feelings for him or that anything would ever happen with him and me, you know? But over time I got to know him better, we spent time together and... when you fall in love it sometimes happens so slowly that you don't notice it until it suddenly hits you like 'bam' and you realise you're head over heels."

Mickey looked at him, "Are you together with him?"
Ian shook his head, "If I'd have a boyfriend, I wouldn't sleep with you, Mickey. I don't think I will ever get together with him... I don't know if he has or will have any feelings for me, ever."

Mickey nodded, "You deserve a random love, Ian", Mickey said to him, looking at him sincerely.
Ian smiled, "You deserve one too, Mickey. Believe it or not."
Mickey shrugged.

Ian put an arm around Mickey an pulled him to him, he kissed his forehead.
"I like Sober-Mickey."
"I don't", Mickey whispered.

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